6. Shared moment

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After a couple of moments, there was a bright light. While it took V1 a minute to be able to render the sudden brightness, the surroundings were able to be felt. Along with the brightness was warmth, almost comforting if not for Gabriel being right there.  His own presence was more radiant than heaven itself. At least to V1's rendering of the surroundings. 

"Machine, come with me". Quickly the machine's attention was redirected to angel. Slowly they made their way to a large structure, resembling a court. Its structure was imposing. "They should be here. They are always here".Several of the lesser angels looked silently as V1 and Gabriel stood before. "Machine, there is something important that must be done here. I only need you to watch the door. Make sure no one leaves the court". V1 nodded, checking if they still had all their weapons. Only the standard piercer  revolver. It was enough. Though their exchange was brief, it spoke volumes. While V1 stood guard outside Gabriel entered the court, ready to do what he must.







Interesting. You impress me. You're not like the others. You're different. And now look where you arrived. Perhaps this time, I'll enjoy something more exhilarating. My reach is not far, V1. It is time. I hunger




This isn't the end V1. You know it. Their systems could be figured out, you aren't any different. It's only a matter of time.

Soon enough V1 reactivated, their visual receptors slowly rendering everything in. In the whites and golds of heaven, V1 stood out like a sore thumb. With a quick vulnerability test, V1 discovered an open hole in his code. Yet no matter what was done to fix it, it remained. There was no time to dwell on it, what mattered was finding out who did this. What entity could penetrate such a strong and secured code like V1's. Humanity was dead, no access from them could be possible. Any enemy in hell wouldn't be intelligent enough to do this.  The machines in hell couldn't have done this either, they aren't advanced enough or have the tools to properly breach code.  Something farther than that was responsible. Something that had a mind, something that was superior to a machine. An ungodly amount of thinking to break this kind of code. Yet there was one connection, although faint, that still remained in V1...

The Terminals

An immediate attempt to sever the connection was attempted. Yet nothing worked. The connection entered a sort of quarantine in the code, not allowing it to spread further. V1 decided to check on Gabriel. V1 entered the court, finding the members of the council laying dead. V1 slowly pieced it together, their metallic fingers slowly moving over their corpses. The blood was too old, no use for it if it wasn't fresh.  The previous noises of the hustle and bustle of heaven ceased. Quick to investigate, V1 stood up and went to where Gabriel stood. Gabriel held the head of the highest council member, holding it out for all heaven to see, his radiance shining through. Though silent the message rang out louder than any before. No more did the council lead heaven, instead its people will. V1 stood by Gabriel, who seemed focused on sharing the message of the death of the council. A new future could now be forged from the heavens. Slowly V1 tapped Gabriel on the shoulder to get his attention. "Oh, machine. Forgive me, I was occupied". The machine only nodded at his response. Despite there finally being a semblance of peace between them, something gnawed at  V1's code. It ate at the machine's simulated brain.  V1 simply shrugged it off, ignoring the sensation. Checking the fuel tank, it was running low. Especially since the fight with Gabriel had allowed most of his fuel to leak out earlier. Gabriel was too busy looking out into the silent crowd. Gently it aimed the piercer revolver at Gabriel. The trigger seems locked, the machine's finger remaining still. A moment of forced hesitation, violating its own fuel objective. Slowly it lowered the revolver, pretending it never happened. Suddenly, another intrusion into V1's code came in.

You bore me with your hesitance. But don't worry. It will not last.

Oml wtf am I doing anymore with this shitty fanfic lol. SOrry it's so short and took me so long. Failing classes so haven't had time to write. K bye))

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