The Virgin's Fated - Chapter Four

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It took a few hours, but I had enough. All I had to do was get the windows open. If I had to, I could break the glass. Like the doors, the window looked to be a challenge. The lock wasn't like anything I had seen before. It wasn't a simple latch lock like at home. No, you needed a key to open them. Who has key locks on a window? We're freaking in the sky! Whoever had the bright idea to put these here must have made them level two hundred. Picking them was next to impossible. That's it, I'm breaking the glass. I don't care if anyone hears me! I used a nearby heavy chair. When I picked it up, I could have felt my sudden shock throughout the room. Despite being a female, I had the strength I had as a male. I gripped it hard as I swung it as hard as I could. The heavy but sturdy chair slammed against the window, and I wholeheartedly thought the glass would shatter. It didn't... A loud thump echoed through the room as the chair bounced back and out of my hands. I fell back on my butt from the force. My breast jiggled and my legs laid spread eagle.

"Ouch!" I blurted, as a searing pain shot up my back. "The fuck?" I shouted.

I quickly stood up and grabbed the chair. Bracing myself, I ran as hard as I could to the window and slammed the sturdy chair into the window. Another loud thump echoed through the room, but I maintained my stance and went in for a third blow. I sat the sturdy chair down and sighed. Even with three forceful strikes, they all had the same effect. These windows were bulletproof. Just my luck to be in a room in a tower with unbreakable windows. I sauntered back towards the bed, falling onto it and the lumps of rope. I collected the ropes and wrapped them around me like a blanket. My body lay still in the bed, full of useless ropes I made.

"This is hopeless," I whispered. "I'm not getting out of this room without help."

I woke up groggy as the sun was going down. I'd spent all day trying to find a way out. From what I could tell, there was no other option but to wait. I sat up and I gazed out the window.

"I fucked around all day and slept God knows how long. Yet, the sun is just now going down? Yeah, I'm not in Kansas anymore... Where could I possibly be, did I sleep all day and night or something? They couldn't be this long, could they? Are the nights going to be just as long?" I said.

As night fell, the night gloom of the city lit the streets. It was an unfamiliar cityscape and a sight unaccustomed to my eyes. Instead of the artificial light of modern technology, I found an orange tinge lighting the night. Almost like the many buildings were lit by fireplaces or torches. That fact seemed odd to me. Did this city not have electricity? But the fridge must have the power to keep the food and drinks cold. I wasn't sure, as I could only see the tops of the buildings. The palace I found myself in, on the other hand, was lit up more vibrantly than the rest of the city. There was still an oddness to it. The telltale sign of power was missing. From where I stood, I heard no hum coming from the fridge, and there were no signs of other electronic appliances in my room. Each of the lamps in my room was lit up. They came on as soon as the sun went down, yet there was no sound coming from them. I would not have thought the lamps would have powered. They appeared to be gas lanterns, but they weren't. No sound came from me other than me. In fact, it was so quiet; it was pristine. The more I thought about it, the more this notion baffled me the more I thought about it. In curiosity, I went to the window. I didn't have any reason to at the moment, but I noticed something concerning. The stars... they... they didn't look like any I remembered. I gasped as I saw what I had been debating about. The moon... or moons. I stood with my mouth hung open. Not just one moon rose in the sky, but a trio of moons. This can't be, right? Where the heck am I? Maybe I'm seeing things? That's what I told myself, but the truth was staring me in the face. This... this was not my world. Have aliens kidnapped me..., or worse? None of that explained why this place looked like my world. Sure, we could go to most of the planets in our solar system. But traveling to another star was out of the question. There were rumors we had the tech, but it was being suppressed by some crazy notions.

How was I getting home now? It didn't matter if I escaped or not. Where the hell would I go? What... did I have to find a damn spaceship and somehow fly it home? And exactly where was this? How would I even find my way home, to begin with? Worst-case scenario, my ass. This is beyond the scope of my survival skills. This is, start your life over from wherever the hell you find yourself. I fell backward onto the bed. My breast jiggled as I looked down at them. I wanted to be mad at the softness of the luxurious matters. This was an impossible situation. The thoughts worked through my mind with confusion and fear. The three of us might trap together here in this massive castle, or there is the possibility that my brothers are somewhere totally different. I know nothing of what is going on. It felt like the hope was draining from my very being. No... I have to calm down. Somehow, I had gotten here. That meant there was a way home. Even if I couldn't figure it out. There was a way. I just had to find it. No matter how long it took. I would find all of us on our way home. My head felt heavy from the startling revelation I had discovered. I closed my eyes for a moment. The next thing I knew, drowsiness swept over me.

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