~|Chapter 4|~

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(darren is so cuteeeee😭)

Sweet and cute moment right, but little did they know that Manager Ty, was standing outside the door and heard the lil conversation they had.


Oliver carefully stretched out his arms and raised his head. He massaged his eyes and turned to glance around after hearing his stomach grumble.

Oliver looked to his right and expressed disbelief upon seeing he was actually lying on Regie Macalino. Regie was still snoring and his arm was around Oliver's waist. Oliver was unable to look away from Regie. He snoozes like a baby drooling. Oliver chuckled as he observed the older face. His mouth was slightly open, but his eyes were closed, and he was drooling a little.

Oliver instantly returned to Regie's inner shoulder and pretended to sleep as the older one began to move. Regie awoke a few seconds later, yawning wearily. He checked the room till he felt something wrapped around his arms. Oli was held on his grip. Regie observed the younger person's face. He notes that Oliver always glances away from him when they maintain eye contact, so he rarely gets to see his face. However, he didn't frequently give it any thought.

Since Oliver is Oliver Occasionally quiet and reserved, yet always confident. Regie merely gave half smile as he moved the bangs that were covering the younger face. As a smile spread across his face, he muttered, "Cute." He rose from the floor and began to get ready to get downstairs.

The words his partner said caused Oliver, who had slightly flushed cheeks, to sit up and quickly remember what had occurred the previous night before. While resting his elbows on his thighs, he rubbed his face and then brushed his fingers through his hair. He inhaled deeply before standing up and looking straight ahead so as to avoiding making eye contact with anyone else.

Oliver did not wish for anyone to see how flustered he is at the minute. He then took a shower while reflecting on his somewhat secret relationship with Regie. After taking a shower, he exited and noticed the steamy mirror in front of him. He wiped the mirror with his own hand, seeing himself more clearly with each swipe. He emerged from the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist, which revealed the beginning of his v-line.

Oliver began posing in front of the large mirror he had on his side of the room, saying proudly, "You can't beat the Beater Baby," unaware that someone was giggling at his own behaviour though the door.

He got dressed after making a difficult choice between his two outfits. Before he could put his popular necklaces on. A deep, soothing voice knocked on the door and said, "Oli." "Ryan you can come in" Oliver said as he calmly turned to face the door. Ryan said as he opened the door, "Darren is cooking food for everybody so I'm going to buy drinks for us. So what you want?" Oliver flashed Ryan a gentle smile as he put on his necklace and then said, "Oh, uhm, anything is great." "Okay, is there anything more you need?" Ryan remarked as he left, "Nah, it's fine. That's all Oliver replied "But are you sure?" Ryan spoke as he poked his head outside the door. Ryan acted in a way that made Oliver chuckle as he approached him.

"Yes Ryan I'm sure" Oliver giggled as the both walked out the room to go downstairs.

The day was going very normally for everyone, which surprised me that Oliver and Regie were acting so normally.

Ty, the manager, told them they had to record a video as he described what they were doing. They had to go out on a date with one of the group members, which was nice.

Oliver started to do the intro as he explained what they were doing to the camera.

"Alright boys line up!" Oliver said in a firm but soft tone.

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