Chapter 65 - Guitar Cases

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Vaughan was extra excited the next day, waiting for her friends to arrive at the music shop during their free lunch hour. They only had an hour so they had top be quick.

The day prior, they had all figured out who was going to be in the band, and the majority of them had already figured out what instruments they would play.

So far it was the usual group. Vaughan, Daphine, Raoul, Josh, although he has questioned it hard at first and Andrew. Since Spike would be busy time to time, helping his dad in the garage, he had been assigned as back up vocalist. They had also planned on possibly getting Jazz and Blaster to join them as well.

With so help from their personal experiences and Remix's memories.

Once her friends walked up along the street, she greeted them as they all stepped through the door of the shop. Josh's uncle was waiting for them behind the main counter.

As they entered, Daphine and Raoul seemed to be deep in conversation.

"Raoul, I just don't understand why you can't just play with the guitar you have." Daphine complained.

Raoul huffed as he lifted his guitar case up onto the counter. He unlocked the buckles of the case and flipped it open, revealing a beaten up, string cringing fender.

She gasped. "Yesh, now I understand."

Josh and Andrew came into play, picking up guitars and showing them off to the 2nd year college student.

"How about this one?"


"This one?"


"This one looks groovy!"

Raoul shook his head, facepalming. "No, no, guys."

"So, what are you looking for son?" Josh's uncle asked.

"That's the problem!" He exclaimed, walking forward as he scanned the rows of guitars. "I need something that will look as awesome as I'm going to make it sound."

Once everyone reached the end of the aisle, Raoul gasped loudly. Everyone looked in his direction to see a a shiny, bright red, double handle guitar.

"Sick!" Spike beamed.

"You've got to be kidding..." Vaughan grumbled.

With his eyes twinkling, Raoul reached over, grabbing one of the handles in his hand. But before he could reach for the other one, someone else's hand had already taken it.

The two figures used their strength to lift the guitar from the wall and only then did Raoul get a good look at his advisory.

He growled, pulling the guitar towards him, making the figure stagger. "Hands off my guitar Oto!"

"I saw it first, Raoul." Oto spoke back, trying to mask his anger.

"What are you doing here Oto?" Vaughan asked the boy.

The blue haired boy looked up at her. He just needed to glance at her and then that weird feeling on Vaughan's face would return. Just what is with her and boys lately?

"I volunteered to help out with the Showcase. They need new guitars so Headmaster-Senpei sent me over here to get some new ones." He explained. "Now if you'll be so kind as to, let. go. Raoul?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa hold your horses there youngsters." Josh's uncle called as he made his way over, taking the guitar out of their hands. "We've got a rule about this thing. This here situation would make a nice, friendly competition."

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