~Chapter 7|~

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"That should be enough". Regie urged Oliver to "keep up the hard work" while groaning and flailing his arms. Oliver yawned, stretched, and responded, "Yes," still seated in his chair. Oliver turned to face the door as he heard it slowly open and saw a slightly short male figure enter. "Oh hey, Justin come here," Oliver said. "Have things between you and Ryan altered at all?" Oliver was ignored by Regie's questioning. Justin began to wonder what had occurred at the beach a few days before. "Nothing yet." Justin answered, turning away, with a hint of unease in his tone, Regie replied, "Ah, I wonder if there's anything we can do to help you Justin."

Oliver replied, shifting his chair so that his body and attention were directed at the male with black hair. "Justin, you should do whatever your instinct says, which is to say, do whatever your heart says and for once ignore your brain," Oliver continued.

"I understa-.. I only want to confess, but what if he doesn't feel comfortable, and then I simply just make our friendship awkward and stuff?" Justin responded all at once, sounding frightened and uneasy struggling for air.

"Listen what if we go to a party tonight and do whatever you want? Regie tried to give suggestions.

"What do you mean?" The black haired male responder having a genially confused look.

"Oh, you know what I mean, cuh get some hoe and make him jealous, or sum shit like that, bet there's gon' be sexi hoes there," Regie said, forgetting his boyfriend is literally right next to him.

"Don't you already have one?" "It's like if you don't want him, I mean you lose," Justin said, looking at Regie then at Oliver in the middle of his sentence, winking at the male sat on the chair.

"Bro, actually fuck off, he's mine," Regie said, glaring at the short black male.

"Didn't you just say you were going to get some girls?" Oliver said he was pissed off at his boyfriend.

"Darling "I was only joking, I was trying to get you pissed because you look sexier when you're mad," Regie said, looking at his boyfriend with a soft yet flirtatious tone while having a smirk on his face.

"No, but actually piss off before I smack you," Oliver said with slightly pink tinted cheeks, not looking in Regie's direction.

"That's not what you said last night, babe," Regie replied, smirking in a mocking tone while his finger travelled to Oliver's chin, making him look his way.

Justin simply left the room before they would go any further in front of him.

"Reg-ah Regie sto-" Oliver said, pushing Regie gently. "We were supposed to help him not make out," Oliver continued.

"Babe, come on, we're here tonight," Regie said, wanting to continue what they were doing a second ago.

"No, I'm still pissed at you asshole," Oliver tried to get away from Regie's grip.

"Ouch, that hurt," Regie replied mockingly at the fact his lover called him an asshole.

Oliver just simply glared at him, making Regie look away. "Okay, ok, we'll just help him... and continue this tonight," Regie said firmly, but he still muttered the last part of his sentence.

"No. We. Are. Not" Oliver said clearly.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry, we'll just help Justin." Regie said, putting his hands up, making Oliver chuckle.

"Now see, you're more cute when you don't throw a tantrum when you want something," Oliver said, peeking at Regie's cheek, forehead, nose, and, finally, lips. It was only a little peek,before leaving the room, but they both felt love in that small second.

When Oliver left the room, Regie emerged from his bed and wiggled his legs, covering his face with a pillow that he was hugging. After a few minutes, he was having a heart attack from the scene he had just had with his boyfriend, and he muttered, "Why you gotta be so cute? You be makin me feel this weird shit in my stomach"

(Back to Jusryan)
"I think I'm ready. "Who I am going to lie to, I am not, and I'm fucking nervous; I'm probably going to shit myself at this point," Justin said, thinking he was alone in the room. "Why are you so nervous, darling?" Ryan asked as he grinned, leaning against the door and crossing his arms. "Bro, what are you doing in my room?" Justin's eyes widen as the taller male speaks. "You didn't answer my question, Justin," Ryan continued as he walked over to the shorter male, slowly unfolding his arms.

"I guess I'm thinking about confessing to someone," Justin said, breaking their brief moment of eye contact. "Oh seriously, good for you?" Ryan halted sharply in horror after hearing a catastrophe, his eyes wide open, his glaze slowly being adjusted as he blinked more quickly as he tried to give the impression he was happy but... it didn't work at all. Ryan said, "I, uh, gotta leave," as his heart broke into several pieces. Previously, he would start crying, but this time it wasn't from joy.

Justin instantly rose from the bed's corner and moved a short distance toward Ryan, letting go of Ryan's arm in the meanwhile. "I need to tell you something, so please wait."


Hey mis amores!! 🫶🫶 nah he gon confess? TO RYAN? I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for the properrr late update but I have been busy cuz of school exams and stuff init so yeah 😋🤞hope yu guys been having fantastic day! 🫶🫶

I'm thinking about making them suffer?😉 but who knows?

(938 words)

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