The Virgin's Fated - Chapter Twelve

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We lay in the bed together, the sense of pleasing each other was tantalizing. Suddenly a loud knock on the door disrupted our pleasurable activities. My breathtaking handmaidens hurriedly wrapped towels around themselves and more importantly me. Eulalia quickly combed my hair as Leonita rushed to answer the door. It was the Regency.

"I see you are in the middle of preparing for dinner tonight. That is good practice, your majesty," Constance said.

"Can you please call me Masha in private and Aria around everyone else? You're the Regency, can't you do what you want?" I questioned.

"It's not about doing what I want. It's about doing what's right for the people. I show respect for you so the people will too," the Regency pointed out.

"I'm not ready to be your majesty...," I said.

"I do understand. It can be hard and lonely to be in your position," she said, sitting down on the bed.

"Are these princes serious about marrying me or is it some kind of game?" I asked.

"It may be a little of both. I have heard stories of these brothers from the Byanita Kingdom. When they show this much interest in something or someone, they pursue it with such intensity. They are relentless in that aspect. Something they share with their Kingdom," Constance explained.

"Why do they want to go to war anyway?" I inquired.

"Hmm, the previous Queens were supposed to marry their King. He wanted the three of them, and for a while, they agreed. But he was so brutal to the members of the central Kingdom they refused to honor their agreement. That was the first of the Great Wars," Constance explained.

"Is there any way to avoid this war or not marry them?" I questioned.

"Only you can find that path," the Regency replied.

"What about my sisters? What are they doing?" I asked.

"Like you, they have received invitations. Don't worry, my dear Masha. They won't be separated. It's you that I worry about. Prince Barrios has expressed interest in taking you to their Kingdom," Constance explained.

"What? He can't do that! Can he?" I asked.

"As the High Queen, you are the primary ambassador. If he so wishes, you will have to travel with him to his homeland," Constance said.

"Then who's going to rule here?" I asked.

"Of course, your sisters, unless another kingdom makes a similar request, which none have. Several envoys from the south and west have expressed interest in staying here for a while. This will greatly deter the Kingdom of Byzantia from going to war," Constance explained.

"But I get to be held as a hostage in a foreign kingdom!?" I questioned.

"Let us hope that is not the case. I find that would be crossing the line. King Revennaut is not so dimwitted he would send his sons to do something so stupid," Constance said.

"Wow, he must get under your skin," I said.

"His father's grandfather started the first war. The man was a dimwit himself," the Regent stated.

"Did you know King Revennaut?" I questioned.

"In my youth, I did indeed. I knew him, and his four brothers. All these damn wars their grandfather and great-grandfather started have killed all but two of them," Constance revealed.

"Why are they so hostile?" I asked.

"Byzantia is a kingdom of warriors. A proud group of warriors. They are also the most elite trained warriors on the continent of Yura. Maybe even the world. When Yura was one Kingdom under Sidra. They were the military might of the Yura Kingdom. The stories of their conquests survive the thousands of years of our Kingdom. Their fierceness is unmatched on the battlefield and in the bedroom," Constance explained.

"What am I supposed to do with men like that? I'm supposed to do what? Beg them to not kill us all? Hope they do not dominate me in the bedroom. I hate to say it, but neither of them looks like the type to let a woman be a dominatrix to them," I said.

"Dominatrix? I am unfamiliar with the term," Constance said.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot, different world. It's the female version of the personality Bardos and Barrios have. The Alpha King of Kings!" I explained.

"I see. An interesting term indeed. Tell me, are... Dominatrix women common in your world?" Constance questioned.

"Hmm... I would say less than half, but if I had to bet my money. Probably more than half of the women from my world are dominatrixes pretending to be the sweet old girl next door," I revealed.

"And who would this girl next door be?" Constance inquired.

"The girl every guy wants!" I said.

"I understand. Well, I would not say our worlds are that different in that respect," Constance said.

"I'm not the girl next door or a dominatrix. What could they want from me? Do they not know I was a male just a day or so ago?" I questioned.

"They are aware of your previous status, my Queen," Constance explained.

"How am I supposed to deal with them and prevent a war from breaking out? I have no clue what I am doing," I asked.

"I believe only you and your sisters will find a way to prevent this war," Constance stated.

"You're putting a lot of faith in me, and them when I'm unsure I can handle this or want to," I admitted.

"That's what faith is, having a blind faith in something or someone. You would be surprised at what a little faith can get you," Constance countered.

"When you say it like that, I don't have a choice but to try...," I said.

"I can't offer you much guidance with handling them, but I will say. Most do not stand up to them. Not like you did earlier. That bit of strength went a long way. More than you know," Constance explained.

"That helps a lot!" I said, hugging her.

"Oh dear, Aria. I will always be here to help you. Even if or when you have to leave for Byzantia. I'll be there, they will be there. And don't expect to go anyway without a royal knight at your side," she said, hugging me back.

"This morning, I wasn't sure what I could do. But... if I can help... then I can at least try," I said.

"I will see you after dinner. You may even have time to meet with your sisters," Constance said.

"That would be fantastic! I just have to get through this ordeal," I said.

"That you do. For now, rest a bit," the Regent said.

"Sure," I said, as she stood to leave.

She gave me one last smile before leaving. A thought popped into my head. Since there was still time before this quite meager dinner affair, I could at least explore more of the castle. I looked at the closet locked from me the day before. A smirk spreading across my face, I jumped off the bed and rushed to the dressing room. I startled Eulalia and Leonita with my sudden quickness. They hurried to follow me into the closet. I dropped my jaw as I gazed at the tremendous amount of clothing in the closet. There was all manner of outfits and accessories to go with the outfits. You could find every hue under the sun in this closet, and it dazzled my eyes. I felt as if I had walked into the wardrobe of a billionaire's wife or some fairytale princess in a fantasy movie I used to watch. My eyes fell on the dainty dress I had worn earlier, so I grabbed it off the hanger. Without hesitating, I donned the dress I wore earlier. My handmaidens were stunned at how self-independent I was. As soon as they saw me, they helped me with my dress.

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