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Chapter 1116: Hands-on, Han Xiling

Baili Hongzhuang's words are like a sharp blade that stings Han Xiling's heart. Facing Baili Hongzhuang's indifferent but confident appearance, she only feels that her belly full of arrogant words can't tell at this moment.

Indeed, if all this is really important, then the Emperor would not like Baili Hongzhuang at all.

But it is precisely because of this that she is not reconciled!

Why is she, which is better than Baili Hongzhuang everywhere, but the Emperor only has Baili Hongzhuang in his eyes?

Seeing Han Xiling standing in a daze, as if stimulated by what she said, Baili Hongzhuang looked at the house of Di Beichen.

Han Xiling is not a sufficiently sophisticated competitor. On the contrary, when she and Di Beichen are in a close relationship, no matter what Han Xiling does, they are nothing but annoying. That's boring guy.

The layout of Di Beichen's bedroom is equally simple but not monotonous. It gives people a sense of comfort at first glance, just like Di Beichen himself.

With a simple glance, Baili Hongzhuang has a clear view of the furnishings here.

Baili Hongzhuang slowly walked to the desk. Seeing that there seemed to be a painting on the desk, she couldn't help being a little curious, not knowing what a masterpiece was.

However, when Baili Hongzhuang took out the drawing paper and took a look, she discovered that the person on the drawing paper was very familiar.

The person on this drawing paper is not someone else, but herself!

The pitch-black phoenix eyes were filled with a touch of surprise. The portrait was actually lifelike, and the expression was very vivid, which made people's eyes bright.

"Master, this painting is so good, it should be painted by Di Beichen, right?"

Xiao Hei's eyes flashed with surprise, this portrait is really too realistic.

If the painter is not very familiar with Baili Hongzhuang, he would not be able to make such a portrait.

She thought besides Di Beichen there shouldn't be a second person.

Baili Hongzhuang never answered, but a faint smile spread across her eyes.

She also understood that only Di Beichen could draw such a painting.

Han Xiling also saw this painting, her cold and moving face instantly froze, and her face became extremely ugly.

She never knew that Big Brother Emperor could paint, and never knew that Big Brother Emperor painted people so lifelike.

In her impression, the Emperor had always disdain to do these things.

For the Emperor, there is nothing more important than cultivation, almost as long as there is time to cultivate.

However, now he has painted a portrait of Baili Hongzhuang?

Almost in a short while, Han Xiling understood that this portrait must have been painted by Di Beichen before returning to Tiangang Sect.

Is it just that after being separated from Baili Hongzhuang for a while, did Di Beichen already miss her so much?

Looking at the smile that bloomed at the corners of Baili Hongzhuang's lips, Han Xiling felt very ironic.

In the next moment, Han Xiling made a quick shot, and directly approached the scroll. She was going to destroy this thing!

Seeing Han Xiling's actions, Baili Hongzhuang's speed was also extremely fast, when even taking the scroll back, Han Xiling's destruction was prevented.

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