"What do you..." I trailed off not even wanting to finish the question. Jacob took a while before finishing, "What mean that he-" "He might not make it out alive." Ashlynn finished first him trying her hardest not to cry for her big brother. Parker walked over to me trying to reassure me, rubbing my back holding me close to him. "We're sorry." I didn't even know what to say. My best friend in the entire world was gonna die."H-How worse?" "Pretty bad." Ashlynn winced, "Like high blood pressure bad. They also think he might've gotten second hand smoke." She said tears running down her face. "I-I'll be right back k?" She said with a forced smile with more tears trying to force their way out. "Ashlynn-" "Leave her." Parker said putting his arm in front if me stopping me from going after her. "But-" "She needs time. He's her big brother, we both know that she's also hoping that he's doing well, but she's focused on what's going on right now." I sighed and sat back down trying not to cry as well.
"And Jacob?" I whispered to Parker and he shrugged. I looked at Jacob concerned about what he'll do without E, his little brother, and his first best friend. "J? You ok?" I asked which snapped him out of his thoughts and faced me. "Mhm." He said trying to keep up his positive aura but it was already long gone. His aura felt negative and depressing.
It's been hours since I've gotten the bees about E and the nurses won't let any of us in to see him, especially Jacob and Ashlynn. "But we're his siblings!" Ashlynn claimed but the nurse shook her head moving closer to the door. "Even if you are his siblings you're not allowed to see him." "That isn't exactly fair!" Aiden yelled while Parker was trying to calm him down. "When will we be able to see him?" I asked. She looked down to her clipboard and ran her fingers down and stopped. "A month from now." "What!?" Ashlynn and Jacob said in unison. "We won't even know if he's gonna be alive next month! You really expect me to wait a while fucking month to see my little brother!? If you do you have me all the way fucked up!" Jacob yelled about to throw a punch at the lady, but Ashlynn stopped him as soon as he raised his hand. "Just leave her. She's no use to us, let's talk to a real professional." She said taking J's hand and walking away as we followed.
"What a bitch..." Jacob murmured underneath his breath and Ashlynn smacked him in the back of the head. "Don't say that. Say something worse." Aiden facepalmed his face and I just rolled my eyes. "Please don't encourage him like that babe." "Why not? I mean he isn't wrong isn't he?" I didn't even bother listening to the rest of the conversation, I was too busy thinking about E. "You ok?" Parker asked setting his hand on my shoulder. "I don't know really." "I know it's hard, I'm trying so hard not to punch something 'cuz of how mad I am." He chuckled, and I looked at him with sad eyes. "That's the thing. I don't know if I'm mad or not. Of course I'm sad but, something just feels off to me. Like they're hiding something about him." "Maybe it's just in your-" "Please don't say that. I've dealt with a lot of things according to that phrase." I said crossing my arms leaning against the wall. "Well I think it's about time you go back to room and get ready for tomorrow." "What's tomorrow?" "Your discharge obviously. You forgot?" I nodded as he rolled his eyes and walked me to my room.
The next morning I got ready and waiting outside for my parents to pick me up, which seemed like forever especially since it was cold outside. What are they trying to do make me freeze to death? Actually, I should stop saying that word for awhile after what has happened recently. I shuddered just by thinking about it, and because of the cold as well.
After about I'd say 30 minutes dad finally came. "Sorry for the long wait." He said looking for something, "I was too busy getting you some fast food and ice cream." He gave me a big smile holding the large bag of food and I basically drooled at the sight. I hadn't had fast food in forever! I ran to the car and immediately went inside feeling the nice warmth of the heater. "U'know dad, sometimes when it's really cold the heater makes it feel and smell like Christmas." I said before stuffing my face with food. "Christmas? It's January now. Also, smell?" He chuckled raising a brow. "Yep! Smells like Christmas." He shook his head and begun driving. When we got to a stop light dad turned to me grabbing my phone away. "Hey what did I do? Am I in trouble?" I asked confused, he smiled and shook his head. But it wasn't his good smile, it was his evil smile which meant something that I don't like was about to happen. "Oh no, what is it now dad?" I groaned. "First day of school is next week." I choked on my French fries and my eyes go wide. "No! You're lying right!?" I laughed nervously but he didn't answer which means it is true.
I slunk back into my seat hoping to sink in it. "Oh come on it can't be that bad." "Yes it could! How am I supposed to start second semester with Elisha!?" I threw my hands up into the air and dad's smile turned into a sad frown. "Look, I heard the news about Elisha and I wish with all my heart that he gets better..." He began but he didn't finish, he must've been truly hurt when he found out about E. Honestly, he was like a second son since he and J would come over all the time, he and mom were also they're parents best friends since middle school.
"I want him to get better." I mumbled and dad took one hand off the wheel, to rub my back for comfort. "Me too."
Unlucky Me
Teen FictionHave you ever felt unheard, not loved, invisible? Adrien feels the exact same way with his family and friends but, there's only one who fully understands his pain and suffering. Not everything is what it seems. (I'm a fast typer so if you see some...