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        Prince Zhao Kuo following with Lan He he stopped at a distance.
        "I need to be alone." He said as he leaned on the nearby balcony.
        "Your Highness?" Lan He called.
        "Even you." Prince Zhao Kuo said and the rest bowing their heads they withdrew immediately while the words that the two had exchanged lingered at the back of his mind.
       Shi Miyuan walking around he halted at the sight of Dong Hua in front of him and a smile on his face brought him curiosity he decided to walk closer to his master.
       "You look so excited." He said.
       "I told her." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "And what is her reaction?" Dong Hua asked.
       "I don't know." Shi Miyuan, "but did you prepare everything that I had asked?" He asked
       "Yes Your Excellency." Dong Hua replied.
       "We move tonight." Shi Miyuan ordered.
       "Yes." Dong Hua replied.
       Yang Meizi barged into her own Chambers as she stepped in the middle of her mirror while facing the wall.
        "Milady?" Nuwa called but she was absent minded recalling the words that Shi Miyuan had said to her.
        "you are very much unlike every other person that I have met in my life and from the first day that I saw you my heart never felt the same.
         You are beautiful, you are brave, you are kind, I'm not certain how generous you are but I don't want any of these to be the reason why I like you because suppose one day they fade away and like flowers they either, I want to remain loving you till the day that I'll breathe my very last." He'd confidently spoken and unable to control whatever it was that she felt she quickly turned to Nuwa.
       "What's happening to me?" She asked.
       "You like him." Nuwa replied.
       "That's impossible." Yang Meizi said.
       "Face it." Nuwa said, "it's very clear that the both of you are comfortable around each other and you keep running into each other, I know I may sound absurd but that isn't something that happens everytime." She added.
       "Do you realise how bad that is?" Yang Meizi asked.
        "Because you are a Court Lady?" Nuwa asked.
       "My position forbids me from loving, and so do my loyalties, for the people that I have sworn to avenge I fear that in this battle of mine I might implicate Innocents." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Then are you ready to kill those affections Milady?" Nuwa asked.
       She kept quiet.
       "I don't know." She replied.
       "Just because you are set for vengeance or whatever motives that Milady may possess, I am here to support you all the way but don't forget what your mother asked you to do for her and it was simply for you to live well." Nuwa replied.
      "How could I live well when the people that tore my world are in peace?" Yang Meizi asked.
      "For what it's worth." Nuwa replied, "if you must abandon....." She was saying when she was interrupted by her mistress.
       "Never." Yang Meizi replied, "mother and Uncle Zhang raised you, if we can't be even with their enemies for what they did then how would we face them in the netherworld and what type of Filial children would we be?" Yang Meizi asked.
      "I understand Milady." Nuwa replied.
      It was already getting dark and Shi Miyuan and his men marched up to the entrance of the Fanling Court.
     "Dong Hua, come with me, the rest of you please stay put outside in case anything happens." he ordered and thd others replying in unison he marched in to the sound of entertainers.
       "Where is the person that we are looking for?" Shi Miyuan asked.
        "The fourth room on the second story." Dong Hua replied.
        "Lead the way." Shi Miyuan said and marching up the staircase they arrived in the corridor and following it they reached the entrance to the room.
       Dong Hua opening it first and peeping inside he caught sight of two men one kneeling in front of the other that was seated he barged in on their conversation that they all turned around and looked at him.
       "What are you doing here?" The older asked and Shi Miyuan stepping to the front the latter widened his eyes as they seemed too unfamiliar with one another their gazes each intimidating they remained facially expressionless for a while.
       "Did you not hear the question?" Pula asked.
       "Abandon this country." Shi Miyuan demanded.
       "And we should listen to you?" Pula Asked.
       "I can pull the strings here, as far as I can understand you are of Jurchen descent and I understand you know what we do to such people within these parts of our Empire." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "We want nothing to do with your country." The old man said.
       "And the Jurchen Princess?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "This doesn't concern you." Pula said.
       "A Jurchen Princess I must say that take my humble advice and abandon such a trifling delusion and run far away." Shi Miyuan said.
       "What would you understand?" The old man asked.
       "I understand who it is that you're after but to think that I'll let you have your way or even have a single attempt to lay your finger on her I can promise that I'll cut them all off one by one before you can even move." Shi Miyuan promised.
       "And you think that you are protecting her?" The old man asked.
       "So where will you take her, Jin or Xia?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "You don't understand." Pula said.
       "Then enlighten me." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "She is the flesh and blood of Wanyan Liang." The old man said.
       "A Rebel and usurper's daughter you are saying that the Jurchens are going to welcome her when they wouldn't honour their deceased Emperor and created him a commoner?" Shi Miyuan said.
       "That girl was born under the North Star as a symbol of the Jurchen misfortune." Pula said.
      "Which would be the truimph of the Great Song." Shi Miyuan replied, "this is my land and I'll dictate the rules, she stays here and that is final." he added.
       "Sooner the truth will be revealed and when that is the case very many people are going against her, she will have many enemies in the palace and that was her predestined fate." The old man said.
      "If I could silence you all with a wave of my hand I very well understand that there's more people around and within this vicinity." Shi Miyuan said, "you know as much as I do that the dead tell no tales." he added.
       "How well have you heard?" The old man asked.
       "Well enough to tell you not to trouble these tranquil waters." Shi Miyuan replied.
       The old man smiled ghastly.
       "I'm sorry young man, I promised her father." he said.
       "And I promised her." Shi Miyuan replied, "if you think that against her will you will take her from the palace then that is something that I won't allow." He added.
       "Zhang Shansheng was the sister to Han Touzhou's grandfather." The old man replied, "that makes her about his aunt and at the same time she is the Imperial Princess of the Great Jin." he added and Shi Miyuan seemed surprised having heard that.
       "Impossible." he remarked.
       "Zhang Shansheng was a favourite of her father and when the old Minister Han perished their great grandmother fearing that her children would be robbed of their inheritance she murdered her biological brother and then her mother and sent her away as a slave to the Jurchens that were conquering the parts of the North.
       She was rescued by the Silver Fraternity and they took her in and trained her very well but once when the General Digunai charged into war against the Southern Song Dynasty, he was injured and then rescued by the young girl who treated her and kept her existence a secret until he recovered.
      The two fled to Jin and putting her in the care of the Zhao family as a foster Daughter, they brought her up a year later and the two got married at about that very same time that Wanyan Liang Launched a coup and took the throne.
      Zhang Shansheng became his Consort Zhao and helped him with some affairs of the state while to avenge her denial by her family, he promised her that he'd conquer this Southern dynasty and bring her enemies to their knees before her but following the defeat at the battle of Caishi, the Prince Wulu consulted an astrologer and Shaman both of whom prophesied saying that the Royal child that was born under the brilliance of the North Star will bear the blood mark and they would bring the Great Jin to destruction.
      The Jurchens fearful Prince Wulu ceased that opportunity and three of the Emperor's Concubines were with child at the time and of these Zhang Shansheng who was two months pregnant as well was bound to be a victim.
       At the urging of His Majesty, I escaped from the Camp and returned to the Palace where we fled South back to the Silver fraternity and when that child was born under that great star, Wulu having ceased the throne sought heaven's counsel and learnt that the child was very much alive.
      It is only of recent that I received news that the Emperor was made aware that the Sovereign Star of Jurchen Calamity is within the walls of your Imperial Palace and he has sent spies already to find out who that star is." The old man narrated.
      "Why should I believe you?" Shi Miyuan asked.
      "I am not asking you to believe me but sooner or later, that child will be in danger of the enemy gets into the palace and herself being the denounced kin of Han Touzhou considering that she holds a blood grudge against him he wouldn't spare her as well." The old man replied.
       "I won't repeat myself when asking you to leave this country, set one foot closer to her and I assure you I will cut off every one of them." Shi Miyuan said and turning around he walked out of the room while Dong Hua followed joined by the others outside.
      "Who does he think he is father?" Pula asked.
      "I don't care." The old man replied.
      "Spies will be everywhere in the Palace, I greatly fear that harm will befall her." He said.
      "I'm in the mood of seeing what he is capable of and even between our loyalties, I am not going to abandon mine just as much as he won't abandon his." The old man replied.
       Shi Miyuan walked out of the building and turning around he looked at the plaque that was hanging above before he continued away.
       Yang Meizi was still seated in her Chambers feeling uneasy when Nuwa walked in through the doors panickingly.
        "What did your find out?" Yang Meizi asked.
        "That attendant came from Fanling Court." Nuwa replied.
        "A court house of musicians us involved?" Yang Meizi asked.
        "Yes Milady." Nuwa replied.
        "It's a guise because I was certain that attendant was of Jurchen descent." Yang Meizi said.
       "There's nothing much extraordinary about the place and everyone in the Capital knows it to be an average Court house, the only problem is that someone has been to that Court House a couple of hours ago." Nuwa replied.
       "Who?" Yang Meizi asked.
       "The Scholar Shi Miyuan." Nuwa replied.
       "Are you sure?" Yang Meizi asked.
       "Our brothers couldn't have been mistaken and perhaps just like you Milady I am also wondering what is Shi Miyuan's connection with Fanling Court?" Nuwa asked.
        "Could it be..?" Yang Meizi thought to herself.
        "Perhaps Milady knows something?" Nuwa Asked.
        "Court houses are among the best places in the capital for spreading rumours as they host a reasonable number of officials I would say that Shi Miyuan's presence there was a coincidence but given the words that attendant said it's necessary for us to be more cautious." Yang Meizi replied.
       "If there is something deadly with the Court house then why not close it down permanently?" Nuwa asked.
       "Such an occurrence might only attract more attention and I also have questions about my father." Yang Meizi replied.
       "I have never heard you speak of him." Nuwa said.
       "If there's something I haven't told you please be patient with me for the time being, however if you say that Shi Miyuan was at that court house then I wish to see him." Yang Meizi replied.
       "How soon Milady?" Nuwa asked.
       "Immediately." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Right away." Nuwa replied and bowing her head she withdrew from the room.
       Han Touzhou seated in his own study the doors were flung open and Lin Xue rushed in while going onto his knees.
       "Reporting to Your Excellency." he said.
       "Any good news for me now?" Han Touzhou asked.
       "I have kept a close watch on the Ministers Li and Cao." Lin Xue replied.
       "And?" Han Touzhou asked.
       "There haven't been any movements, further more I have investigated the token and I have confirmed it's still in use for their most confidential businesses." Lin Xue replied.
      "How strange." Han Touzhou replied, "they were behind that raid." He added.
       "How can Your Excellency be certain?" Lin Xue asked.
       "About time the Crown Princess will be powerful, just about the same time the incident happened had they not been guilty everything would have persisted normally." Han Touzhou replied.
       "But you are allies." Lin Xue remarked.
       "They are rather worried that I might be too powerful and after hearing this it is likely that someone did leak the news on our hideout to the Empress Dowager." Han Touzhou replied.
       "I see Your Excellency, but even with all that realized the damage that was done was a little bit too much it'll take time for us to recover." Lin Xue said.
       "I'm not going down without a fight and I am going to give them a taste of their own medicine." Han Touzhou remarked as he smiled ghastly while standing up from his seat and walking around the room to where Lin Xue was.
       "Give me your orders Your Excellency." He said.
       "Take care of those secret businesses." Han Touzhou replied.
       "Right away Your Excellency." Lin Xue said excusing himself while Han Touzhou faced his window.
       Shi Miyuan was seated at the table in his room immersed in his thoughts while he recalled the words that the old man and his son had mentioned to him a short while ago.
        "She is the flesh and blood of Wanyan Liang." The old man said, "That girl was born under the North Star as a symbol of the Jurchen misfortune." They'd told him.
        It is only of recent that I received news that the Emperor was made aware that the Sovereign Star of Jurchen Calamity is within the walls of your Imperial Palace and he has sent spies already to find out who that star is." The old man had cautioned and exhausted from thinking about it he sighed while Dong Hua stepped into the room.
       "Your Excellency." He snapped in front of him winning over his attention.
       "What is it?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "There's someone here to see you." Dong Hua replied.
       "Let them in." Shi Miyuan permitted and the doors being flung open a woman walked in with a hood over her head she threw it off revealing her facial features it wasn't that difficult for Shi Miyuan to recognize her as Yang Meizi's closest attendant.
       "Greetings Your Excellency." She offered her salutations bowing her head.
       "What brings you here?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "It's Milady." Nuwa replied, "she is requesting for an audience with you." She added.
              "What brings you here?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "It's Milady." Nuwa replied, "she is requesting for an audience with you." She added.
       "Have a seat." Shi Miyuan said and Nuwa calmly lowered herself in the chair that was right in front of him.
      "Considering the fact that you are out of the Palace at such a late hour I presume it must be something serious." Shi Miyuan said.
       "Are you not serious with Milady?" Nuwa asked.
       Shi Miyuan kept quiet.
       "There are just many things to know, much more of them to talk about, I believe in your virtue but perhaps to first understand one another isn't it important to first talk out somethings and trust?" Nuwa asked.
       "She wishes to know more about me?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "Whatever it is it's only between you and her, I am merely a messenger delivering her words." Nuwa replied.
       "When?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "Tomorrow, that's if it doesn't suit your inconvenience." Nuwa replied.
       "I'm at her disposal." Shi Miyuan replied and Nuwa hearing that she smiled.
       "I'll pass on the good news and convey those greetings." she muttered and standing up she bowed her head and walked out of the room while Dong Hua moved up to his master.
        "I never thought that she would be this serious with you." He remarked.
        "That's what I meant when I told you that she is very much unlike any other woman in the world." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "Sending her attendant out of the Palace at this hour she is certainly more brazen than many of them, though on the other side I must agree that I am just too impressed with you." Dong Hua said with a smile on her face.
       "Then I hope that those men remain silent." Shi Miyuan remarked.
       "What?" Dong Hua asked.
      "If the Jin Emperor is looking for the lost Jurchen Princess, we can't let him get to her." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "But aren't his informants supposed to keep this a secret?" Dong Hua asked.
       "As long as the astrologer was a Jurchen then perhaps the world might know too little of it, yet what's more frightening than anything is the possibility of that news being manipulable." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "Moreso if she is Han Touzhou's kin, in order to steal her thunder he wouldn't let her off the hook that easily." Dong Hua said.
       "Before anything happens we need to root out all the Jurchen informers in the city." Shi Miyuan said.
       "How are we going to do that?" Dong Hua asked, "we hardly know where the majority of them are." he added.
       "Perhaps there is someone that we could use." Shi Miyuan said.
       "Who of all these men?" Dong Hua asked.
       "The old man's wish was to protect Yang Meizi, even if unwilling that doesn't mean that he'll deny us aid to fulfill his goal." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "Isn't this something that we should talk to Lady Yang about?" Dong Hua asked, "she needs to at least be cautious." He added.
       "It might worry her too much instead." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "But if there are informants within the Palace then I too think that she should know." Dong Hua said.
       It was very early in the morning and Yang Meizi stood beside the Emperor who was reviewing memorials along with Eunuch Qin.
       "How's everything?" He asked.
       "Very good Your Majesty." Yang Meizi replied grinding ink for him.
      "I have heard the Palace is orderly and that you seem to manage everything very well, a majority of the servants here like you, I hope it's not to tiring." Emperor Xiaozong said.
       "It's not tiring at all Your Majesty, in fact I am rather at ease with the help of the sisters." Yang Meizi replied.
       "That's good to hear." Emperor Xiaozong said and opening another of his memorials he studied it intensely.
      "Wonderful." He remarked.
       "What is it Your Majesty?" Eunuch Qin replied Finally I have heard from Zhao Ruyu." Emperor Xiaozong replied with a smile on his face while he turned around and looked at Yang Meizi
       "How may I help you Your Majesty?" Yang Meizi asked.
       "What do you think about Court fights?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.
       "I am merely a woman." Yang Meizi replied.
       "I heard from Master Wengong that you seem to pay keen attention when he is teaching the youngsters." Emperor Xiaozong said.
       "Then perhaps I could explain it in another sense." Yang Meizi replied and the Emperor nodded in approval.
       "It's natural that the Courtiers agree or disagree with something and that being the case many tend to side with those with whom they share a very similar opinion." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Are you defending them?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.
       "Too much of anything is Always bad, moreso, from a clearer individual perspective many of them get so far ahead of themselves that they tend to forget that what was given to them can similarly be taken away." Yang Meizi replied.
       "But I can not punish them for being very opposing." Emperor Xiaozong remarked.
       "Then why not let heaven punish them?" Yang Meizi asked.
        "Could you elaborate more?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.
        "As long as you can put a condition and it can not be met, there heaven has willed it that your Majesty as it's son should guiltlessly punish them, when you do you create an example, and when you create an example you rid yourself of those that only make assumptions." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Brilliant." Emperor Xiaozong remarked and Yang Meizi smiling, she bowed her head and walked out of the room while the Emperor smiled. 
       "Your Majesty seems to have grown so fond of her already." Eunuch Qin said.
       "She is as smart as they say, though why such a young woman would waste her life as a Court Lady leaves me quite perturbed." Emperor Xiaozong replied.
       "I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince has his retainer Lan He attend the learning sessions in his robes and he himself dresses as a minister." Eunuch Qin said.
       "Really?" Emperor Xiaozong asked as he lowered his memorial down.
       "I personally saw it with my own eyes." Eunuch Qin replied.
        "We have been too tolerant with that boy." Emperor Xiaozong said.
        "I heard that his personality has changed lately and he seems to put an effort in his studies, though he hasn't visited the Princess Consort and her sister along with his other wives." Eunuch Qin remarked.
        "Han Touzhou's niece?" Emperor Xiaozong asked.
        "Yes." Eunuch Qin replied.
        "The blessing of that marriage came from his mother while I was against it, looking back right now I believe that it has made Han Touzhou more notorious yet he seems rather calm of late it's a little bit weird." Emperor Xiaozong remarked.
      "There are rumours spreading around that he is bankrupt, however how it has come to that even I can't tell." Eunuch Qin replied.
       "Maybe his economic backbones have been crippled, he's no longer full of himself." Emperor Xiaozong said as he handed over the memorial he had been reading to Eunuch Qin.
       "Minister Zhao Ruyu suspects him for having been the owner of the Copper mine?" Eunuch Qin asked.
       "I too had my suspicions concerning him, and now as it appears to be so it's likely that he was behind the Empress Consort's attempted assassination." Emperor Xiaozong replied.
      "What to do Your Majesty, apprehending him without concrete evidence is inefficient he has many allies and supporters, needless to say his brother is a well known General and they have served the Country for generations.
       If you don't succeed then he'll as well be alerted that you don't trust him and should that be the case then I fear that Your Majesty might be harmed as a result." Eunuch Qin replied.
       "I have thought as much about it, and I worry about it just the same, I'll instead keep digging up for more clues." Emperor Xiaozong said.
       Right outside the door one of the ladies in waiting eavesdropping she quickly walked away and approaching a very small narrow corridor she entered the room and saw Yang Meizi facing the wall.
       "Reporting to Milady." She said.
       "What is it?" Yang Meizi asked.
       "I have confirmed, Minister Zhao Ruyu has informed the Emperor that he suspects Han Touzhou and it seems that the Emperor too suspects him now just as much." The young woman replied.
       "Well done, be sure to keep me updated." Yang Meizi demanded.
       "Yes Milady." The young woman replied and bowing her head she withdrew from the room while from the back of the nearby screen Empress Dowager Wu stepped out along with Wan Mei and Wan'er.
       She turned and looked at them bowing her head.
       "I hope Your Highness is pleased." She remarked.
       "You are no longer a resident of the Cifu Palace yet even now under the Emperor you choose to serve me?" Empress Dowager Wu asked.
       "Your Highness gave me this life and everything there is for me to be pleased about it." Yang Meizi said, "I must avenge my mother and Han Touzhou must get even with me for all those crimes that he committed." She added.
       "Alright." Empress Dowager Wu remarked.
       "I heard that the Crown Princess has taken to a liking some ladies in waiting, from a clear analysis all of them have been inferiors in the palace and some were even once punished by you." Yang Meizi said.
       "To make faithful and devoted servants of my enemies surely she wants to take over the Inner Court." Empress Dowager Wu said.
       "I have favour with two and I was hoping to give her a couple of faithful dogs that will serve us well." Yang Meizi said with a ghastly smile.
       "Finally you are learning." Empress Dowager Wu remarked, "I believe that is the reason why you take so much after me." She added as she turned and she walked up to the side of the room.
      "To hire is easy put to prove much more difficult, since I know the Crown Princess too well she won't let me down and before that we must prepare them to win her trust." Empress Dowager Wu said.
       "Yes Your Highness." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Tell them that whatever she says they should do and even if they are asked to kill me they shouldn't hesitate." Empress Dowager Wu said.
       "Yes Your Highness." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Here's the list of all the servants that we could make use of and we are at an advantage that they are just as much distributed within all the ten departments." Liu Zhan said as she handed over the book to the Crown Princess Li who looked through.
        "Two thousand names?" She asked.
        "Yes." Liu Zhan replied.
        "At most I might as well be generous and increase their pay as I can afford that but I need at least fifty that can be very loyal and can get their hands dirty." Crown Princess Li remarked.
       "We could test them." Liu Zhan said.
       "Two thousand people it won't be as easy but I can promise you a majority know that soon I'll be the Empress they wouldn't want to lose out on a chance so I need those who can read, write, sing, concoct and dance best and we can start screening those ones first." Crown Princess Li ordered.
      "Yes Your Highness." Liu Zhan replied.
      "After a final compilation of those who could posses at least more than one of these you can get back to me as soon as possible but make sure that it's in secrecy and the Empress Dowager of all people shouldn't learn of it." Crown Princess Li ordered.
       "Yes Your Highness." Liu Zhan replied while she smiled at herself ghastly.
       Prince Zhao Kuo dressed as a usual scholar was walking around the Palace and Yang Meizi coming from the other side the two bumped into one another as she bowed at Lan He.
       "Your Highness." She greeted him ignoring his master.
       "What about me?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.
       "I hope that you have a very good afternoon." Yang Meizi replied as she prepared to walk past him.
      "Is that all?" he asked.
      "Remind me Your Excellency, is there anything else that you need to say to me?" Yang Meizi asked.
       The Prince keeping quiet she slowly moved around him while he didn't make a single step and Lan He looking at him and signalling for him to say something with his eyes he kept quiet instead until she had vanished from sight.
      "I don't mean to intrude on your personal business Your Highness but why not tell her the truth?" Lan He asked.
       "Damn it." Prince Zhao Kuo said lowly, "I am just not too courageous like Shi Miyuan." he added.
       "You have had more than one chance to make every effort worthwhile but it seems to me as though you would rather remain quiet Your Highness." Lan He remarked.
       "It isn't that easy." Prince Zhao Kuo said.
       "It has never been." Lan He remarked and the Prince quickly turning around to face him he didn't move.
       He walked closer.
       "Let's follow her." He said.
       "And will you tell her anything even when you see her?" Lan He asked and the young Prince nodded while starting off into her direction following the hallway he finally negotiated a corner and halted when he say the bridge in sight.
      Yang Meizi had stopped with her entourage and Shi Miyuan and his retainer arrived from the other.
       He hid instantly behind the poles while every one else behind him retained themselves and set not a single foot beyond his back.
       Yang Meizi about to bow her head and greet Shi Miyuan he halted her immediately.
       "You don't have to be so formal with me." He said.
       "....but Your Excellency.." She was objecting when he interfered touching her lips.
       "You're not allowed to." He added and Yang Meizi feeling a little bit shy in her silence there was a rush of emotions many of which she tried to ignore but without any success, she just chose to give in almost soon enough.
      She slowly withdrew while Shi Miyuan smiled.
       "I got your message." He said.
       "Except that now isn't a good time to talk and the Palace itself is no better a place." Yang Meizi remarked.
       "I imagine that your exit from here is just not as easy." Shi Miyuan said.
       "Just trust that I have my own ways." Yang Meizi said, "and now that we run into each other I think it best to agree on a certain location and time." She added.
       "What of tonight?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "It's just good enough." Yang Meizi replied.
       "At the place where I first saw you." Shi Miyuan said.
       "The Alley?" Yang Meizi asked.
       "The Martial Academy." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "Any place but that." Yang Meizi replied.
      "There's a famous teahouse in the city and I believe you must have heard of the Bianqing house." Shi Miyuan replied.
       Yang Meizi smiled and walked past him while he watched her descend the bridge to the other side.
        Prince Zhao Kuo moved from where he was hidden at about the same time that her retinue had vanished from Shi Miyuan's sight and marching up the bridge by the time the latter decided to move forward the young Prince and his retainer were blocking his path.
       "Your Excellency." Shi Miyuan greeted him and turning to Lan He he offered him his salutation.
       "What does Your Excellency think about Head Lady Yang?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked and Shi Miyuan smiled.
       "She is a very beautiful woman." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "And you dare bear a liking to the Emperor's retinue?" Prince Zhao Kuo asked.
       "Is it wrong if I can call someone beautiful and another handsome, perhaps if I accorded Her Highness the Empress Dowager or the Empress Consort the praise of being beautiful you could as well say that I bear a liking to them?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       Prince Zhao Kuo kept quiet.
       "Forgive him, that's simply his nature." Lan He pleaded.
       "Since Your Highness has asked then I'd gladly not mind, maybe I sounded a little bit disrespectful in my tone as you are but a Minister of the State and Myself a normal Scholar that was just graced by His Majesty, if there's nothing I believe that I have lingered in the palace a little bit too long I shall take my leave." Shi Miyuan said and bowing his head, he stepped to the side while Lan He walked past and the young Prince have him a very cruel gaze which he didn't seem to mind.
      "Gosh, what was his problem?" Dong Hua asked.
      "I don't know." Shi Miyuan replied.
      "Do you think he saw you and Lady Yang?" He asked.
      "The time interval between her departure and his arrival doesn't seem to be that wide it's safer for me to say that it's very likely." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "I have seen that look in his eyes." Dong Hua said.
       "It's commanding." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "Contrary, I find it rather too familiar amongst men." Dong Hua said.
       "You mean to say that he loves Yang Meizi about the same way that I do?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "It's likely that it could be the case or the other likely possibility is the fact that he could be curious about a conversation between the Emperor's head Lady and a scholar." Dong Hua said.
       "Did I do anything wrong?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "Even I can tell that you like the Court Lady but I dare not say a word, rather I believe you should strive and be more careful if you wish to survive because just the Emperor's suspicion that there is something going on between the both of you it's enough to make you both lose your heads." Dong Hua replied.
      Shi Miyuan seemed to think about everything that had happened earlier and his heart still wasn't settled.
       "Is there anything on your mind?" Dong Hua asked.
       "The minister of state." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "What's wrong with him?" Dong Hua asked.
       "I don't think that his actions suit his position." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "I can carry out an investigation on him if you like." Dong Hua said.
       "Sure." Shi Miyuan permitted as they continued away.
       The Crown Prince reaching at a distance he stopped next to the nearby Balcony that overlooked the Emperor's Palace and in rage he shouted while smacking his fist against the pole.
       "Please appease your anger Your Highness." His retinue pleaded.
       "Don't mention a word of this to anyone else." Prince Zhao Kuo said, "if I learnt that it escaped your mouths one way or another I wouldn't mind amputating you." He frightened them.
        "Yes Your Highness." They all replied in unison while the Prince turned around and looked at Lan He in the eye waving for the others to withdraw and stand at a distance while he got closer.
        "What should I do Your Highness?" Lan He asked.
        "Watch the Shi Miyuan scum and report to me the people that he meets up with outside the Palace or within it." Prince Zhao Kuo replied.
        "Yes Your Highness." Lan He replied and bowing his head, he quickly left him.
        "I won't let any thing happen between you." The Prince swore inwardly, "over my dead body." He assured himself why clenching his fist that was already bleeding at the moment.
         It was already dark when Shi Miyuan seated in his compartment of the tea house he was joined by Yang Meizi who was wearing a dark hood over her head and Nuwa who had accompanied her standing behind.
       Shi Miyuan poured her a cup of tea while she closely inspected him.
       "You seem to enjoy looking at me so much." He said.
       "I'm not the best at showing my affectations, I must say that my stare was merely out of so much curiosity." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Curiosity is good enough for me, it means that you wish to know me a little bit more." Shi Miyuan said with a smile on his face.
       "Depending on how well you pull it off." Yang Meizi said, "and I'll not waste time but get straight to the point." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Please ask." Shi Miyuan permitted her.
       "You said you like me." She said.
       "I do." He replied.
       "So much I suppose you would never lie to me." Yang Meizi said and Shi Miyuan hesitated.
       "I wouldn't." He finally spoke up.
       "I take your word for it." Yang Meizi replied, "I was reliably informed by my people that you were at the Fanling Court." she said.
       "You were watching me?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "Just someone that I had seen earlier in the day." Yang Meizi replied.
       "Yes." Shi Miyuan replied and Yang Meizi smiled.
       "Then I hope I am not asking for so much if I asked you to be honest with me." Yang Meizi said.
       "Yes." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "What was your business at the Fanling Court if I may ask?" Yang Meizi said.
       He kept quiet for a while.
       "Out of utmost respect before you can say anything it's going to dictate the type of relationship that both yourself and me will have in the future.
       I hope that you can allow me to give you my most sincere thoughts and words and you would do the same because should you violate any of these conditions that I have laid then you can not blame me for the outcome." Yang Meizi said.
       "You know the answer." Shi Miyuan replied.
       "I want to hear it from you." Yang Meizi said.
       "The Jurchen Princess." Shi Miyuan brought himself to speak up.
       "How well are you and that attendant acquainted?" Yang Meizi asked.
       "Not too well enough but to know the Jurchen Princess would you believe me if I said that it was a coincidence?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "It was a conversation between himself and me alone unless there was a third party involved without my knowledge." Yang Meizi said.
       "You might as well say that my involvement was coincidental but now that it has come to this nothing really matters I believe you should stop running away from the  truth as well." Shi Miyuan said.
       "This Jurchen Princess story is nonsense." Yang Meizi said.
       "If you are concerned about your life I suggest that you listen and I can not promise that it's something that will suit your liking but it's important either way whether you choose to like it or not." Shi Miyuan said.
      "Cast your burden." Yang Meizi said calmly.
      "Your mother was the Consort Zhao of Wanyan Liang, the Jurchen led Jin Dynasty's usurper." Shi Miyuan said.
       "And it makes me a Jurchen Princess when I was just the illegitimate issue of a rebel." Yang Meizi asked as she took her cup of tea from the table
       "Prior to your birth there was a prophecy that was received by the Prince Wulu from the then Imperial astrologer portending to the downfall of the dynasty partly at the hands of the Imperial child that would be born with the blood mark under the brilliance of the North Star." Shi Miyuan replied.
      Yang Meizi about to sip at her tea startled she halted halfway and put her cup on the table.
      "Surely you might know about this blood mark or you could be possessing it, but what matters here is the fact that the Jurchen Emperor has learnt of your existence as I was told that it was revealed that that Sovereign Child resides within the Palace of the Great Song and sooner or later informants have been sent to route you out you can as well expect them to kill you." Shi Miyuan said.
      "And why would they believe that I am that Imperial child with the blood mark, moreso how did that attendant come to learn of it?" Yang Meizi asked.
       Zhang Shansheng had a child that had a red birthmark on her right upper arm and this was something known to a few, she was very close to the Empress Dowager and around the same time she died you were taken in by Her Highness if I am not mistaken and you have been visiting her tombstone annually and praying at her altar." Shi Miyuan replied.
      "All these details you heard from him?" Yang Meizi asked.
       "It was you who said that before I can say anything it's going to dictate the type of relationship that both yourself and me will have in the future.
       You hoped that I could allow you to give me your most sincere thoughts and words and I would do the same because should I violate any of these conditions that you had laid then I could not blame you for the outcome." Shi Miyuan replied.
      Yang Meizi seemed a little bit hesitant.
      "Are you confident in asking for trouble?" Yang Meizi asked.
      "What trouble is worse than not being by your side to help you through?" Shi Miyuan said.
      "I'm used to giving pain." Yang Meizi said, "I told you that my affectations are harder to express." Yang Meizi said.
      "Then try with me." Shi Miyuan said, "if you are uncomfortable sharing with me much more than this I can wait until you're ready, ten years or more." He added.
      "Then wait." Yang Meizi said.
      "Alright." Shi Miyuan remarked.
      "Now that you have mentioned it the Jurchen informants are going to try their best so that this news doesn't become public because should there be such an attempt there are people in this country that would find it as a way of exploiting the heavens and yet others would feel threatened by it they'd try their best to annihilate me." Yang Meizi said.
      "Deal with the informants in the palace and I'll deal with things outside." Shi Miyuan said.
      "You don't have that much manpower to protect me." Yang Meizi said, "we need to first round up the first batch of informants while  so that we could stall some time." She added.
       "That's what I was thinking about though I am not certain how?" Shi Miyuan asked.
       "I can at least provide a corpse of the Jurchen Princess bearing the blood mark but if there is a prophecy involved then we must exploit the heavens as well and fight fire with fire." Yang Meizi replied.
      "Exploit the heavens?" Shi Miyuan asked.
      "Yes." Yang Meizi confirmed.
      "How can you silently kill a prophecy in another land?" Shi Miyuan asked.
      "I have my ways." Yang Meizi replied, as long as the heavens find it auspicious in the sight of an Emperor and they find every reason to feel accepted by them, naturally we can expect to kill their charisma and replace it with contentment." Yang Meizi replied as she smiled ghastly.
      She walked out of the tea house being accompanied by Nuwa.
      "Can you really trust him?" Nuwa asked.
      "He has been truthful on one hand and it's the first time that I have seen someone care so deeply about me when we are merely strangers." Yang Meizi replied.
      "I can see that he is sincere in your feelings but just so you know won't this come between you and your promise?" Nuwa asked.
       "At all costs my people shall be avenged and with Han Touzhou I am more determined to crave blood for those innocents whose own was shed." Yang Meizi replied.
      One of the Imperial guards rushed through the Palace gates and headed to the Eastern side of the palace following the large corridor and finally making his way to the very doors of the Imperial grandson's Chambers.
       There he was halted by his fellows.
      "I'm here to deliver a message to His Highness." He said but the others looking at one another seemed reluctant to hearing him they didn't move as the doors were opened and Lan He walked out.
      "What's with the commotion here?" He asked as everyone else bowed to him and himself looking at the man who was reporting he ordered them to move aside as he entered.
       Prince Zhao Kuo was seated at the table while looking at his palm that had been bandaged when the two walked in to the front.
       "The noise was very loud I hope that it was worth it." Prince Zhao Kuo said.
       "Pardon me when I see this Your Highness but he is one of my men that I had arranged to keep a close eye on Shi Miyuan." Lan He said.
       "Seeing that he stormed into the Palace with so much excitement I'm not wrong if I say that there must be some very important news." Prince Zhao Kuo said.
      "Yes." The man replied hesitantly.
      "Go on then." Prince Zhao Kuo said.
      "Shi Miyuan and the Head Lady of the Imperial Palace have met at a Tea house." The informer replied and the Prince hearing that he clenched his fist.
      "When?" He asked.
      "Roughly an hour or more ago." The informer replied and the Prince smiled.
      "She wanders outside the Palace at a later hour, to see another man." He muttered as he stood up from where he was seated.
       "What should I do?" He asked himself, "I am the Prince and I am much better than all those men." He muttered while he turned to Lan He.
       "Am I not handsome." He asked.
       "You are Your Highness." Lan He replied.
       "Is it because I am not as smart, I am not as strong?" He asked while they kept quiet.
       "A lady in the Palace meeting with a scholar at a Late hour it must be something very serious." Prince Zhao Kuo said.
       "If we keep a close eye on them Your Highness, I am sure we could find out whatever it is that they are doing secretly." Lan He said.
        "Right now that Shi Miyuan doesn't suspect any form of attention I am forced to believe it's the best alternative for action." The informer said.
       "I can not refute your claim." Prince Zhao Kuo said.
       "Then give me your order Your Highness." The informer muttered.
       "Give me every eye and every ear." Prince Zhao Kuo commanded.
       "Yes Your Highness." The two replied in unison.


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