Chapter 2 - Decepticon Attack

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Vaughan was in a deep sleep the next morning. With a light bed sheet as the only covering, she was asleep on her side, curled up into a ball. Of course she was unaware that she slept over her alarm clock going off. Twice. She only woke up when her mother barged in, realizing the time.

"Vaughan Witwickey get up!" she yelled.

Vaughan was scared out of her sleep, letting a yelp escape her lips as she shifted and fell off her bed. Luckily it wasn't a hard landing since she had carpet flooring. "Mom! Why'd you do that for?!"

"We slept in! You're flight leaves in an hour!" she said.

Vaughans eyes widened as she looked up at her alarm clock.


She was supposed to wake up three hours ago and be at the airport one hour ago. "Aw crap!"

"Hurry and get dressed, I'll be in the car."

Her mother squrried out of the room as Vaughan quickly brushed her teeth, washed her face, and combed her hair before changing into her clothes. She grabbed her suitcase and made a B-line for the door. But once she stepped out of her room, she she stopped, realizing she forgot a few things. She came back inside, grabbing her iPhone and putting it in her pocket, grabbing her laptop handbag and placing it inside. But before she did that, she opened her latop and checked the progress on the upload.


"Finally!" che cheered.

Thankfully her mother was waiting in the car so she didn't her her daughter scream. She was temptedto check how many views it had now. But she was in a hurry and it killed her on the inside to not find out of people liked this brand new work. She closed the laptop and stored it in her bag, putting the strap over her body and on her shoulder to carry it like a purse.

She took the letter she made for her dad and ran out the door, picking up her suitcase again and made her may down the stairs as quickly as she could. She pulled on her black leather boots and ran out the door, sliding the letter into the mailbox as she reached the bottom of the drive way.

She shoved her stuff in the backseat as she quickly got into the front passenger seat of her mothers van, buckling her seatbelt. "Ready?" asked her mother.

"Drive woman drive!" replied Vaughan. "We're late as it is!"

Her mother backed out of the drive way and drove full speed to the airport. They somehow managed to get by the morning traffic, which thankfully is calmer during the summer months with everyone already gone on their vacations.

For the duration of the ride, Vaughan recieved text messages from her friends wishing her a good trip to Mission City, be safe and have fun, and all that good stuff. Somehow she'd figure out a way to have fun when all she's going to do is work all day. At least she'd have Spike and Chip to hang out with after hours.

They reached the airport, parking in the departure section. Vaughan hooped out of the van and clawed her suitcase and laptop bag out of the back seat.

"Have fun, don't be tardy." said her mother.

"Love you too." replied Vaughan.

The two of them hugged before Vaughan grabbed her suitcase, put her laptop bag strap over her body and on her shoulder. She waved her mother goodbye as the woman drove away in the van and Vaughan bolted inside the large complex building.

She picked up her tickets and practically soared to the security station. She passed by rather quickly, except getting 'randomly' choosen to go through the x-ray machine. This happened to her everytime she went through security at the airport. Those new laws were starting to really annoy her.

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