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           "Push Ma'am." Linxiang and the midwives that were tending to Cao Jieyu said to her while she tightly bit the cloth that was in her mouth.
             They had already suspended the thick cotton fabric from the ceiling and She'd held onto it for the last couple of minutes while they were wiping off the sweat around her, her labour pains had struck.
             The head midwife who was in the vicinity was making her deliver at that time while the latter still feeling uneasy had held on long enough.
             Her muscles had started contracting to expel the baby from the body and she was in so much pain that she tightly held onto the fabric yet again.
            "It is time " One of the midwives said as she turned to Linxiang.
            "Ma'am, I am going to ask you to take a deep breath and then push." She said to her mistress who nodded her head in approval and she did as asked.
             "Push." She said and Cao Jieyu complied as she invested her might while in Silence the Empress Mother was waiting outside and Yang Jieyu seated in her dark Chambers that were lit with only a single crimson candle she watched it anxiously.
            "You are doing it, keep going." Linxiang said as the other midwives wiped away her sweat yet again and others reorganized the fabric in her mouth.
            Cao Jieyu ceased the sheets with all her might and then she pushed again while at that same time it so happened that the Emperor Ningzong swiftly walked into her courtyard along with his eunuchs and retainers as they stationed themselves on the door where they met the Empress Mother.
             "Your Majesty." She said as she bowed her heads and greeted him.
             "Mother, how is the Jieyu?" He inquired.
             "Nothing yet as she is still in delivery." The Empress Li replied as they heard Cao Jieyu's silent screams escaping the room.
             "Don't give up Ma'am, push , I can feel the shoulders." The Head Midwife said and Cao Jieyu nodding in approval she persisted while Xiaoyang and Manyin outside Yang Jieyu's orders a servant girl from the residence rushed up to them.
              "Anything new?" They asked.
              "No." She replied.
              "Go back and check again." Xiaoyang ordered and the latter complied while they seemed worried for Yang Jieyu.
              Her rival for love Cao Jieyu pushed with all her might and screaming loudest but trying to contain it, her teeth against each other at last the baby was out from her womb.
           Everyone outside was anxiously waiting and as the latter relaxed, the baby cried out loud that its advent resounded throughout the walls of the Palace it was as though Yang Jieyu could already hear it from where she was.
             Everyone that was outside was excited as the Empress Mother tried to keep her calm.
             "Cao Jieyu has made it, she has delivered at last." She said softly.
             "It is heaven's blessing." Emperor Ningzong muttered.
             "What sex is the child?" Cao Jieyu asked those tending to her while they reserved their silence.
             "Which part of my question wasn't clear?" She asked but even Linxiang was hesitant to reply.
             "What is it?" She asked.
             "Forgive us Ma'am but you have delivered a Princess." Linxiang replied as she bowed her head and hearing this the latter shuttered she closed her eyes in disappointment.
             "Inform His Majesty." She said.
             "Yes." Linxiang replied in unison as she bowed her head.
             Emperor Ningzong and the others still waiting outside the doors were opened and they walked into the room to the bedside of Cao Jieyu who was sweating profusely while Linxiang bore the baby in her hands and carried it to the Emperor.
             "Congratulations Your Majesty, it's a Princess." She said and the Emperor looking at the child he smiled and the Empress Mother at heart though not letting it show seemed somewhat relieved.
            "I am sorry Your Majesty that I couldn't give you a Prince." Cao Jieyu muttered.
            "What are you saying my dear?" The Emperor asked, "she is the Eldest Princess of the Dynasty through me, she has your beautiful brown eyes, her smile is as immaculate as that of an angel and she glows like the stars of heaven in the dead of night." He asserted.
            "Yes Your Majesty." Cao Jieyu muttered.
            "To have a Princess like her I am surely blessed among men, your efforts Ma'am are sufficient and I laud them and in gratitude allow me to promote you to the rank of Zhaoyi." Emperor Ningzong said.
            "Cao Jieyu thanks Your Majesty." She said joyously while the Emperor bringing the child closer to his mouth he prayed for her while everyone was watching.
            "Yes Your Majesty." Everyone said in the room in unison.
            Yang Jieyu still quietly waiting in her Chambers the doors were flung open and at that moment Xiaoyang rushed in.
            "Ma'am." She shouted on top of her voice in excitement.
            "What is it?" Yang Jieyu inquired.
            "Congratulations Ma'am, Cao Jieyu, she........" She stopped to breathe for a moment.
            "What about her?" She asked.
            "She has delivered a Princess." Xiaoyang replied and sighing in relief Yang Jieyu clenched her fists.
            "Alas heaven is on our side, a Princess and not a Prince there's certainly no Imperial heir." Yang Jieyu muttered to herself.
             "I heard that nonetheless His Majesty seemed pleased he named her the Imperial Highness the Eldest Princess Yuping and even raised Cao Jieyu to the rank of Zhaoyi which is the highest of the Imperial Concubines of the second rank." Xiaoyang said.
             "We'd have nothing much to worry about as a title is a title and so is a name, our worry isn't the fact that she has become a Zhaoyi but that we should become the Empress." Yang Jieyu said.
             "She seems to have come a step closer." Xiaoyang said.
             "Don't worry about it that much." Yang Jieyu said as she smiled at herself ghastly, "fate surely has so much more in stock for us." She added.
             Empress Han returning to her Chambers she was accompanied by Liu Zhan and she sat down.
            "Cao Jieyu has delivered a Princess, who would have thought that we would be this lucky?" She asked.
            "Surely Your Highness, we don't have to worry that much about her because with the way I see things, if Yang Jieyu has learnt of it, she's superior than her in rank while the other being the Emperor's favourite, the battle between the two is bound to be a very fatal one." She said.
            "We should therefore cease this opportunity." Empress Li said.
            "Yes Your Highness." Liu Zhan replied.
            "Tell the others that soon enough I shall need to see them." She ordered.
            "Yes Your Highness." Liu Zhan replied as she withdrew from the room.
            Han Touzhou seated in his quarters Lin Xue walked in.
            "Your Excellency." He said.
            "Have a seat." Han Touzhou said as the latter complied.
            "I heard that Cao Jieyu delivered a Princess Your Excellency and His Majesty was pleased he granted her the title of Imperial Highness and Eldest Princess Yuping he went further ahead to promote her to the rank of Zhaoyi." He said.
             "He really is pleased." Han Touzhou replied.
             "And it's hard to understand why." Lin Xue asserted.
             "I do get the reason that you're concerned but His Majesty clearly didn't ask for a Prince and he never wanted it to begin with." He remarked.
             "How come?" Lin Xue asked.
              "Another Prince in the Palace could have instead increased turmoil in the Imperial Court, in his perspective heaven has deprived us as the Imperial Court of something to rant to the world and to him about." Han Touzhou replied.
             "I see." Lin Xue muttered.
             "Yang Jieyu must be happy even though Cao Jieyu is merely her superior in rank." Han Touzhou said.
             "Cao Jieyu didn't deliver a Prince she still has some time to bear His Majesty a son but now more than ever she has the best excuse to beat the stalling of declaring the Prince Zhao Xun an Imperial son." Lin Xue said.
             "As it happens the young boy is a prodigy and His Majesty seems to have taken a very great liking to him over the past couple of days which couldn't work in our best favour." Han Touzhou said.
             "We can't be idle as well Your Excellency." He asserted.
             "The mourning period for the Late Grand Empress Dowager is nearly over so now the time is right, we can finally push His Majesty to have the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun designated as the heir apparent to the throne." Han Touzhou said.
             "Yes Your Excellency." Lin Xue replied.
              Yang Jieyu in her Chambers getting ready the doors were flung open and Manyin walked in.
              "Ma'am, His Highness the Prince Zhao Xun is here to see you." She said.
               "Let him in." Yang Jieyu said with a smile on her face as the young boy was shown inside the room where he halted before her and bowed his head to offer his respects.
              "Ma'am." He greeted her.
              "I heard that you have been doing very well with your classes lately." Yang Jieyu muttered.
              "It's nothing Ma'am, it's because my teachers and yourself take very good care of me." Prince Zhao Xun replied.
              "Aren't you so sweet!" She exclaimed as Xiaoyang who was standing beside her picked up a box which he handed over to the young boy.
              "What's this Ma'am?" He asked.
              "Open it." Yang Jieyu said and the latter complying in it he saw a beautiful Jade pendant that was carved in the shape of a lotus.
              "What do you think?" She asked.
              "It's very beautiful Ma'am." He replied.
              "I was thinking of giving this to the Imperial Princess Yuping who was born yesterday and seeing that she is a pure and lovely child as I have heard, there's nothing in the world that would suit her more than this wonderful Jade lotus." Yang Jieyu remarked.
              "The lotus represents purity and longevity, surely it's the best of things while Jade is a precious you Ma'am have chosen a most remarkable gift." Prince Zhao Xun replied.
              "I am pleased to hear that you like it." She said, "that's why I have decided that you are coming with me to visit Her Highness." She concluded.
             "Ma'am?" The Prince though young protested.
             "You have been in the palace long enough you can not be considered a stranger and besides, the Princess Yuping is like a sister to you and what's best is that even His Majesty would think it wonderful to see you getting along with everyone else." Yang Jieyu said and the boy sulked.
             "I know that Ma'am." He said.
             "Is this about the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun?" She asked while he kept quiet.
             "I heard that he doesn't like being around you." She said.
             "I don't want to make His Highness mad at me." The young boy sweetly said.
             "The Imperial Prince Zhao Jun remember doesn't hate you, there are other people that hate you so he has to put on a show to protect you because inwardly he is always thinking of you more than anything else you don't have to hate him for it, just love him more." She said to the young boy.
            "Yes Ma'am." He replied.
            "So aren't you going to come with me to see your little sister?" She asked.
             "I'm coming Ma'am." He replied.
             "There's my very good boy." She said as she patted his head sweetly.
             The ladies of the harem had gathered and the Emperor himself was present at the celebration with the Empress Mother and the Empress Dowager Xie seated on either side of his, Cao Zhaoyi wasn't so far as well with the little baby in her hands and the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun next to his grandmother.
             While the place beamed with excitement Yang Jieyu walked in a little bit later than anyone else with a smile on her face she bowed her head to the Emperor and the Empresses as she greeted them.
             "Milady is surprisingly late." Emperor Ningzong pointed out while she didn't appear to look well herself.
            "Pardon me Your Majesty, hearing that Cao Zhaoyi had delivered I was very eager to find the best gift for the Eldest Princess that I couldn't sleep the whole night I decided to come with the Prince Zhao Xun to help me gift it to the young one." She replied.
            "If you spent a whole night then it must surely be something precious even I myself I'm eager to see it." He said.
            "If it pleases Your Majesty." Yang Jieyu replied and looking at Prince Zhao Xun who looked up at Zhao Jun that vividly showed his disinterest, he smiled as he walked up to the Emperor with the small trunk and laid it right in front of him.
            The latter curious he opened it while Empress Li gazed at Yang Jieyu who stared back at her and at that very moment he smiled as he pulled out the very beautiful and expensive looking Jade pendant.
             "A Jade lotus!" He exclaimed.
             "A Princess must be pure and she gives dignity to the Imperial household in her conduct, she is the apple of her father's eye and graceful in her deportment, above all she is immaculate and blessed a true servant of God, an heiress of good fortune, surely, there's nothing that could match such remarkable attributes as a lotus flower and just as this lotus flower is special it is made out of Jade." Yang Jieyu replied.
            "In deed I am very pleased with your decision." Emperor Ningzong replied.
            "Thank you Your Majesty, I was hoping that heaven my grant our dearest Imperial Highness a very long life and that she'd live for a thousand years, that she'd give the Imperial household hundreds of Commandery Princes and Princesses and that no one in the world would dare cast an evil eye on her." She said.
           "I thank you on Her Highness' behalf Jieyu." Cao Zhaoyi said.
           "I am grateful Ma'am." Yang Jieyu replied.
           Empress Li's supporters had gathered in their usual meeting place when she walked in and they stood up to recognize her presence.
           "Your Highness." They said to her as they bowed their heads while the latter as though ignoring them she sat down gracefully in her seat.
           "You understand why we are here?" Empress Li asked.
          "Yes." They all replied in unison.
          "Cao Jieyu delivered an Imperial Princess that happens to be the Eldest Princess of the Imperial family through His Majesty the current Emperor and she was promoted to the rank of Zhaoyi, in retaliation since the mourning period is nearly over, Yang Jieyu has His Majesty convinced he is determined to designate the Prince Zhao Xun as an Imperial son which we can not just allow to happen." Empress Li said.
            "But seeing that His Majesty has made up His mind it won't be that easy to oppose him." Minister Cao said.
            "I know it that's why we won't." Empress Li muttered.
            "What does Your Highness suggest we do then?" They asked her.
            "Yang Jieyu is now the sister of a First Rank Marquis and a full Minister in the Imperial Court her support has grown significantly over the past couple of months, Han Touzhou is our temporary aide for the time being for us to be in the position to contend with her might he must be thinking what we are thinking by now I propose that you support him when he advances his claims to have the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun designated as the heir apparent to the dragon throne." Empress Li replied.
             "Your Highness....." They were speaking up in protest when she interfered.
             "No one understands your worries better than myself but you can rest assured I have the Imperial Prince directly under my control and by now he resents Han Touzhou just as much." She said.
             "Yes Your Highness." Minister Cao said.
             "Make all the necessary preparations to act because once the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun is designated as the heir apparent then that shall be our signal to react." The Empress ordered.
             "Yes Your Highness." Everyone replied in unison as they bowed their heads to her while she smiled at herself ghastly.
              It was already dark and Cao Zhaoyi in her Chambers with her daughter busy humming a song to her Linxiang walked in.
             "Ma'am, Lady Yin is here requesting to see you." She said.
             "Let her in." She replied and the latter complying the old woman walked in and sat down in front of her.
             "Congratulations." She said.
             "There's no need to congratulate me." Cao Zhaoyi remarked, "I'm sure that father must be excited that his daughter did not have a son otherwise his loyalties to the Empress would be compromised he doesn't wish to see me at this point he surely is up to something." She said.
             "Yes Ma'am." Lady Yin replied.
             "Won't you see your granddaughter?" Cao Zhaoyi asked as she handed over the baby to Linxiang who carried it over to Lady Yin who embraced her.
             "She really has your eyes." She said.
             "Thanks to her I am a step ahead of Yang Jieyu and I am Senior to her in the harem, however I must say that her birth wasn't totally useless His Majesty was pleased it wasn't a Prince that he wouldn't have to worry about another excuse for those greedy Courtiers to fight over." She said, "when she grows up I can have her marry a powerful man in the Empire." She added.
             "Surely, you know what's best for her Ma'am." Lady Yin asserted.
             "But I don't think that seeing her was what brought you here in particular." She said and the old woman handing over the child to Linxiang she exited the room and left the two alone together.
             "I found out something strange about His Excellency and I had someone follow him some time back and when they reported to me at first I wasn't sure what he was up to but I confirmed of late that he owns Private soldiers." Lady Yin asserted.
             "Private Soldiers?" Cao Zhaoyi inquired..
             "Yes, " the latter confirmed, "I overheard everything with my own ears, the money that your father got from selling half of his properties he decided to recruit men and build a private army of about five hundred men." She replied.
            "Has he come in contact with anyone of recent?" Cao Zhaoyi inquired.
            "He is still staggering about in the night and moves out at times for secret meetings I suppose however I heard in one of his conversations claiming that they had to listen and wait for the Empress Mother while the Lady of the house seems to not really mind at all because she knows he is always doing some business it leaves me certain that one way or another, the Empress Mother is involved in this." Lady Yin replied.
             "Is that so?" Cao Zhaoyi asked.
             "Yes Ma'am." Lady Yin replied.
             "That old man seems to love looking for trouble." She asserted.
             "What if it's the worst case scenario?" Lady Yin asked.
             "His actions would be enough to ruin all off us it's best that we be careful." She Said.
             "I agree." Lady Yin muttered.
             "Just keep a close eye on him." Cao Zhaoyi said and her foster mother standing up, she got out of the room while Linxiang got closer.
             "A private army Ma'am, that's nonsensical, does your father intend to rebel?" She inquired.
             "Apart from that being good enough a reason why else would he insist to have a private army and as it is that they have been meeting up with the Empress Mother then perhaps it is her intention." Cao Zhaoyi replied.
             "All her life she struggled to make sure that her son was designated as the Crown Prince so that he would become the Emperor, and now that he is the son of heaven that rules the world why would she wish to rebel against her own son?" Linxiang inquired.
             "At first I thought that it was strange how she was trying to get close to her grandson the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun and if she supports Han Touzhou and pushes the young boy to become a Crown Prince she'd automatically as his Grandmother wield more influence over him, could it be that she intends to act like the late Grand Empress Dowager?" Cao Zhaoyi muttered to herself.
             "We can't let that happen." Linxiang said.
             "All we have are words and she is the mother of the Emperor." Cao Zhaoyi said, "we don't have the power to influence anything." She Said.
             "Ma'am, we can't sit quietly." Linxiang said.
             "We must be patient for the time being." Cao Zhaoyi said.
             "It never struck me that Her Highness would go all the way." Linxiang muttered.
             "People my dear would do anything for power, they could even kill for it." Cao Zhaoyi assured her.
              Yang Jieyu in her quarters she stood and faced the window as she stared at the moon.
              Manyin slowly walked up to her.
              "Ma'am?" She called.
              "Tell me how long it has been?" She asked.
              "The mourning period shall soon be concluded." Manyin replied.
              "I'm I too cruel?" She asked.
              "Not at all." Manyin replied.
              "What about the Empress Mother?" She asked.
              "It's been confirmed, once the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun is designated as the heir apparent she'll strike." Manyin replied.
             "First I allowed her to keep her life for the sake of His Majesty, but now that it seems I am wrong and old habits in deed die hard I am not to blame." She said as she turned around and looked at Manyin.
             "What shall I do for you Ma'am?" She asked.
             "Tell the others to wait." Yang Jieyu replied, "we shall make it seem as though it never happened." She muttered.
             "Yes Ma'am." Manyin replied.
             Emperor Ningzong waiting in his study very early in the morning there were two Edicts before him while Eunuch Deng standing by his side a couple of minutes later Beiyuan walked into the room.
             "The Courtiers are waiting at the Grand Hall for the Daily Assembly Your Majesty." He said to him.
             "So they couldn't forget about it!" He exclaimed.
              "Your Majesty......" Eunuch Deng about to speak up in their defense he was halted.
              "I shall see them." The Emperor said and standing up from where he was seated he walked out of the hall while he was accompanied by his Retinue.
              The Courtiers already impatiently waiting in the hall while Zhao Zizhi watched Han Touzhou silently Eunuch Deng announced the young Emperor's presence as the latter mounting the stairs that led to his throne he stood before them as they bowed their heads.
            "Greetings Your Majesty." They said in unison as he accepted their salutation and sat down.
             "Your Majesty......" Han Touzhou saying he was interrupted.
             "I remember roughly a year ago the issue about me naming the heir apparent to the throne was raised and dismissed because we agreed we were mourning the Grand Empress Dowager." Emperor Ningzong said, "as an Emperor I have been on the throne long enough I trust and you have all served me I appreciate, the country is peaceful but the Crown Prince is the foundation of the State which I personally think like you all must be decided to eliminate any degree of possible controversies surrounding the succession." He said.
            "Yes Your Majesty." Grand Chancellor Zhao Zizhi agreed with him.
            "I shall live up to my promise and I shall live up to my word as the Sovereign of this country and the patriarch of the Imperial family and on this very day I wish to announce that before the whole world the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun is found to be filial and smart and being the eldest legitimate issue between myself and the Empress of the Han Clan, he shall therefore be inaugurated as my Crown Prince and heir apparent and he shall move into the Eastern Palace." Emperor Ningzong said.
            "Your Majesty is Sage." The Courtiers said in unison, "long live Your Majesty." They added as they bowed their heads to him.
             "In addition as well." He muttered and at that very moment they seemed to give their attention to him.
             "I have thought about it and the Palace is devoid of young Princes as the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun needs a brother as well I trust that he has grown particularly close with the Prince Zhao Xun they have learnt so much from each other as brothers I therefore thought it wise and came to a final decision that an Imperial Edict shall be received by the young Prince Zhao Xun proclaiming him as the Imperial son and he shall be entrusted into the care of Yang Jieyu as his mother." Emperor Ningzong said.
             "Your Majesty is Sage." Shi Miyuan and Zhao Zizhi along with a couple of others loudly voiced their consent to the issue and eclipsed the already silenced supporters of Han Touzhou that in a short while the latter turned to look at the Grand Chancellor and the Minister of War who smiled at him ghastly.
             Empress Han seated in her Chambers Liu Zhan rushed over to her excited.
             "Your Highness it is I?" She announced herself to her and the Empress granting her permission she made her way in and bowed her head before her.
             "What is it?" Empress Li asked.
             "His Majesty has already issued an Imperial decree to designate the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun as his heir apparent and on an auspicious day that is decided  by the Ministry of Rites, he shall be inaugurated and shall move to the Eastern Palace." Liu Zhan replied.
             "Very well." The Empress muttered.
             "Your Highness, there's something else." She said fo her and appeared to have garnered her attention.
             "What is it?" The Empress asked.
             "The Imperial Prince Zhao Xun has been designated as an Imperial son of His Majesty and shall therefore be adopted by Yang Jieyu as his mother." She said.
             "So it seems that His Majesty has made up his mind it won't be too hard for us to act this time round." Empress Li said.
             "Yes Your Highness?" Liu Zhan said.
             "Have the Ministry of Rites decide a day that isn't too far away."  The Empress Li ordered.
             "Yes Your Highness." Liu Zhan replied.
             Yang Jieyu seated in her Chambers Manyin walked in with The Imperial Prince Zhao Xun.
              "Ma'am." He greeted her.
              "Just a moment His Majesty's Imperial decree shall be arriving soon." She said to him as she patted his head.
               "Imperial Decree?" The young Prince asked.
               "Yes my Prince." Yang Jieyu replied.
               "What is it about..." He was asking when Xiaoyang walked into the room.
               "Your Highness." She said to the young man, "Eunuch Deng and the others are waiting outside." She said.
             "Let's get out." Yang Jieyu said and offering her hand to the young boy he took it up and the two walking across the room towards the doors, they got out and descended in the courtyard where Eunuch Deng and the others were waiting.
              "Ma'am?" He greeted her.
              "Superintendent Deng." She replied smiling at him.
               "All shall hear and receive His Majesty's Imperial decree." He said and at once Yang Jieyu helping the young boy they all went onto their knees and they bowed their heads.
              "Yang Jieyu and Prince Zhao Xun thank His Majesty." She said on his behalf and they bowed their heads at once while Yang Jieyu raised her hands and received the Edict in her possession.
              "His Majesty has sent some gifts over." He said and at once bearing the trunks with treasures they carried them into Yang Jieyu's residence.
             "Tell His Majesty that I thank him." She said.
             "Don't worry." Eunuch Deng replied.
              Yang Jieyu returning to her Chambers she sat down while the Imperial Prince sat right next to her.
             "Ma'am.....?" He spoke up but she silenced him.
             "I know what you want to say and I shall give you the answer immediately, from this day onwards you are a son to both His Majesty and me, you call him your father and me Your Mother." She said.
             "Really?" The Young Prince asked.
             "Yes." She replied but the latter still looked somewhat worried that she advanced her hands and embraced him.
             "Do you want to know a secret?" She asked.
             "Yes." He replied.
             "Once there was a lonely Prince in the palace whose mother was sinful, the Empress his mother was deposed and he remained alone without any siblings to call his friends and to play with until certainly a young boy came into his life." She said.
            "What happened to the young boy?" He asked
            "He hated the young boy and the Prince never wanted to be close to him, eventually he let the world see how harshly he treated him but he continued and pretended to be dense as everyone was yet inwardly he knew he had to be strong but away from the world he'd cry in loneliness, long for the warmth of a mother, a brother or a friend which he couldn't have." She completed.
             "The young Prince must have been sad." Prince Zhao Xun said.  
             "And the young Prince in the tale is none other than His Majesty's eldest son the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun." She said.
             "Does that mean....?" Zhao Xun asked.
             "You are that little boy." She said to him.
             "Ma'am...." He mentioned.
             "I am a mother to you from now on that is another mother to the Imperial Prince and I worry greatly, you were orphaned from your mother at a young age and he as well was deprived of his in the end the both of you are unfortunate victims of this cruel fate your shouldn't suffer for the sins of your parents." She said to him.
             "I see." Zhao Xun muttered.
             "The Prince may hate you but inwardly he is yet another broken child that needs to be loved, of ever there is a day that you grow tired continue loving him one day the hate in his heart will vanish and at the end of it all he'll love you more than he has ever loved anyone else, do you understand?" Yang Jieyu asked.
            "Yes Mother." The young prince replied while she hugged him tightly.
            "One day I promise, he will soften to you, and the day that he does so, you shall surely have everything in the world." She spoke to him in a lowly tone.
            Cao Zhaoyi in her Chambers Linxiang rushed in.
            "Ma'am, His Majesty is here to see you." She alerted her and hearing this the latter got out and saw the Emperor standing and looking at the gardens she immediately descended the stairs and rushed to him.
           "Your Majesty." She said as she paid her respects.
            "Pardon me, it's been a while and I haven't visited you." He said.
            "I'm fine Your Majesty, perhaps you wish to see the Imperial Princess." She said.
             "No." He replied.
             "Really?" She asked.
             "I wanted to at least see you." He said to her while she fell silent at the moment.
             "What is it Sire?" She asked.
             "Perhaps we should have a walk." He said and without any hesitation the young woman agreed to his favour slowly they started walking about the place.
             "You have been in the palace for a while now and except for the day that Her Highness was born and the ceremony after that I realised that I haven't spent that much time with you you must have been lonely." He said.
            "Actually as long as I am back in the palace Your Majesty, I am fine, I love being able to see you every day and I understand that deep down in your heart it is Yang Jieyu that you love." She said.
             "Yes." He confirmed.
             "But you see Your Majesty Yang Jieyu and yourself are two things that I am happy I have and I could give up pretty much anything in the world to have you both I could bear almost everything except for a single moment away from you." She convinced him.
            "Yang Jieyu told me that you think I must be disappointed because you delivered a Princess." He said.
            "Who wouldn't Sure?" She asked.
            "The Courtiers have only desired one thing to turn Imperial Princes and siblings against one another for their own political ambitions, they are good at sowing discord amongst us members of the Imperial family so when a daughter is born to me then inwardly my heart is set at peace, she is the one child of mine that could have all the freedom in the world, the one that the Courtiers couldn't manipulate, the same one that can stand by me and look after me when I age and the only one that truly mourns me in front of my coffin." He said as he turned to her.
            "Your Majesty..." She was saying when he interfered.
            "I am a king to the world but a husband in your eyes and a father, I gave her the name Yuping because she is my favourite and she is my peace, my peace that surpasses all mortal understanding and reminds me that I can be a good father as I am a good Emperor." He said.
             "It concerned Your Majesty this much I ask that you pardon me for all my sins, how could I have understood your good intent I am so ashamed to look at you." She Said.
              "Now that you know my heart and you understand my thoughts, I trust more than anything else that you shall love her even more than I ever could and for my sake you would protect her." Emperor Ningzong said.
              "Rest assured Your Majesty." Cao Zhaoyi said as she bowed her head to him and ceasing her hands, he gently caressed them.
              Dusk had fallen over the country and Yang Jieyu making her way into the room at the Lanling Court where everyone was waiting for her she stood in front of all of them.
             "Greetings Ma'am." They said to her as she set them at ease and sat down while they followed her example.
             "You called for us Ma'am?" Master Bao said.
             "Yes." She replied, "we have someone new who will be joining us." She said and the doors being flung open a strange man walked in and while everyone raised their eyes to see who it was they seemed surprised.
             "Minister Xue?" Yang Cishan muttered.
             "Yes." Yang Jieyu replied.
             "How is it...?" Peng Zishou asked.
             "I was suspicious of the Empress Mother beforehand and I chose to seek out some of her old aides that had laid low, as soon as I received news that Han Touzhou had been to the Cold Palace while the Empress Mother's return to the Palace was being debated I knew I had to prepare beforehand." Yang Jieyu replied.
            "So is the Empress Mother really up to something?" Yang Cishan asked.
            "Tell them." Yang Jieyu said to Minister Xue.
            "Ever since Her Highness returned to the Palace she decided to grow particularly close with the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun, she had us sell half of our property to get enough wealth and she contributed some more as well and she asked us to raise a private army that is divided into ten divisions each containing at least two thousand men." He said.
            "So you mean to say that the Empress is in control of nearly twenty thousand soldiers?" Peng Zishou asked.
            "Yes." Minister Xue replied.
            "But if the Empress Mother needed a private army it could only mean that she intends to rebel but she's been restored to grace from which she had fallen and not to mention the current Emperor is her son so for her to rebel herself is preposterous." Master Bao said.
           "So I thought but seeing that she's been taking classes with the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun she opts to do the same thing that the Late Grand Empress Dowager Wu did." Yang Jieyu said to them while they all seemed so surprised they exploded into ceaseless murmurs.
            "Her Highness wants to force His Majesty to abdicate that she may install the Imperial Prince Zhao Jun on the throne and create herself the Grand Empress Dowager and regent." She informed them.
             "Is the Empress Mother really plotting something that big?" Yang Cishan asked.
             "Then why hasn't she done anything until now?" Peng Zishou asked.
             "His Majesty used the excuse of the Grand Empress Dowager's mourning period and stalled the appointment of the Crown Prince to put it simply it bought the Empress time to mobilize all resources and accumulate all the necessary wealth to gain a private army and equip it well enough, train it into a formidable force we're only waiting for the Imperial Prince's investiture as the Heir apparent." Minister Xue replied.
             "Why the need to wait that long?" Bao Langya asked.
             "If an Emperor is deposed without a designated Prince as the heir apparent it would be difficult to gain the approval of the people and give justice to the rebellion and what's worse she had the pregnancy of Cao Zhaoyi to worry about now that her goal is only days away the forces are being mobilised." Minister Xue replied.
             "You have heard for yourself well enough." Yang Jieyu mentioned.
             "Even if we have all the evidence Ma'am, if the Empress Mother doesn't act there's nothing we can do." Peng Zishou said.
             "We want to make it seem as though nothing happened." She responded.
              "Ma'am, you mean to protect the Empress Mother for such an atrocity?" Yang Cishan inquired.
              "I hate the Empress but thinking about his Majesty if he learnt about any of it then he would be broken, should that happen how could any of you in this room forgive yourselves?" She asked while they all went into silence.
              "Then what do you suggest we do Ma'am?" Bo An asked.
              "I have a plan but that will risk some of you." She replied, "Quietly we should suppress the revolt before the Empress Mother has a chance to react and without raising any suspicion and you can leave the rest concerning the Empress Mother to me." Yang Jieyu said.
              "Yes Ma'am." They all replied hesitantly in unison.
            Yang Jieyu descending the stairs that let from the room she was accompanied by Bo An and Bao Langya.
            "May I have a word with you?" She requested while they isolated themselves away from the crowd.
             "What is it?" Bo An asked her.
             "This was between us at least I trust but it's also the perfect moment to check out our loyalties and those traitors amongst us." She said.
              "You mean to say...?" Bao Langya inquired.
              "These men present work for either us or one of the three parties that is Her Highness, Cao Zhaoyi or Han Touzhou." She replied.
             "So you let them in on such a big secret Ma'am that could jeopardize us all?" Bo An asked.
             "There's one of two likely possibilities and the first is that I'd hope them to either act immediately or a bit later while the second is if we could curb down the possibility of a revolt then to me they shall have come a step closer to proving themselves sufficient enough to be trustworthy aides to our cause." Yang Jieyu replied.
              "We'll keep a close eye on them Ma'am." They said.
             "Inform me if any of them appears to be suspicious." She said.
              "Yes Ma'am." They replied in unison.
              "What about Minister Xue Ma'am, what's the guarantee that we can trust him?" She asked.
              "You can watch him closely but I have him right where I want him." She said.
              "Yes." Bao Langya replied.
              It was early in the morning and the Emperor Ningzong walking into his study after the Daily Assembly he sat down on his table where a couple of memorials had been piled for him.
             "How come there's too many of them?" He inquired.
             "Maybe Your Majesty can look at them later." Eunuch Deng said.
             "Let it be." Emperor Ningzong said as he took up the first one and opened it and his eyes perusing through they widened.
             "Your Majesty, is there anything wrong?" Eunuch Deng asked while the Emperor handed over the memorial to him he took it and read it aloud.
            "During the Yuanfu reign period [1098-1100], because Xiang Zongliang and his brothers colluded with foreign emissaries and leaked state secrets, Chen Guan memorialized the emperor and impeached them, saying, 'Ever since the ancient times, signs of a declining dynasty start to show when state power begins to be encroached upon by imperial relatives, and the reason for a failing empire is rooted in the fact that court policies are interfered with by the emperors' kin. Policy-making at the level of prefectures and counties is also the same. All in all the power must be firmly controlled by the governors. If a kin or relative is allowed to conspire with government officials, then wicked persons will be encouraged and good officials will start to complain.' These words truly cannot be unheeded. Now what Han Tuozhou is doing is even worse than that of Xiang Zongliang, but there is no Chen Guan in the court who dares to come out and remorse him. During the reign of Your Majesty's father, when Jiang Teli was first promoted, the ministers at court were still capable of driving him out of office. Later when Yuan Zuo was used, the censors could still make him fear their words. But to my surprise, as bright and perceptive as Your Majesty was at the beginning, you could still allow a person as wicked as this to stay in your court, and no one dared to criticize him. Thus his power over the court is indeed notable." He said.
            "Your Majesty?" He said to him.
            "Summon the Grand Chancellor at once." The Emperor said.
             "Yes Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng replied as he exited the hall.
             Yang Jieyu seated in her residence Manyin walked in.
             "His Majesty summoned the Grand Chancellor." She reported.
              "Very well." Yang Jieyu remarked, "keep me updated." She demanded.
              "Yes Ma'am." Manyin replied as she withdrew from the room at once.
              "Your Majesty, called for me?" Zhao Zizhi said
              "I need your counsel." He said as Eunuch Deng took the memorial and he handed it over to the old man who took it in his possession and read it's contents.
              "Allow me to ask Your Majesty, to whom does this belong?" He inquired
              "Peng Zishou." Emperor Ningzong replied.
              "I heard that he was particularly close with Master Zhu Xi and perhaps it is out of his displeasure that he writes to you." He said.
               "There have been rumours that were going on in the capital that Zhu Xi was innocently bearing punishment because he pointed and censured the corrupt officials in the Imperial Court some of which included the Left Chancellor Han Touzhou and it had him framed for it and others call me a good but incompetent Sovereign." Emperor Ningzong said.
               "As Your Majesty knows they are all rumours and every lie on this mortal coil by nature is bound to come to light." Grand Chancellor Zhao Zizhi remarked.
              "Zhu Xi I recall personally wrote a letter to me and in it he stated that the Left Chancellor Han Touzhou should be given good rewards for his contribution and should be prevented from interfering with court policies." He said, "seeing this much letter I couldn't hesitate in saying that the apple never falls so far from the tree I am seeing the same here as it is remarked that he once was a follower of Master Zhu Xi's Neo-confucianist doctrine." He asserted.
              "I understand where Your Majesty is coming from." Grand Chancellor Zhao Zizhi said.
              "Han Tuozhou is my relative, and Peng Zishou is my old classmate whom I grew up studying with which makes this situation rather tough to deal with." Emperor Ningzong said.
              "Because Peng Zishou has a strong personality, it is my wish that Your Majesty could issue an announcement to retain retain both." Grand Chancellor Zhao Zizhi appealed.
              "Peng Zishou has a straightforward character and he is also one of the four old ministers from the previous court of the Guangzong Emperor, Of the four, two were removed from office and one left in mourning Peng Zishou is therefore the only one who would still come to say things to me. It is indeed better to compromise like this." Emperor Ningzong said.
            "Surely Your Majesty." Zhao Zizhi replied, "but even then I see that to protect one Your Majesty must stake the prestige of the other." He said.
            "I see." He said.
            "I think it best perhaps Your Majesty should have him demoted and sent to the Yu prefecture for it is there that I trust he shall reflect on this and furthermore it may save him from being a target for the aggression of the other Courtiers." Grand Chancellor Zhao Zizhi replied.
             "Very well then." Emperor Ningzong remarked.
             The latter getting out of the hall he turned back around and looked at the building while he smiled at himself ghastly that Yang Jieyu impatiently waiting in her room Manyin returned.
              "Ma'am?" She said to her.
              "What happened?" Yang Jieyu inquired.
              "It is as we planned, The Grand Chancellor has succeeded." She said.
              "By now Peng Zishou will be in the Ministry, tell him to get ready." She ordered.
              "Yes Ma'am." Manyin replied as she immediately got out of the room.
              Empress Han waiting in her Chambers as well the doors were opened and Liu Zhan walked into her presence as she offered her salutations.
              "Any word from the ministry of Rites?" She inquired.
             "They concluded with Minister Peng's approval, the closest date to host the Crown Prince's investiture should be the day after tomorrow." She replied as she placed an envelope on the table before the Empress Mother who took it into her hands.
              "At that time the Emperor's star shall be at it's highest and Capricorn shall be close as well." She said after perusing through.
              "Then I trust that it is time to act Your Highness." Liu Zhan said.
              "Tell everyone to be on standby and once dusk falls after the Crown Prince has been invested, we shall make our move." She said.
              "Yes Your Highness." Liu Zhan replied as she got out of the room.
              Peng Zishou seated with all the other ministers in the Ministry of Rites while it was getting late Eunuch Deng suddenly marched in with a couple of Imperial guards accompanying him and he halted in front of the four men.
              "What's going on?" One of them asked.
              "Pardon me for disturbing you Your Excellencies but I am here to deliver an Imperial Edict from His Majesty." Eunuch Deng replied as they immediately fell onto their knees without asking any more questions.
            "What is your response to His Majesty?" He asked.
            "I accept Your Majesty's Edict with a humbled heart, Long Live His Majesty." He replied as he bowed his head.


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