Chapter 75 - Semi-Finals

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It was the day of the semi-finals and the 'Counter Attack' song was still not looking good. We all gathered in the foyer of the school where the results of who would be making it to the finals were listed.

The Mesmerizers made it, which wasn't exactly surprising. Now it was The Music Nation vs. Oto and the Bop Crew for the second spot. The three boys were already up performing their song, so now Vaughan and the others were waiting for their turn.

"This is it guys. Last round and we're in the finals." said Spike.

"Unless you think the 'Counter Attack' is ready to be played now, Vaughan?" Blaster suggested.

"Well..." Vaughan rubbed the back of her head, her face looking a bit uneasy with nervousness.

"Don't worry Vaughan. The finals aren't until tomorrow tonight. We'll get a little more practice in before we hit the stage." Jazz assured. "We won't let you down."

"Yeah!" The others agreed.

"I know you won't." Vaughan replied, before murmuring. "But what if I do...?"

"I was wondering you guys, if we could play any of my songs now?" Andrew asked, fiddling with his tambourine.

"We're still in the semi-finals." said Raoul, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "We got to do Awesome As I Wanna Be." Raoul playfully punched Andrew's arm.

"See me dominate!

Cause I'm powerful, and great!"

Oto and the Bopcrew finished their song, the audience applauding them as they walked off the stage.

"No way you guys are going to top our performance." Rocksteady spoke up.

"You shouldn't even be allowed to! Not when you have a big advantage against us." Poplock added.

"Oh what? You mean my off the chart guitar playing?" Raoul bragged.

"We mean, them." Poplock clarified as he pointed a finger at Vaughan, Jazz, and Blaster.

"If you were really all that Raoul, you wouldn't even have needed to bring in those alien robotic ringers and a dupstep rookie. Everyone is talking about it." Rocksteady taunted.

"Please, I could win this thing as a solo act, and everybody knows it." Raoul shot back.

There was a cough as the boy turned around, glares piercing at him from the other members of the band.

Rocksteady scoffed. "Sure you could."

The two Bopcrew members continued their path backstage, walking passed the group. Before Oto joined them, he quickly took the time to step over towards Vaughan. "Don't let them get to you. Good luck." He flashed her his signature smile before taking off after the members of his group.

Vaughan watched him leave as the Headmaster called their band up on stage. She quickly caught up to them, taking their places up on stage.

As Josh pounded on the drums, and the others started playing, one by one on the beat, spotlights flashed on to the different members of the band as they shouted "Hey!", before the final one flashed on Raoul as he began the song.

"Awesome as I wanna be!

First you see me, riding a sonic boom,

Got my guitar, shredding up my latest tune!"

Raoul was horsing all around the stage. Sliding across the floor, kicking his feet out and flipping his hair.

"There is nothing you can do, to beat me

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