Jealousy Scale

78 0 0

Finney Blake
- probably like 5/10
- he knows you wouldn't go for anyone else but still gets like jealous when you're paying a lot of attention to another guy

Gwen Blake
- probably like 3/10
- she's chill but would step in if a guy starts flirting with you or if you seem uncomfortable

Robin Arellano
- like 7/10
- he knows you don't mess around but is still worried someone else is gonna try to take you from him

Bruce Yamada
- 2/10
- he trusts you completely but still makes sure nobody messes with you

Vance Hopper
- I'd say like 9/10
- him and your dad are the only guys you talk to
- he doesn't even like you talking to other girls
- it's not that he thinks you'll cheat or leave him he's just protective

Billy Showalter
- like 1/10
- doesn't really care about what you do with other people
- he trusts you

Griffin Stagg
- "what's jealousy?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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