The Virgin's Fated - Chapter Twenty-Four

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The castle guards open the doors to the dining room. It was enormous, like everything else in this castle. A large mahogany table was at the center of the room. Various plates and dining wares lined the table. There were only two chairs, one on either end of the long table. He led me to the far end of the table, to a small chair. Compared to the other chair at the dining table, it was pretty large and bulky, while the one I stood at was small yet feminine. The guard pulled the seat out for me to sit. He carried himself courteously and distinguishably, waiting for me to take my place, so I did. The cushion was soft and felt fantastic against my bottom. The sole guard did not leave my side. Instead, he patiently waited for the other party to show up, which felt like hours. In reality, the waiting wasn't that long.

My previous encounter with the Prince shot my nerves to hell, and I noticed my dress was becoming see-through. This material seemed designed to react to sweat. Was it to embarrass me or to distract important VIPs? I didn't know, but it was inconvenient. Prince Barrios entered the room from a door that was behind me. I knew it was him because the guard cleared his throat after turning to see who had entered. He passed me wearing an even more impressive uniform than he had earlier. Prince Bardas didn't seem to be here, and one guard accompanied him. His uniform was all white, with medals pinned on both his flat breasts. Around his waist was a belt made of gold with what had to be an elegant saber in a sheath.

He sat at his place without emotion, then waved the guard away. I hesitated to do the same because I didn't want to be alone with him again. That encounter had taken a toll on my emotions. I was still recovering from the ordeal and did not know what had happened to my body or mind. He had put me in this trance. That is the best way I can explain it. I couldn't stop thinking about him. These thoughts weren't sexual, at least not yet. I tried my damndest to not let my mind go there. This Prince put half of me off by the very start. I wasn't gay by any long shot. The females I had seen thus far were more my type. My tastes certainly attracted me to the female gender. My experiences with Eulalia and Leonita proved that. Yet there was a nagging thought eating away at my mind all day. I confirmed it when I was alone with Prince Barrios and Prince Bardas. My mind tried to ignore it, but that same feeling of being aroused happened when I first saw them. Then his brother touched me, and that feeling grew.

In fact, my arousement began manifesting right now. The dark Prince calmly gazes across the table at me. He looked me right in the eyes as if he was right before me. Never taking them off me. For some reason, that upset me. Was he trying to intimidate me? His face showed no sign of what his intentions were. No idea of what he was feeling. I was never good at reading people, but I had a gut feeling about whether someone was good. With Prince Barrios, I didn't know one way or the other. He was a mysterious enigma. One that I didn't know if I wanted to figure out. I tried to break the gaze he cast upon me.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I said shakily. My voice sounded like a little girl, unsure of herself.

He answered my question in silence. His eyes never left their watch over me. By now, I knew my nipples were quite visible even with the gold-plated material. My dress was shiny and damp from my sweat. This served to make me even more nervous. Was he admiring my ample breasts? If he was, that would be a relief. I paused for a moment and rethought that idea. Maybe that wasn't such a good thing after all. Having him attracted to me would guarantee certain things that I was not ready to accept. Like he was reading the thought in my head, he finally spoke.

"I'd like to get to know you more... tell me about your childhood...," Prince Barrios said.

"My childhood?" I said.

"Yes, tell me what your personality was like?" the Prince inquired.

"Look, I was a normal kid with normal wants and needs. I dreamed of stupid childish things. Nothing special about me or my personality, okay!" I said defensively. It was a shock I told it that way.

I didn't want to tell him any more than that. My brothers and I had a tough childhood. We were always together at home and inseparable for a reason. Together, we were stronger than separately. In school, we were apart, and there the problem became the source of my disdain for Prince Barrios and his kingdom. Certain classmates bullied me and my brothers at every chance. Shit, I'm still not used to this sister thing! Being female only furthered my negative emotions toward Prince Barrios and his brother. Anytime we were apart, it happened. They only saw us as tools to promote their power in Sidra. They behave similarly to the boys we knew growing up. Many classmates were always trying to divide us during games or sneaky plots. It was the reason I hated bullies. As we got older, we learned to fight on our own. Most of our classmates knew us for looking out for the little guy. Our reputation made us famous in junior high and high school. Being physically adept at constantly defending ourselves made us good at any sport. By my eighteenth birthday, I had buried all that in memories. Something I regarded as being in the past. Now all that has come back in the worst and most epic way.

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