chapter 6.

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"Huh?" Is all that comes out of my mouth when I open it. I have slapped him before and he did nothing back to me but I didn't even mean to slap him- I did mean to slap him but I didn't know what I was doing until I did it.

"What's the problem? You want to slap me to slap me, Parker, or are you just saying that?" He taunts and I huff.

"I don't have the time to play your stupid games Malfoy I have places to be, people to see." I reply and he laughs as I begin walking again. We pass the great hall and rush up some steps and I begin to think that he doesn't realise he's following me up to the Gryffindor common room.

"Exactly. So stop trying to tell me you hate so much that you want to slap me when I gave you the opportunity and you wouldn't take it." He quips and I roll my eyes.

"Do you not have your friends to go and talk to?" I decide to ask, in an attempt to get him to leave me alone and he laughs at my expense once again.

"Yeah but torturing you is much more fun." He answers and I open my mouth to reply but I don't know what else there is to say.

"So you want to talk to me?" I decide to say. I can play his game if he wants to. I turn back to look at him and he rolls his eyes at me instead of giving into my ploy.

"No but you want me to want to talk to you." He replies, smirking and I smile without realising it. I don't know why I found the sentence a slight bit funny, I think it was the stupidity of it.

"You're wrong because you want me to you to want you to want to talk to me." I quip, confusing myself as I say the sentence and he shakes his head before chuckling.

"Oh so you want me!" He jokes and I laugh. Surprisingly, I laugh. The urge to slap him has slowly subsided but I know it's because I'm laughing and it will come back soon.

"No! You so want me!" I accuse, coving my face with my hands and we both laugh again.

"Am I disrupting something?" A new voice asks and I stop laughing and look to see Cedric stood in front of the fat lady's painting. Draco and I's smile's fade and I clear my throat and tuck my hair behind my ears and try to ignore the odd feeling of guilt in my chest. I don't know why I feel guilty when all we did was laugh together.

"Of course not." I reply before planting a small kiss on his plump cheek. "What are you doing here?"

"What's he doing here, and why are you even talking to him?" Cedric questions and I scratch my neck. I don't want to talk about Malfoy while he's stood listening to us but I guess I'm going to have to.

"Why? Am I banned?" I reply sarcastically and the fat lady chuckles. Cedric runs a hand through his hair and glances at Malfoy before looking back at me.

"Yes." Cedric says and I wait for him to laugh but he doesn't. Malfoy covers his mouth with his hands but I can still see the smile on his face. "Get out of here Malfoy before I wipe that smirk off your face."

The blonde holds both of his hands in the air beside his head in defence before walking back down the steps. "Cedric are you serious?" I question him and he nods his head. "What? You can't ban me from talking to people, who do you think you are?"

"Bella, he's a dickhead I don't even know why you want to talk to him. It's not going to affect you in a deep way if you don't talk to him anymore so don't do it." My 'father' I guess tries to tell me.

"You're unbelievable." I scoff and he rolls his eyes. "I can talk to whoever I want. It's not going to affect you in a 'deep way' if I continue to talk to him." I knew Cedric was a jealous person because everyone is but I didn't know he was this jealous. And why is he even jealous, anyway? It's Malfoy.

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