How he asked you out

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- he was nervous
- took you out to stargaze in the field where you first met
- he's visibly red
- at least he's trying tho
- "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"
- you said yes
- and we were all happi

- you could tell something was up
- you asked her what was wrong
- she spoke really fast
- "Well Y/n, I think you should know that I've had a crush on you for a little while and I don't wanna be weird or anything but will you go out with me?"
- you smiled and nodded
- "I've liked you for a while too Gwen"
- "Great, so will you be my girlfriend?"
- you were both extremely happy

- you were going to hang out at his house
- he had his backyard decorated cutely
- a small fire, marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate
- it was perfect
- his uncle helped him
- very straightforward
- "be my girlfriend" cuz he knew you'd say yes
- you did say yes
- s'mores night

- him and his team were hanging at your cousin's house for practice
- he was tired and walked in to get water, actually meaning to ask you out
- the team knew
- he saw you in the living room watching a movie
- "Hey Y/n!"
- you paused the movie and walked over to him
- "Could we go on a date sometime, I was thinking next Friday at the movies?"
- you said yes
- the team cheered in the back

- you guys were at the Grab n' Go for pinball and snacks
- you were about to beat your high score
- since he couldn't beat it
- as soon as you were close he hugged you from behind and whispered
- "You're my girlfriend now"
- no if, ands or buts about it

- he was scared
- you guys were at your house
- Harper was with your parents in the kitchen
- it was just you and him
- he suddenly asked
- "Could we y'know, be a thing?"
- you smiled and kissed his cheek
- "I'll take that as a yes"

- his confidence is up here man 📈📈📈 😐
- you guys were at the park on the merry-go-round, he was swinging it around and jumping on it while you were sitting, smiling and watching him
- "Lets go for ice cream" you suggest
- and he says "I'll call it a date"
- y'all been together ever since

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