chapter 93.

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During potions, Malfoy and I steal glances at each other and every time I catch him looking at me I begin to smile like an idiot.

In potions, we brew one of the potions we learnt in the first year and we do a mock exam for the Newts. Hermione is awfully happy once it's announced unlike our two male friends who list ways to kill themselves.

After potions we have flying lessons, which are more than easy, and after an hour of Harry and Ron poking each other with their wands while they fly, we go to Transfiguration.

Unlike all of our other lessons, McGonagall makes everyone talk about what they plan to do once they leave Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, Blaise, and a few other (mostly male) students announce that they would like to play Quidditch professionally and Hermione along with Draco, Elizabeth and Pansy clarify that they want to work for the Ministry of Magic. I zone out after other people begin to talk about what they would like to do and Malfoy taps my shoulder, which brings me back to reality.

"Come on. Lessons over." He announces and I look around to realise that everyone has left except for Malfoy, my friends and Professor McGonagall.

"Oh." I quickly stand up and we rush to our next class - Defence Against The Dark Arts. Like Potions, Snape makes us do a mock essay and after wasting two hours for doing it, we go to maths.

After the first hour, I rest my head on my arms and close my eyes. We were supposed to do another mock exam but I finish it before the first hour is over and I snooze off with Malfoy next to me. "Did I tire you out last night?" The blonde whispers in my ear and I open one eye.

"Maybe." I whisper, closing my eyes again and he chuckles. "Which is precisely why I can't come over tonight?"

"Why, you can't keep your hands off me for a full night?" He teases and I open my eyes so that I can roll them and I shake my head. "Well at least I'm not a liar, I definitely can't keep my hands off you for a full night."

I bury my head into my arms so that he can't see the smile on my face and the pink tint in my cheeks. "Seems like you're going to have to tonight." I taunt and he smirks.

"Awh now that's not fair. An addict acts out when he can't get his hands on his drug." The blonde whispers and I chuckle.

"What are you addicted to, exactly?" I question, propping my head up and looking at him with a grin on my face.

"Do you really want me to answer that in a classroom?" He asks and the tint in my cheeks immediately gets worse. "Exactly."

"You know what you're doing." I say, crossing my legs over one another and he pokes his cheek out with his tongue.

"And what is that exactly?" He asks and I roll my eyes. I stay silent and pretend to go back to sleep and he laughs.

We continue talking for the rest of the lesson and Hermione has to practically carry me back to the Gryffindor common room. "Why are you so tired? Didn't you sleep over the feast?" She questions as I flip onto my bed.

"Yes." I groan, "But I have no idea why I'm so tired. I think it's from those mock exams."

"They were great I don't know what you mean." She replies and I laugh. "Especially the Defence Against The Dark Arts one. Although, I do wish that we did another one for Transfiguration. I feel like we need more practice and discussing our dream jobs was frankly useless. Speaking of, does Malfoy know that you don't want to lay down roots in London just yet seen as though he wants to work for the Ministry?"

"Uh yeah. We spoke about it this morning actually." I answer, sitting up and Hermione seethes before sitting next to me on my bed.

"And?" The brunette asks and I inhale deeply.

"He has it all planned out." I smile and Hermione also begins grinning. "He said he'll come with me for a week to all the different places and then have to go home so that he can work and we'd communicate via letters. And he started talking about kids! About how we'll probably have to get a house elf if I'm still travelling and he'll be busy at the Ministry."

"Wow. Does he know Cedric was going to travel with you for the whole time?" Hermione asks and I shake my head, which causes her to laugh. "You should tell him. That will persuade him to travel with you for the whole time."

"Maybe." I agree, "But I know that he'd be unhappy and it's not fair for me to ask him to throw away his life so he can join me with mine."

"That's true." Hermione nods, "Did you guys talk about marriage along with the kids?"

"Nope." I answer and she furrows her brows. "Our 'future' based conversation was an argument...which may or may not have been my fault and we only brushed over the topic of kids. Marriage didn't even come up."

"What if he never proposes?" She asks and I cock my head to the side. "Some people are afraid of marriage and what if Malfoy is one of those people, he'll never ask you and you'll be boyfriend and girlfriend unless you do it...and even then he might say no."

"I...I did say that I wanted a husband, he didn't testify against it." I defend and Mione raises her hands beside her head.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." She quotes, "Maybe he held his peace."

" you think he's that type?" I ask and she shrugs. "He's never said anything to me about marrying me."

"Maybe he thinks you're too young to discuss it or he just...doesn't see himself getting married. You might not wand to ask yourself this but can you imagine walking down the aisle and seeing Malfoy there?" She replies and I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth as I think.


I can't imagine it.

I shake my head, slowly and release my lip from my teeth. "I actually can't. It's just...a faceless man." I answer and she smiles sadly. "But just because I can't imagine that doesn't mean that he won't prove me wrong."

"Maybe, maybe not." Mione shrugs. "I'm just saying, make sure that you're both satisfied with your future before you start making baby plans."

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