chapter 9.

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It's time for Transfiguration, the last lesson of the day.

This morning, we were told about going to Hogsmeade and it made me remember the date Melanie and Malfoy are going to have. I think my friends and I should avoid The Leaky Cauldron at all cost so we don't have to run into them. It's awkward between Melanie and Harry anyway so I'm pretty sure he would agree to the idea and I'm sure Ron and Hermione wouldn't complain.

Malfoy is already sat in his chair when I get to class and McGonagall is nowhere to be found. I even search for the grey tabby cat but nope, McGonagall isn't in class yet.

I pull out my chair and the blonde looks up to see me. "Hey." He voices and for some reason I'm taken by surprise. Yesterday (when we had Transfiguration) Malfoy and I ignored each other until we had to change the book into an object of our choice although that was before we had laughed and joked in the courtyard.

"Hi?" I hesitantly reply before sitting down next to him.

"Relax I'm not going to kill you." He says and I clear my throat. "Did you speak to your square last night?"

"His name is Cedric." I correct for what feels like the hundredth time and the blonde next to me laughs. "And why do you always ask about him? You don't see me asking about Melanie."

My bringing up Melanie seems to make him stare at me, literally stare at me. He stares at me for seven (counted) seconds before looking away. I say nothing and neither does he. He's probably mad at me now but I don't understand why and I don't really care either.

"It's only a date with Melanie, I'm not marrying her Parker." He clarifies before looking back at me. Why is he telling me that? I don't care if he marries her, I hope they have a wonderful life together.

"No I didn't speak to Cedric last night." I find myself saying he smiles, slightly. "Why are you smiling?" The boy shakes his head and I roll my eyes at him. If he doesn't want to tell me then I won't give him the attention of continuously asking.

McGonagall shows up to lesson and like last time, we go through the basics. Ron stupidly asks if he could turn an object into Galleons and he earns an eye roll from Hermione. Malfoy surprisingly puts his hand up and asks about the exams and McGonagall tells us that we are having them in the summer. That's a long time for me to revise and have all the answers. It's perfect.

Hermione and I speak to Professor McGonagall after the lesson ends and we ask her more questions about the Newts so we're more prepared. Harry and Ron call us nerds as we exit the classroom and find them talking right by the door. "We are preparing the correct way." Hermione defends and I nod as we all walk down some stone steps and into the great hall. We decided at breakfast this morning that we would go down and see Hagrid because we won't be able to tomorrow and we've not said 'hi' since we've come back.

We trudge across the wet grass and Ron laughs at the squelching noises it makes meanwhile Harry knocks on the wooden door to Hagrid's hut.

"Jus' a minute!" Hagrid calls out and we patiently wait for him to open the door. Once he does, Fang comes running up to us and begins barking. I immediately sit with him on the small (yet comfortable) sofa and I give him some belly rubs meanwhile the others step inside and begin talking to Hagrid.

We converse with him about our classes, we ask about how his winter holiday was and Hermione attempts to ask him what she should get him from Hogsmeade but he refuses to tell her. He makes us all a cup of tea and we stay for a little while, talking to Hagrid and playing with Fang. The sun is setting by the time we walk back to the castle and I decide to split off from the others and go to the library. I don't want to revise, I just want to read.

I open the heavy, metal door and as I expected it's quiet and there's hardly any people in here. I roam over to the classical selection of books and I pick up my favourite, Pride and Prejudice. For some reason I love Darcy and Elizabeth's relationship and I often pretend I am Elizabeth and Mr Darcy is Cedric.

I sit down on a brown beanbag chair next to the bookcase and I place the book on the other beanbag. I lay on my stomach and begin to read from the pages but after ten quiet minutes of reading someone clears their throat. I glance up and see Cedric stood there with a book in his hands, the book I gave him. I smile and sit properly before grabbing my book and allowing him to sit next to me. "Hi." I greet, still smiling and he kisses my cheek before sitting down.

"Hey." He replies before putting his arm around me. I rest my head on his arm and plant a small kiss on his jaw. "How was your day?"

"Good, you?" I ask and he hums for a second. Cedric places his hand on top of my head and kisses my forehead. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." He replies and I smile and say 'okay' before going back to reading my book. "Speak to Malfoy today?" What is with these two asking if I spoke to the other one?

I sit up properly and close my book, I'm no longer in the reading mood. I cross my arms and look at him, "why?" I ask.

"I'm just asking." He defends and I tilt my head to the side. "Well yesterday you told me to leave instead of him, do you know how stupid that made me feel?"

"I know I'm sorry I just didn't want to talk to anyone and I knew Malfoy would leave me alone, I didn't mean to make you feel stupid I'm sorry." I immediately say and Cedric's body softens. He moves his hand from my head to my waist and pulls me closer towards him.

"You seemed adamant on talking to him." Cedric continues and I try my hardest not to roll my eyes. I already apologised, why can't he just drop it? "I mean that was a little weird."

"I'm gonna go to bed. I don't want to be tired for the walk to Hogsmeade tomorrow." I excuse and Cedric scoffs as I stand up.

"Seriously?" He asks and I nod while slipping Price and Prejudice on the bookshelf again. "You're actually going to walk away from me, what the heck is wrong with you lately? You're not being yourself Bella." Why doesn't him saying my name have the same effect than when Draco does it?

"I'm walking away because I already apologised and I don't know what else there is that I can do. I literally told you that I didn't want to talk to anyone so what part of that are you not understanding?" I complain and Cedric seems shocked at what I said. We've never really argued before because there's been nothing for us to argue about, we're similar in more ways than one so we've never bickered over unnecessary things.

"Okay but what part of you making me feel stupid are you not understanding?" He retaliates and I scoff.

"I just apologised for that!" I remind him as I leave the library and he follows behind me. He's annoying me and I want to be left alone, just away from him. "You have no right to be mad, especially when you were flirting with that girl last night at the feast!" Shoot.

"What the heck are you talking about?" He snaps and I decide to stand my ground, even though I didn't mean to say that.

"You know what I'm talking about. She was touching you, constantly and you didn't even try to remove her hands from you so if you want to talk about feeling stupid then how do you think that made me feel?" I argue and he rolls his eyes at me.

"She's a friend, you and Malfoy have hated each other since you laid eyes on each other!" Cedric begins to raise his voice and I just want to the ground to swallow me whole.

"I heard my name." A voice says and I slowly turn my head to see the bleach blonde boy standing a few feet away from us with his hands in his pockets.

"Great just what this situation needs, this egotistical maniac." Cedric insults and I gasp meanwhile Draco steps towards Cedric.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" The blonde asks with his hands still in his pockets but it's obvious how mad he is at Cedric's comment with the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes.

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