4. The Fare of a Ferryman

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Water. So, so much water filled wrath. The halls and caverns of the entrance segment were empty, hollow, nothing but absence and ruin. This lack of lesser blood kept pushing V1 to descend deeper. Though it had questions about its certain environment, these maintenance shafts that led them through hell were surely made by humans. But how far did they really go? What else constructed these? Inquiry after inquiry, down the shaft like usual. Perhaps some things are better left unanswered. V1 settled on not knowing as it was not his prime directive. Yet something was off about this next part of the layer. Before V1 landed he could hear cries, begging for mercy. The sound only got louder when V1 landed, looking at the exit door to continue. V1 stepped out into the soft and supple rain, staring out into the ocean of souls that the machines caused. Fighting for air, wading in pain, or accepting fate and succumbing to the water was the only option for souls who were unfortunate enough to be here. Similar to Limbo in a sense, only in Limbo the only torture was seeing the paradise of heaven without indulging in it.

The rain never stopped pouring as V1 traversed the stormy ocean of souls. It sought shelter in a small cabin-like structure. It was a miracle it didn't collapse under the storms' brutal waves. Whoever used their craftsmanship really put in the work. A small but audible sound was coming from the upstairs room, a hum that was of holy origin. An Idol sat in the middle of the room, linking to a nearby filth. Its animal-like instinct and hunger drove it to try and attack V1. A swift neck grab was enough to restrain the filth, but nothing would kill it.

An Idol of the Virgin Mary, holding the baby Jesus, glowed every time the filth was hit. The holy light protected anything within reach, even though it was made from hell energy. Something wasn't adding up. V1 looked at the idle and at the filth again, it smashed under the knuckle blaster punch. Holy light dissipated as the filth was no longer protected. V1 lifted the filth over their head and tore them in half, the filths' s fragile body spilling blood over V1. It was enough to fuel them for now. By now V1 had noticed the absence of hells' denizens.

In the distance stood a cruise ship, one that seemed of the steam era, a signal of life coming from it. If it was alive, it would bleed.

"Target acquired. Blood source tracked".

V1 faced the stormy rain again, with it only getting louder and more violent. Accompanied by thunder and lightning, the ocean of souls drowned out more than ever before. The ship was boarded, there sat the poor Ferryman, whose services came to a grinding halt after the robot invasion. He bore a holy cloth, along with his paddle that sat gently beside him. The Ferryman never noticed V1, not yet at least.

"A shining light in this terrible abyss, he showed me the light from the depths. I thank you, Lord for sending him. He is the light in my darkness, as you are to all creation".

The Ferryman then kept on whispering to himself, most likely about God. A being who isn't even there, V1 could not figure out the logic of it. Yet that was none of their concern, the only concern was getting enough fuel until the next batch of blood. Or until Gabriel is found again.

An idol stood in front of V1, its holy power resonating off the holy cloth on the Ferryman. The mockery of the holy virgin was picked up by V1, but still the Ferryman never noticed. V1 didn't give peace a chance. Peace was never an option anyhow. V1 crushed the hardly sculpted Idle in their hands, finally the Ferryman looked up and saw V1, the pieces of the idle freshly broke in their hands. The Ferryman grabbed his humble oar and dove into the blood thirsty robot, swinging the oar at him. The Ferryman zipped around the battlefield, rolling behind V1 and taking quick hits at them. V1 took out the feedbacker, it was faster than the knuckleblaster to keep up with the Ferryman. It took a moment to realize a pattern but eventually V1 could figure out each move. One swing from the Ferryman almost landed a final blow, yet V1 caught the oar, pulling it from the Ferryman dealing a major swing to the Ferryman's skull in return. A little amount of blood dripped onto V1, it wasn't enough. Never enough. V1 kept the pressure on with the oar until the Ferryman got a hold of it, a glow and a chime followed it. It brought lighting from the storm unto V1, it fried most of the blood left in V1.

Another Idol broken, more clashing. It reached the top of the ship. V1 forgot about weapons, mainly using their fist to deal damage, along to parry the oar. A bruised and tired and Ferryman used his oar as a support, his breath slow and patient, A fully fueled V1 walked over the Ferryman who was to beaten to even resist being picked up. V1 walked toward the edge of the ship, staring out at all the souls that it caused. It wasn't clear who caused most of it but V1 knew they were a big part in the downfall of mankind. It mattered not, who caused what or what dies. The Ferryman still in V1's arm, was suddenly falling. The ocean of souls swallowed him whole, not leaving any room for air. V1 tossed 1 coin in the ocean.

"Passage purchased"

With that V1 left into the ship of fools.


The cold waters hit the Ferryman's bony skin, too tired to resist being pulled in further. A last minute prayer, hoping Gabriel, God, or anybody would save them.

He hoped the light would save him, as it saved him before.

Yet there was nothing. There was not the angel who once carried him in his embrace. Only darkness and a shaken faith.

A faith that never cared about him.

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