~|Chapter 9|~

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"Dad I already told you I am not going to meet any- "

"Listen Oliver Moy this isn't a choice you will come here tomorrow and on Monday you will have to meet her." Oliver's dad spoke through the other side of the phone.

"Why is it always me the one who has to deal with his shit isn't it already enough for me to gi-"

"Dad again?" Sebastian said leaning on the door.

"Was I that loud?"

"Kind of," Sebastian chuckled, sitting next to his older brother.

"Uhm did any of the boys heard or-

"Don't worry about that; the thing that matters right now is if you're alright?" Sebastian asks.

The query seems absurd... due to the fact that you never hear someone ask that question.

"Yes, I'm always good, so don't worry." With the biggest smile he could manage in this position, Oliver said.

"Aight, if you say so... Sebastian began his sentence as he stood up and moved to the door to leave Oliver's shared room. ...When you're ready, you must tell me what dad told you."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say" Oliver chucked.

And like that, Sebastian left the room, and Oliver just faced the ceiling with an arm covering his eyes, thinking of what had happened with his dad.

"Why is it always me?" oliver sighed slightly, wiggling his legs, until he "Why is it always you?" A deep yet soft voice said with a slight high pitch. "Huh," Oliver responded, startled, getting up and sitting himself up. "Fam you heard what I said," "No, like, what are you doing here, Regie?"

Regie's POV:
"Cuh im here to see if you good" I replied leaning on the entrance of the door.

"I uh- you know... the usual"

"Oli tell me the truth what's going on..."

"Regie... there's nothing to worry about I just- my dad wants me to go back home a-"

"Wait only you? What about Sebastian?"

"Yeah... Regie he wants me too meet a girl"


There is a silence to my soul; I am fall leaves under frost. I feel the chill in my blood, coldness bringing the synapses of my brain to a stay still. Part of it is a pain, yet one I can endure, one I can sleep through night after night without the anaesthesia of false hope. This is my winter; I wait for spring and the chattering of the birds. Did I just hear him right...

"Oli no- wait you mean like meeting in like only meeting wait nah this can't be..." I said as my breath started to go slower and slower.

"Regie please listen ok-"

"Oliver this Is a joke right no it better be right?"



"Regie this is just a meeting there will be nothing going on I promise you I will only want to be with you and only you. No matter what"

"Oliver it's always how it starts..."

His phone started to vibrate again as I look at the phone as he turns it around-

"Leave it it's probably my dad calling me again"

"Oli you should pick it up what happens if it's important" I said as I look at him with watery eyes... huh im a man I can't be crying no I can't be crying in front of my boyfriends I'm the one who has to be strong an- without realising I burst out in tears making me show my weak side the side i never ever show to anyone the side i hate the most of myself...

"Regie just wait for me" Oliver said as he wiped my tears.


I don't like valentines yk anyways wsp mis amores🤞😋 also idk like THANKS ALOT LIKE ALOTT FOR 2kreads!!!!!!!! Like wth seriously like how😭

(626 words)

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