chapter 76.

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I stay silent while the rest of them revise. I join in on the revising because there is no way in hell that I am failing these exams because of a boy but other than that I do nothing else.

After finishing up charms, Blaise leaves the room with Crabbe and Goyle to play some wizard's chess and Pansy and Lizzy also leave. "Here." Malfoy says, passing me his school shirt as he changes into something else and I keep my mouth closed before taking it and placing it on his bed. "What's wrong?"

Is this boy serious?

"Tired." I lie and he nods.

"So get changed then, we'll go to sleep." He replies and I tut before picking up the shirt. "Why you acting like that?"

"I'm not arguing with you again, Malfoy." I snap and he scoffs before turning around and allowing me to get changed.

I don't even want to stay here tonight and I had no intention of doing so either but seeing Elizabeth's face when Malfoy was reaming me made me say it.

I take as much time as I want to get changed into the shirt and I clear my throat to let him know I've changed. I pull it down as it suddenly feel shorter than last time but I know that's because I don't want him to see my naked thighs, he doesn't deserve to after the way he spoke to me.

He didn't even apologise.

"Night." I quip before pulling back the duvet on his bed and his face scrunches in confusion. I lay my head on the pillow and turn on my side to face the wall before closing my eyes.

I hear the light switch go off and Malfoy climbs into bed next to me. He attempts to pull me towards him so I push him off without looking at him. "I'm hot." I lie and he scoffs. The lamp beside me turns on and I squint before opening my eyes.

"What the fuck is going on? Why are you being short with me?" The boy complains and I almost roll my eyes at his audacity but instead I sit up.

"You're such a fucking idiot." I find myself saying and I try to hide how shocked I am that I just said that, "You embarrassed me in front of your friends, called me a liar, called me your girlfriend and then Lizzy comes and all of a sudden you hate me and prefer her instead, and the list could go on and on and on."

"What?" He asks and I bite my cheek to stop myself from screaming. "You were causing problems, Parker-

"That's the thing! No I wasn't!" I defend and he exhales deeply.  "She was whispering things in my ear but of course you don't want to believe me. You just want a reason to break up with me. That's what you've wanted, isn't it? Since you first saw her all you've looked for is reasons!"

"No I haven't." Is all he says and I scoff. "Parker, what do you want me to say?"

"Nothing. Whatever." I shrug as I pull the duvet over me again and lay back down.

"No. Talk to me." He scolds, pulling the duvet off me and I huff. "How do you expect me to solve this if you won't tell me what the issue if?"

"I did!" I shout, "I gave you a list, Malfoy! She's been here for two days and look at what she's done!"

"She wasn't whispering to you Parker-

"Why are you taking her side?" I yell at him and he runs his hands down his face. "Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall! You want to 'solve this' but you're not even listening to me!"

"Okay tell me. What did she say?" The blonde asks and it seems like he's challenging me more than actually caring.

"You don't even believe me, what's the point?" I question, holding back tears and he goes to cup my face in his hands but I slap them away. "Don't touch me."

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