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           Lady Yang in her quarters Manyin rushed in.
          "Ma'am it is I." She announced as she bowed her head to her.
          "What is it?" Lady Yang inquired.
          "Her Highness the Empress is here to see you." Manyin replied.
          "The Empress?" Lady Yang wondered as she stood up.
          "Let her in." She said and at once the doors being opened, Empress Han rushed in while Yang Meizi stepped from her seat and moved ahead of her table while the Empress took her seat behind it.
           "Greetings Your Highness." Lady Yang said.  
           "No Red Tapes." Empress Han said and signalling for Lady Yang to sit down she complied while Manyin left the two together.
            "Your Highness comes here to see me unannounced." Lady Yang muttered.
            "Does it offend you or perhaps is there something that you are hiding?" Empress Han inquired.
             "Not at all Your Highness, I am just so grateful that of all women in the harem you personally took the initiative to think about me." Lady Yang replied.
            "Is it so?" Empress Han asked.
            "Yes." Lady Yang replied and at that point the young Empress stared at the older woman who seemed very calm she smiled at her heartily.
            "I have heard that over the past couple of days His Majesty praises you and that all the ladies in the harem look up to your virtue." Empress Han muttered, "I also heard reliably that you are so gullible a person." She added.
            "Perhaps Your Highness is right." Lady Yang replied.
            "You know what it is that the harem has always been like since long ago shouldn't you be struggling at the very least to have your way against me?" Empress Han asked.
            "What are you talking about Your Highness?" Lady Yang asked.
            "You really don't know?" Empress Han asked.
           "What does it mean to be a part of the harem, we serve His Majesty wholeheartedly and I once promised myself that if so I must achieve each of my aspirations I'll do so without using unclean means." Lady Yang replied, "can this not be a unique harem, where all the women serve His Majesty and cherish one another like sisters?" She asked.
             "I should have learnt best what blood sisters are capable of, let alone those that aren't related to me by blood in anyway." Empress Han said.
            "Even so Your Highness I am sure that His Majesty would hate these harem disputes more than anything else, and as it is Your Highness is the Empress and the mother of this nation therefore the ruler of the harem." Lady Yang muttered.
             "So?" Empress Han asked.
             "Nothing you have I possess, wrath unable to be withheld is best avoided." Lady Yang replied.
             "Then can I take this sufficient enough a sign of your unwavering allegiance?" Empress Han asked.
             "When is it that I have ever threatened Your Highness, when was it that I ever rivalled with you?" Lady Yang replied.
             "I see." Empress Han muttered, "you seem to catch on quite fast." She added.
             "Your Highness is a fan of quick witted people you can as well say that I am hardly acquainted with any awful past between us, deficient in reason to hate on Your Highness a friendship I believe should be the best resolution." Lady Yang said as she smiled at her and taking her hand she caressed it with her own.
            "I'm glad to hear that." Empress Han muttered without any hint of great resistance or fright they broke their contact for a moment while the Empress stood up.
            "Then I shall take my leave." She professed.
             "Watch Your step Your Highness." Lady Yang said to her before she'd go any further the latter only turned her head and smiled at her.
             "If I am in your most sincere and devoted care why would I really worry?" Empress Han muttered as she continued outside.
             Stopping outside the small building, Empress Han turned around and she looked behind while Qing Yi got closer to her.
             "What's wrong Your Highness?" She asked.
             "Nothing." Empress Han replied, "I need you to do something for me." She added.
            "Yes Your Highness." Qing Yi replied and the smiling young woman continued her way while Xiaoyang at a distance she rushed into Lady Yang's Chambers.
            "Ma'am." She Said to her.
            "What did she do?" Lady Yang inquired.
            "She just smiled Ma'am." Xiaoyang replied.
            "Of course she did, isn't it in her nature?" Lady Yang remarked.
            "In deed it's as you had expected, over the past couple of days, the Empress must be up to something." Manyin muttered.
            "It doesn't really matter." Lady Yang said.
            Lady Cao seated in a small room she was met face to face by her father.
           "How is it?" She asked.
           "Consort Han was expelled from the palace in deed and stripped of her title by the Empress." Minister Cao replied.
            "It had to be." Lady Cao remarked.
            "What about now?" Master Cao asked.
             "What matters is to find a way to return to the palace as soon as possible." Lady Cao replied, "for that to happen I need to be with His Majesty but for him to leave the capital and come to the countryside it won't be easy while in the meantime we should let Lady Yang take care of the Empress for us as well." She added.
            "It might not be easy, it seems that the Empress is now more than ready to contend with her she won't go down with a fight." Minister Cao said.
            "Which is good because it can only mean that both sides shall exhaust themselves, it can become for them a most fatal design." Lady Cao replied and silence prevailing for a while she picked up a trunk which she placed onto the table in front of her.
           "What's this Ma'am?" Minister Cao asked.
           "We should add fuel to the fire the same way that Lady Yang did to the Empress and her sister." Lady Cao replied, "isn't it so that the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun having narrowly survived the jaws of death his birthday being around the corner a couple of weeks from now it shall be a very big event?" She inquired.
            "By all means necessary." Minister Cao replied.
             "Then make it known to the world that Lady Yang doesn't wish the young Prince a very long life." Lady Cao muttered as she smiled at him ghastly.
            Emperor Ningzong was seated in his Chambers when Eunuch Deng walked in and greeted him.
            "What is it?" The young man asked.
            "Her Highness the Empress is here to see you." Eunuch Deng replied.
            "I am preoccupied as it is." Emperor Ningzong muttered.
            "She says that its about the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun's birthday Ceremony." Eunuch Deng muttered and the Emperor for a moment he ceased what he was doing.
            "Let her in." He ordered and Eunuch Deng withdrawing from the room at once a short while later Empress Han walked in and she bowed her head to the Emperor.
             "You asked to see me." Emperor Ningzong said.
             "Concerning the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun's birthday celebrations." Empress Han replied.
             "What is it?" Emperor Ningzong inquired as the Empress took her seat.
             "You haven't been to the harem in a while I am very grateful for the help that they each gave me the Astronomers said that His Highness has a very brilliant fortune and good future ahead of him having overcome death and that very tender age as his mother I wished to give chance to all the other ladies to treat him." Empress Han replied.
           "Can't it be done by the Ministry of Rites?" Emperor Ningzong muttered.
            "I fear that Your Majesty involving the Courtiers into your personal family affairs they might instead get too used and in getting too used they'll cross limits that they are by law forbidden from crossing, at this rate I prefer that the ladies each gave a hand that way this harem could make them close enough like sisters and hearing that Lady Yang was a wonderful musician I wanted to leave all the music to her." Empress Han said.
            "How thoughtful of you?" Emperor Ningzong said.
            "But as always I could only rule the inner Court I don't want to incline everything on my own desire I hereby seek your personal consent with this matter." Empress Han replied.
            "Aren't I lucky to have a Virtuous Empress like you?" Emperor Ningzong bragged to her.
            "You flatter me so much your Highness." Empress Han said.
            "Then so be it." Emperor Ningzong muttered, "do as you wish my dearest." He permitted her and smiling at him she stood up from where she was seated.
             "I'll take my leave then." She said as she bowed her head and walked out of the hall leaving the Emperor all alone a short while after her departure Eunuch Deng made her way in.
             "She wishes to put Lady Yang in charge of the music at the ceremony." Emperor Ningzong said.
             "Is it so?" Eunuch Deng asked.
              "Even I am as surprised." Emperor Ningzong muttered.
              "In your opinion Sure, could it be that the Empress is having ulterior motives?" Eunuch Deng muttered.
            "It's supposed to be a big day for her son given everything that happened, I wouldn't expect her to create any trouble yet she seems to have changed so much ever since Consort Han was banished from the palace." Emperor Ningzong replied.
           "The Empress put me in charge of the music for the Imperial Prince's Palace on his birthday celebrations?" Lady Yang inquired.
            "It so seems." Xiaoyang replied, "it's the order that we have received from the bureau of music." She confirmed.
            "Isn't it all too suspicious?" Lady Yang asked.
            "Now we are sure that Her Highness is definitely up to something because the birthday of the Imperial Prince shall clearly be a Grand occasion there are a number of people that are bound to turn up for it moreso the Courtiers themselves." Xiaoyang replied.
            "Surely." Lady Yang said caressing her temples she was lost in thought while she tried to comprehend what it was the Empress was after.
             "Ma'am, if it bothers you that much then I shall have someone closely watch the Empress for you." Xiaoyang muttered, "furthermore you can decline the offer." She added.
             "It is something that the Empress sought His Majesty's opinion on so it can't be that easy, furthermore, we should worry much that our refusal is a clear testimony to our fear she will only look down on us the more." Lady Yang said.
              "But Your Highness, if you insist to walk into this trap it's better that we have an idea of the worst possible outcome that could befall us." Xiaoyang cautioned.
               "I understand where you are coming from Xiaoyang and in a short while Beiyuan shall come into the palace, until then we can wait, if they wish to use this as a sword to harm me then I can as well bear the humiliation it isn't what matters." Lady Yang said, "Qing Yi is very valuable to the Empress she is someone that we should uproot first before she becomes another big problem." She added.
             "Alright Ma'am." Xiaoyang said as she stood up and she got out.
             Empress Han sat down in her Chambers and right in front of her Han Touzhou remained seated.
            "What are you going to do Your Highness, as it is it seems to me that everything you have plotted is working in your favour." He said to her.
            "Don't judge the situation too early, I am sure that Lady Yang finds it suspicious enough." Empress Han replied.
             "Even if she did, aren't you confident that yours is a secret that she couldn't possibly tell herself?" Han Touzhou inquired.
             "Every possibility that the truth could occur to her must be eliminated that is to say that if she really is curious then why not give her something to be occupied?" Empress Han replied.
             "Seeing how confident Your Highness is there must surely be something in mind." Han Touzhou muttered.
            "Once upon a time uncle, how many people believe in superstitions?" Empress Han replied as she smiled at herself.
            Lady Yang walking through the gardens with her Retinue she came across the Emperor who was silently looking over the pond in a distance and lost in thought.
           She walked over to him and Eunuch Deng beholding her presence it wasn't so long before the Emperor noticed her as well dressed in a beautiful blue and silver hanfu she smiled at him heartily.
           "Greetings Your Majesty." She said to him.
           "It's you?" Emperor Ningzong remarked a little bit surprised.
           "I was so stuffed in my Palace that I found it necessary to take a stroll in the gardens but I never imagines that Your Majesty would be here as well." Lady Yang muttered.
            "Very well then, you wouldn't mind accompanying me." Emperor Ningzong said.
            "Yes Your Majesty." Yang Meizi replied while the Emperor held her hand and slowly they set out walking over the bridge while their retinues each maintained their distance for the two.
             "A while ago it seemed as though there was something on Your mind Your Majesty." Lady Yang said.
            "It's the usual." Emperor Ningzong replied, "we just received news from the Northern borders that there are a number of raids." He added.
            "And why don't you set up a squadron?" Lady Yang inquired.
            "I have thought about that it's just that the Jurchens could probably be behind this, they always have and any attempt at this time could spark off a war I hardly believe us to be ready for." Emperor Ningzong replied.
           "I see." Lady Yang muttered, "then why don't you appeal to the Jurchens?" She asked him.
            "Why do you think so?" Emperor Ningzong asked.
            "If the robbers are Jurchens they can also be men from the Great Song yet the Jurchens don't consider  that the same can be done to them you must find a way to compel them to establish that force and if they are unwilling then force them to give you that mandate and they won't complain later." Lady Yang replied.
             The Emperor seemed to think about it and that instant a smile coming over his face she returned it with her own.
            "That isn't so bad an idea." He praised her while Xiaoyang who was standing next to Manyin noticed that there were bags under her eyes and she was shivering while she sweated profusely she seemed weaker every second.
            "Are you alright Manyin?" She asked.  
            "I am just feeling tired." Manyin replied before she felt an overwhelming headache and everything appearing blurry before her eyes she collapsed that instant and everyone gathered around her.
             "Manyin?" Xiaoyang called and hearing the screams behind themselves the Emperor and Lady Yang turned around and they noticed the commotion.
            "Manyin?" Lady Yang said to herself as she quickly rushed over to the scene while the Emperor followed they found Madam Xiaoyang busy slapping her and trying to make her gain consciousness.
            "What's this?" Emperor Ningzong asked, "what happened here." He inquired.
            "Manyin, she just fainted." Xiaoyang replied while Lady Yang moved to her side and inspected her as Eunuch Deng ordered the other ladies to support her.
             "Call the servant's doctor." Emperor Ningzong ordered.
             "Yes Your Majesty." Some of the Eunuchs replied as they each scattered and moved out while Manyin was carried to her Chambers.
             Lady Yang sat by her bedside while the physician took her pulse and the Emperor behind her watching everyone was overwhelmed with worry they awaited what he was going to say.
            "Please sir, what's wrong with her?" Lady Yang asked.
            The man fell silent for a moment.
            "Is there anything that she has eaten since morning?" The physician asked.
            "It's too early we were just about to go for the morning meal, but however last night she had the same thing that I had, ordinary rice dumplings and shrimp." Xiaoyang replied.
            "It couldn't be something she ate, it couldn't be an allergy." The physician replied.
             "Then what is it?" Emperor Ningzong asked.
              "Your Majesty will forgive me but I have been in this profession for a while yet I am ignorant of her condition as it is this might not be poison like I had suspected she is having mixed symptoms and the cause of this I am uncertain myself perhaps because the disease is still in it's early stages." The physician replied.
             "Is there anything that we can do for her in this state?" Lady Yang inquired.
             "We can pray for the best but I shall prescribe some herbs for her." The physician replied and bowing his head he stood up and walked out of the room while Lady Yang and the Emperor remained looking at the young girl.
             A short while later, the two stepped out of the building and descending the stairs slowly the young man noticed that his concubine was awfully quiet.
            "Are you so worried about her condition?" He asked.
            "How can I not Your Majesty, I have been particularly close with Manyin ever since I returned to the Palace and furthermore she's still too young, hearing that her illness isn't clear and that her symptoms are mixed I worry so much and in worrying so much I feel guilty." Lady Yang replied.
           "All will be well." Emperor Ningzong muttered.
            "I hope so Your Majesty, I just apologize for having contained you from your duties." Lady Yang said while bowing her head.
            "Trust me you haven't bothered me so don't feel guilty." The young man said and raising his right hand he touched her cheek, "I understand it's not easy you'll have to forgive me that there's a lot of things that I must do first but until then I'll make sure the Imperial pharmacy takes good care of her." The Emperor assured and afterwards he let go and walked away while Lady Yang remained behind looking at him as he vanished from sight.
           "Xiaoyang?" Lady Yang called to her and she hurriedly rushed over to her side.
            "What is it Ma'am?" She inquired.
            "Something is wrong." Lady Yang replied.
            "How so?" Xiaoyang asked.
            "Of all times now was the most suitable for Manyin to fall sick and the physician can't seem to find anything more I greatly fear with all my heart it isn't as natural as one may think." Lady Yang replied.
             "You think that Manyin's sickness was induced Ma'am?" Xiaoyang asked.
            "We can't be too sure about anything." Lady Yang replied, "I want you to look into something for me." She added.
            "What is it Ma'am?" Xiaoyang asked.
            "I need to know everywhere that Manyin was to the past couple of days, the people that she came in contact with and the things that she ate." Lady Yang replied.
            "Yes." Xiaoyang replied as she turned around and looked at the doors of Manyin's quarters before she departed for her own.
            Empress Han was seated in front of her dressing mirror while she was changing her ornaments that Qing Yi walked in a short while later.
            "It took you long enough." She said.
            "There was some bit of news that I needed to confirm Your Highness." Qing Yi replied.
            "And what is it?" Empress Han asked.
            "Concerning one of Lady Yang's ladies in waiting." Qing Yi replied and hearing this the Empress halted what she was doing and she turned around and she smiled at Qing Yi who appeared rather frightened by her expression.
             "What is it?" She inquired.
             "Manyin, the younger of her two closest ones happened to pass out when they were having a stroll with  His Majesty in the Imperial garden and the physician concluded that it is rather hard to establish what she is suffering from." Qing Yi replied.
             "Really?" Empress Han asked.
             "Yes." Qing Yi replied and the smile over the Empress' face widening she turned back to the mirror and there she studied her own reflection.
              "Don't worry about it too much, after all, it's only natural that people fall sick." Empress Han remarked.
           "Yes Your Highness." Qing Yi replied.
           Lady Yang was asleep in the dead of night when throwing the doors open Xiaoyang rushed in.
            "Ma'am?" She shouted aloud that the young woman was immediately awakened from her sleep she stood up and she faced her throwing away the silk curtain.  
             "What is it?" She inquired.
             "Something bad has happened." Xiaoyang replied.
              "Just get straight to the point." Lady Yang demanded.
              "Six more ladies in waiting have fallen sick." Xiaoyang replied.
              "What?" Lady Yang muttered surprised.
              "Manyin, she has gone into a coma." Xiaoyang confessed in tears that Lady Yang immediately stood up from her bed.
             "Take me to their Chambers." She demanded.
              "Ma'am." Xiaoyang pleaded with her trying to refrain her.  
             "I said now." Lady Yang ordered on top of her voice while the latter softened.
             "Yes." Xiaoyang replied.
             "What?" Emperor Ningzong said quite shocked.
             "More ladies in waiting in Lady Han's residence have fallen sick in only a matter of hours and their condition is worse, I am afraid Sire that we might have been a bit too lax with this situation it shouldn't be delayed any further." Eunuch Deng replied.
            "She'll be heartbroken." Emperor Ningzong said.
            "That sure is without a doubt." Eunuch Deng replied.
             "It is necessary that we establish what is going on in Lady Yang's residence." Emperor Ningzong muttered.
             "I await your order Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng confessed.
              "Gather all the Imperial physicians and let the Health Bureau be informed of the matter immediately." Emperor Ningzong replied.
              "Yes Sure." Eunuch Deng replied as he rushed out of the room.
              Lady Yang arrived at the bottom of the staircase that led to the Chambers of the servants at the time having been sealed off by a couple of physicians and Eunuchs.
             "Is this it?" She asked.
             "The rest of your staff quarters Ma'am, yes." Xiaoyang replied.
             "I'm going in." Lady Yang announced that everyone turned to her and Xiaoyang blocked her path.
             "You can't go any further than this Ma'am." She insisted.
             "You'll step aside that is if you listen to me." Lady Yang ordered another of the physicians was compelled to descend the stairs and station himself in front of the two.
            "But you can't risk your life Ma'am as we too are unsure what this illness is and consequently it seems to have proven contagious it is necessary that we take all possible measures for caution." The man said.
            "You mean to defy my order." Lady Yang inquired and instantly they all went onto their knees.
            "Please appease your anger Ma'am." They said to her.
           "No." Lady Yang replied, "I am not leaving this spot until I have seen for myself." She insisted and looking at each other the physicians seemed to take what she had said into consideration.
            Sliding the doors open, she was welcomed by slim looking girls that lay on their beds lifeless and pale, there were bags under their eyes and nurses that were tending to them slowly yet from their appearance Lady Yang could tell that it was something very serious.
            "How did all this happen?" She asked.
            "I don't know." The physician replied, "none of the medicines we are using seem effective at all whether they'll survive this ordeal it's not certain but should there be such a possibility sooner or later then it shall be a miracle." The physician replied.
            "But we don't even know the cause." Lady Yang said, "is it really so bad?" She inquired.
            "It might not necessarily be what you want to hear Ma'am but I'll tell you nonetheless, yes." The physician replied and hearing this Yang Meizi turned around and flung the doors open she immediately got out of the room unable to breathe steadily Xiaoyang noticing this she mounted the stairs and moved up to her side.
            "Ma'am, are you alright?" She asked but the latter raised her hand at her she was forced to stop halfway.
             "Did you find out what I asked you to seek for me?" Lady Yang asked.
            "Yes." Xiaoyang replied.
            "Let's return to my room and have everything delivered there." Lady Yang ordered.
            "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang replied as the young woman descended the stairs one by one while in a distance there was a hidden lady in waiting that happened to be watching everything.
            Running around the palace she arrived at the Central Palace and the Empress still awake she stood at the balcony watching the stars when the young girl approached her.
            "Your Highness." She paid her respects.
            "What did you see?" Empress Han asked.
            "The situation has become more serious and six other girls have fainted while Manyin has fallen into a coma." The young woman replied.
            "Alright, well done." The Empress remarked.
            "Thank you Your Highness." She replied as she withdrew while the Empress still looking at the moon Qing Yi approached her.
            "Your Highness...." She was about to say something when the young woman interfered.
            "We'll proceed, is the corpse ready?" She asked.
            "Yes." Qing Yi replied.
            "Impressive." Empress Han remarked, "let's see her get away from this one." She added as she smiled at herself ghastly.
           Lady Yang shuffled through all the documents that Xiaoyang had laid in front of her and without finding anything she crumpled them entirely and she threw them down.
           "Ma'am, please calm down." Xiaoyang said to her.
           "If only it was that simple." Lady Yang replied, "you have no idea how this is very hard for me." She added.
           "If we don't find anything then how shall we make it?" Xiaoyang inquired.
           "It's the Empress' doin definitely, I can't think of anyone else that could be responsible." Lady Yang said.
            "What is Her Highness up to now?" Xiaoyang inquired.
            "If it wasn't something that they ingested or if it isn't a contagious disease then it must be something that the Ladies in waiting applied." Lady Yang said.
           "Except that how do we know what it is now that they are unconscious?" Xiaoyang asked.
            "It depends." Lady Yang replied, "we'll search out their quarters until we have found every cosmetic." She added.
           "But the Empress must grant you that authority to mobilize the Lady Investigators." Xiaoyang said.
           "It's just my residence going through all the turmoil, we can do the search ourselves." Lady Yang responded.
           "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang replied and immediately she set out of the room and with a party of the still surviving ladies in waiting, they charged about the small residence to the servants quarters, turning them upside down as they looked through their things.
           "Search out every drawer and leave nothing unturned until you have gathered all the cosmetics and everything else they used even the clothes." Xiaoyang ordered.
           "Yes Milady." They replied as the scattered about the whole place while Xiaoyang waited everything that was gathered was eventually brought in front of Lady Yang's quarters in the morning her doors were opened and she descended the stairs while she was accompanied by a group of Imperial physicians.
             "Inform me of anything weird." Lady Yang ordered them and bowing their head to her they immediately started searching and tasting everything that had been piled up in front of the building.
              She stood on top of the stairs and watched them keenly but surprisingly as hours passed, the Imperial physicians seemed to have failed to have come to a resolution.
              "Nothing Ma'am." They all said to her and demoralized she stumbled and nearly fell while Xiaoyang held her up.
             "Ma'am, you didn't sleep enough, please go in and have a rest." She said to her.
             "How come, what could be the cause?" Lady Yang asked herself as she looked at all the things in front of her curiously but was still unable to think of anything.
             "It couldn't be something that they ate, something that they applied to their skin." Xiaoyang muttered when something occurred to Lady Yang.
            "Water." She said.
            "Water?" Xiaoyang asked as she seemed to realise what it was that Lady Yang was talking to her about.
            "The well." Lady Yang said and immediately ceasing her hanfu she rushed around the building while she was followed by the Imperial physicians and at that moment approaching the well that was stationed in her residence Lady Yang first looked down into it.
            "What is it Ma'am?" Xiaoyang asked.
            "If it isn't the food or what they were wearing or the cosmetics that they used there's one thing that each of the ladies in that room could have shared and we all get water from this well." Lady Yang replied.
            "We prepare the water." Xiaoyang muttered.
            "Get me a torch." Lady Yang ordered.
            "Ma'am?" Xiaoyang called to her.
            "Now." She yelled and they instantly complied while she ceased it at once and then with all the might that she could gather she launched it down and before it landed in the water they could see something at the bottom they all shrieked in fear.
           "It's a person." The Imperial physicians muttered.
           "Get the Lady Investigators here." Lady Yang said.
           "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang replied as she quickly rushed away.
           "A corpse in Lady Yang's well?" Emperor Ningzong inquired.
            "Yes Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng replied.
            "Find out who it is." Emperor Ningzong ordered.
             "You can leave it to me Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng replied, "in the meantime I shall assign someone to your service." He added.
             "Hurry up." Emperor Ningzong said and Eunuch Deng getting out of the doors they were shut behind him and looking onto his right Beiyuan stood there dressed in the Eunuch's attire.
            "I briefed you about what you must do." He Said.
            "Yes Sir." Eunuch Deng replied.
            "Please His Majesty and perhaps he could consent you to serve Lady Yang without stirring any suspicion." Eunuch Deng said.
            "You can rest assured Sir, please leave everything to me." Beiyuan muttered as he bowed his head and Eunuch Deng continuing his way, Beiyuan faced the doors that were opened to him and he walked through into the Emperor's presence.
            Lady Yang stood outside the building where the corpse that had been retrieved from the well was and silently while she waited feeling uneasy the doors were flung open and the Imperial physicians and the Lady Investigators stepped out.
           "Ma'am." They greeted her.
           "Who is it?" Lady Yang inquired.
           "It's one of the former Lady Investigators." Madam Jing replied, "but it doesn't look like she was murdered." She added.
            "She drowned?" Lady Yang asked, "her whole body was bloated." She muttered.
            "It may be but her skin...." Madam Rui said and she suddenly fell quiet a bit hesitant to speak out the truth to the young woman.
            "Won't any of you tell me what's wrong with the corpse?" Lady Yang demanded.
           "It seems to me Ma'am, she was a victim of small pox." The Imperial physician responded and Eunuch Deng watching everyone around gulped in shock.
            "Small pox?" Lady Yang muttered.
            "By the health law Ma'am, we are compelled, so that this sickness does not spread to all the other Palaces for the safety of many I have already issued a warrant that shall put this place under lockdown." The Imperial physician said.
           "Lockdown?" Lady Yang said and immediately the other health officers surrounded the palace and while those inside initially withdrew, Lady Yang looking at the Lady Investigators departing from them at once, she slowly watched the doors being shut behind them.
            Emperor Ningzong being served by Beiyuan he received a cup of tea and while reading through some of the memorials by accident he touched it and found it hot shrieking in pain he let go while it descended onto the ground and got shattered.
            "Pardon me Your Majesty." Eunuch Beiyuan said as the Emperor stood up from where he was seated.
           "That's strange." He whispered to himself.
           "Is anything wrong with you my Sire?" Beiyuan inquired from him.
             "I just felt odd." Emperor Ningzong replied when Lan He throwing the doors of the hall open he walked in.
            "Reporting to Your Majesty." He said capturing his attention instantly with his very high tone the young man was startled.
            "What's going on." Emperor Ningzong asked.
            "By Imperial law governing the health of the six Palaces, Lady Yang's residence has come under emergency lockdown." Lan He replied.
            "Emergency lockdown?" Emperor Ningzong questioned.
            "It appears that one of the corpses that belonged to the disbanded group of Lady Investigators  was drawn out of the well in Lady Yang's residence but what's most surprising is that the woman was found to have perished from small pox." Lan He replied.
            "It could explain the symptoms that are happening amongst the ladies in there." Emperor Ningzong Said.
            "It so seems it's the only way." Lan He replied.
            "So you're leaving everyone in there to die." Emperor Ningzong muttered.
            "The health officers shall try their best to inspect Lady Yang and the others but they depended entirely on that water it's hard to establish if they are safe but for the time being the Ministry of Health is requesting Your Majesty's formal recognition of this request." Lan He said.
          "I can't let them confine Lady Yang to that Palace knowing that her life might be in danger." Emperor Ningzong said.
           "Your Majesty, if you don't then it could arouse the suspicion of very many others." Lan He said.
           "Before the whole residence can come under lockdown on my approval they must first establish the truth to me and reveal that Lady Yang is one of those people infected with the disease." Emperor Ningzong said and furiously he charged out of the hall while Beiyuan looked at Lan He before he swiftly followed after him.
          "His Majesty refused to consent to the order to lockdown Lady Yang's residence Your Highness." Qing Yi said to the Empress.
           "He was definitely going to do so." Empress Han replied.
            "Your Highness was aware?" Qing Yi inquired.
            "Yes." Empress Han replied, "I understand the man that I married more than anyone else but what does his say matter?" She asked.
            "Won't it be difficult for us if His Majesty fails to consent to our desire?" Qing Yi said.
            "He might refuse but the people will force his hand to move after all." Empress Han said as she smiled at herself.
            The other Palace ladies in the laundry room that wasn't so far prepared to wash clothes when they drew water from another nearby well but all of a sudden pouring it out of the bucket blood flowed out instead.
            Those around screamed in fright while those that were carrying the water to clean and the others drawing it from the well to the kitchen suffered the same fate it left them all entirely startled..
           Lady Yang seated inside her room Xiaoyang rushed over and she knelt in front of her.
           "I have terrible news Ma'am." She said.
           "No news is good news." Lady Yang muttered.
           "The girls are all falling sick there's another four victims, Manyin's condition hasn't yet improved at all and what's worse is that the water in all the wells surrounding  the residence has turned into blood." Xiaoyang muttered.
           "So this is how the Empress intends to play?" Lady Yang muttered to herself.
            "There's rumours all around that there's an evil presence in the palace and everyone fears to come near to it." Xiaoyang said.
            "I underestimated the Empress, first I believed that I would fear Consort Han being closer to her now it so seems to me that she has evolved into an even bigger problem." Lady Yang said.
            "His Majesty refused to consent to the lockdown of the residence but it isn't as if they can allow anyone from here to blend in comfortably with the others there's word that the Imperial physicians will come to check us and determine if we are infected as well." Xiaoyang said.
           "Don't you get it?" Lady Yang inquired.
           "Enlighten me please Ma'am." Xiaoyang requested.
           "Do you think that the Empress wouldn't understand His Majesty every deliberate effort is to contain us in one place to extend our arms outside will be as hard as it will be to survive here, if it is so then she's buying time but depending on what I know this isn't the highlight of this scheme and not even close." Lady Yang replied.
            "What more could the Empress achieve from this?" Xiaoyang asked.
            "I sent Consort Han from the Palace perhaps she is preparing for me a similar fate at the very worst she won't feel easy until she has finally set her eyes on my corpse and you understand what that could possibly mean." Lady Yang said.
            "Even we haven't prevailed until now Ma'am a what is it that we are going to do?" Xiaoyang inquired.
            "You can leave that to me." Lady Yang said, "I'll need to make a trip outside tonight." She added.
            "Where to Ma'am?" Xiaoyang asked and Lady Yang pulled an envelope from her sleeve and slid it onto the table in front of her.
            "Just deliver this to Chancellor Zhao Ruyu's manor." Lady Yang replied.
            "Yes Ma'am." Xiaoyang said as she took it into her hands and standing up she folded it under her sleeve and then walked out of the room.
            "One day you'll pray to me Your Highness, one day you'll grovel at my feet for me to spare your life." She swore to herself.
            Empress Han seated in her room Han Touzhou walked in.
           "Your Highness wished to see me." He said as he bowed his head to her.
            "Have a seat first please." Empress Han said and he complied immediately.
            "I heard that everything is falling according to your plan so far." Han Touzhou muttered.
            "Yes." Empress Han replied, "an in deed as expected His Majesty intends to protect Lady Yang with everything that he has." She added.
           "What do you wish to have me do next?" Han Touzhou inquired.
           "It isn't that difficult for you Uncle, it so appears that we already have the attention we need." Empress Han replied, "by now there are rumors going around the capital about the plague within the palace and the waters in wells around Lady Yang's residence turning into blood it must be a matter of great concern." She added.
            "I'm listening." Han Touzhou said.
            "I wish that you would help me with something." Empress Han said.
             "Please confide in me Your Highness." Han Touzhou requested.
             "Gather the might of all the Courtiers in our favor and before Lady Yang can make any move, I want you to ask His Majesty to resort to divination." Empress Han replied.
            "Divination?" Han Touzhou asked.
             "Yes." Han Touzhou replied.
             "He certainly won't allow that." Han Touzhou Said.
            "Then we shall use the people's opinion to weigh him down." Empress Han replied as she smiled at herself ghastly.
            "Will it work Your Highness?" Han Touzhou inquired.
            "Just trust me on this one Uncle, do as I have requested and you can leave the rest to me, I shall handle the affairs in the Palace." Empress Han said.
              It was dark and the Imperial guards loitering about the Palace, a hooded woman jumped over the wall and then treading outside the palace she arrived at Lanling Court where she mounted the stairs that led her in.
            Zhao Ruyu seated inside quietly his retainer walked in.
           "She's here Your Excellency." He said.
           "Let her in." Zhao Ruyu replied and at that moment carefully treading through the narrow door while the doors were shut behind her, she removed her hat and bowed her head to him.
            "Your Excellency." Lady Yang said.
             "Ma'am." He replied.
             "It's me." Lady Yang replied and pointing for her to take a seat right in front of him she complied.
             "As you see I received your invitation." Zhao Ruyu muttered.
             "We haven't talked as much since I returned to the Palace." Lady Yang said.
            "But you managed to get rid of Lady Cao and Consort Han is as good as gone, good work." Zhao Ruyu complimented.
             "But the Empress has become an even bigger problem." Lady Yang said, "first she put me in charge of the music of the Imperial Prince's upcoming birthday and suddenly there are these occurrences." She complained.
             "Talebearing has it that a plague within the palace started from your residence and next the water in all the wells around it turned into blood surely there's an evil presence but what's more shocking is that His Majesty refused to put your residence under a lockdown and he is mobilizing personnel to examine those of you that could have survived." Zhao Ruyu said.
            "The Empress must have anticipated it." Lady Yang replied.
            "So she'll use His Majesty's feelings for you to poison the people." Zhao Ruyu remarked.
             "And I need to know what her supporters are up to because I feel she intends to contain me in the palace that means that she wants to isolate me from extending my influence beyond it's walls in the mean time." Lady Yang Said.
            "Perhaps though I have been informed that Han Touzhou and his men seem to be making a move and I heard reliably that the Imperial observatory is somewhat involved." Zhao Ruyu replied.
            "The Imperial observatory?" Lady Yang inquired.
            "Yes Ma'am." Zhao Ruyu replied and for a moment keeping quiet the young woman started caressing her chin as she thought deeply about it.
            "Does something come to mind?" Zhao Ruyu inquired.
            "The skies." Lady Yang muttered.
            "The skies?" Zhao Ruyu inquired and immediately the two rushed out of the building and standing at the top of the staircase, they looked at the sky and both surprised their eyes widened in shock.
            "It can't be." Zhao Ruyu muttered.
             "The moon....?" His retainer was saying.
             "It's a blood moon." Lady Yang muttered and a number of the people around each woke up to the same horror in a moment the whole capital was in chaos.
            "This is her scheme." Lady Yang said, "this is it." She convinced herself as she sighed in disbelief.
             Empress Han seated in her Chambers Qing Yi walked in.
             "Your Highness." She said to her.
             "Has it passed?" Empress Han inquired.
             "As you had predicted Your Highness, the blood moon has risen." Qing Yi replied.
             "Very well." Empress Han remarked, "I am very sure that you now know what must be done." She added.
            "Yes Your Highness." Qing Yi replied as she walked out of the room.
            "Let's see Lady Yang, how will His Majesty protect you this time round?" She muttered to herself as she smiled ghastly.
              Lady Yang returning to her Chambers she sat down while Xiaoyang hurried over to her.
             "Ma'am, it seems that the situation has rather gotten out of hand." She said.
             "I must admit that I hadn't seen this coming but at this rate everyone in the Palace and in the capital must be seeing a very different perspective to survive this will be hard." Lady Yang remarked.
            "Don't let her weaken you Ma'am." Xiaoyang said.
            "They want to get rid of me that badly, we'll just let them have their way." Lady Yang said, "there's one more thing that I'll have to do before that." She added.
            It was very early in the morning and Emperor Ningzong was being dressed up for the daily assembly.
            "The Palace was in commotion last night I heard." He said to Eunuch Deng.
            "Pardon me Your Majesty for not wanting to bother you but the blood moon ascended the skies and it has incited a lot of rumours from the people." Eunuch Deng replied.
            "Is that so?" Emperor Ningzong inquired.
            "Yes." Eunuch Deng confirmed.
            "Let's go." Emperor Ningzong ordered and the doors of the hall being opened to him with his entire Retinue waiting outside he walked into the direction of the Grand Hall.
            Descending the stairs that led him from the pavilion he was intercepted by a number of Eunuchs along with Lan He.
            "What is this?" He inquired.
            "You must halt Sure." Lan He replied.
            "Why?" Emperor Ningzong asked.
            "The Courtiers are gathered outside the Grand Hall and they refuse to set foot inside." Lan He replied.
            "What could be their cause for this insolence?" Emperor Ningzong asked.
            "I wish I knew Your Majesty but it seems that this is regarding the scenes that have transpired in the Palace recently." Lan He replied.
            "Those Scoundrels." Eunuch Deng cursed.
            "Let's head for the Grand Hall." Emperor Ningzong ordered.
            "Please reconsider Your decision Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng pleaded.
            "I'll listen to what they have to say." Emperor Ningzong muttered as he bypassed Lan He and continuing with his retinue he made his way into the Grand Hall where Han Touzhou, Han Guang, Officer Jiang Chen and Minister Xie waiting for him they bowed their heads as the young man mounted the stairs that led to his throne and sat down.
            "Greetings Your Majesty." They said to him in unison.
            "You all are here, yet your fellows refuse to come in this morning for the Daily Assembly." Emperor Ningzong scolded.
           "Pardon us Your Majesty." Minister Han said on their behalf.
           "What do you have to say in your defence Grand Secretary?" The young Emperor asked.
            "I may sound out of line Your Majesty but for the sake of the state that is, there are rumours all over following the series of unfortunate events the past couple of days firstly the Small pox incident and then the water in the wells surrounding Lady Yang's residence turning to blood and yesterday night the Blood Moon ascended the dark sky all this makes us worried." Han Touzhou replied.
             "Then worry not." Emperor Ningzong Said.
             "Suppose we did Sire, but there are the people that need to be convinced and since ancient times such occurrences in a Dynasty are nothing more than signs from heaven Your Majesty." Han Touzhou spoke in his defense.
            "So you are the type to believe in these superstitions?" Emperor Ningzong asked.
             "Your Majesty, my personal opinion doesn't matter but just outside these doors there are people waiting for your assurance, none of us is as skilled to comprehend the signs of heaven or even the seasons themselves Sure, please, at this stage we kindly request that you resort to divination." Han Touzhou said as he went onto his knees.
            "Please resort to divination Your Majesty." The others behind him said in unison as they followed his example the Emperor surprised by their action he stood up.
           "Divination?" He said, "suppose I don't?" He asked.
            "Your Majesty, for the good of the State and for the reputation of the Imperial family and Clan, we are here on the will of the people and even if it costs our life, none of us shall depart even if at the point of the spike." Han Touzhou replied as he bowed his head.
           "Tell me Your Excellency, aren't you too loyal my servant?" The young Emperor asked and furiously he descended the stairs and charged out of the Grand Hall through the Eastern door leaving them kneeling there all alone.
          Empress Han was seated quietly in her dark Chambers when Qing Yi walked in on her.
          "As  you had asked Your Highness, your Uncle and the rest of his supporters have appealed to his Majesty to resort to divination." She said to her.
            "And he didn't yield?" Empress Han muttered.
            "Yes." Qing Yi confirmed while the Empress closing her eyes for a while she smirked at the young woman.
            "What did they say to him?" She asked.
            "They are prepared to kneel there the whole day and they won't leave as they are there by the will of the people, even at the point of the spike." Qing Yi replied.
            "We're going to see His Majesty." Empress Han said.
            "Your Highness, this isn't the time." Qing Yi cautioned her.
            "You can leave everything to me." Empress Han said as she stood up from where she was seated and immediately she walked out of the room.
           Charging through the doors of his study the Emperor Ningzong furiously stood and faced the wall of his which bore the map of the dynasty and with Eunuch Deng following him in along with Lan He, he put his arms on his waste.
           "They must really hate her so much." He muttered.
           "Please appease your anger Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng said to him.
           "Can you?" Emperor Ningzong asked but receiving only silence he clenched their fists.
            "First it was Lady Cao and then Consort Han, now Lady Yang will the Empress continue until she's the only woman in the harem, I'm sure it's because she's overly confident that her uncle will protect her." He said.
            "But until now Your Majesty the Empress has said nothing." Lan He said.
             "It doesn't make her any innocent because at the end of it all there's only one person that benefits from this and that person is her." Emperor Ningzong muttered.
             "Nonetheless it's not up to us to blame her." Eunuch Deng remarked.
             "I agree with Eunuch Deng Your Majesty." Lan He said as the young man trying to calm down he sat in his seat and thought things through while they watched him when the doors of the room were opened and Beiyuan rushed in.
             "Your Majesty, Her Highness the Empress is headed this way." He announced and the Emperor snapping from his thoughts he turned to him.
            "What?" He asked surprised while the Empress at the time descending a couple of steps she negotiated some corners until she arrived at the entrance of the Emperor's study.
            "Announce me to His Majesty." She demanded aloud.
            "What's she doing here?" Lan He asked.
             "I don't know." Eunuch Deng replied.
             "Her Highness the Empress." They announced her at the door.
             "Let her in." Emperor Ningzong said and nodding their heads in approval they walked out while the doors of the room being opened the Empress gracefully made her way in.
             "Your Majesty." She softly greeted him.
              "You ask to see me." Emperor Ningzong said.
              "Pardon me Your Majesty as I didn't mean to intrude and come here unannounced but I was just as surprised there is a matter that I need to discuss with you." Empress Han said.
             "What is it that could be very urgent at the time?" Emperor Ningzong asked.
            "I understand that it must be hard for Your Majesty right now but it so seems that these men have fallen out of order, I have been quiet over the issue the past couple of days but I can not take it anymore." Empress Han replied as she walked closer to the Emperor and sat down in front of him and from her sleeve she pulled out an envelope which she slid across the table.
           The Emperor looking at it he was reluctant to open it.
         "What's this?" He asked.
         "The only way Your Majesty." Empress Han replied, "the only way that I can save Lady Yang." She added and startled her husband he could hardly blink.
         "What?" He asked.
         "Yes Your Majesty." Empress Han replied.


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