The Virgin's Fated - Chapter Thirty

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Waiting outside the front gates, the lights from two carriages illuminated their silhouette. I noticed the oddly shaped crate in the back of the second carriage. It resembled a coffin. 'Why would a coffin be there?' Cila clenched my arm, clinging close to me as if she had regressed to her childhood. She has never been outside the castle walls before tonight. This would be a first for her. Since The Earl came to us so long ago, no one else has left except our mother and me. I was barely old enough to remember that experience. She took me to the Capital City of Aveline, the heart of Sidra. I recall the beautiful Regency I had met at such a young age. The elegant woman left a lasting impression after my mother took me to visit her. 'Why did my mother seem so delighted that I had met her?'

I don't remember. I remember spending much time with my mother and the Regent. Many afternoons I sat with them, and their stories always fascinated me. I often told Cila about the many stories and sights I witnessed in Aveline. Her eyes gleamed on every word, and I knew she envied that about me, yet here she stood, clinging to me like an adolescent, slightly trembling and as sacred as ever. 

'Good heavens, she's acting like a little child.' but I can't say I blame her. My little Cila's first foray into the world seems a mark of faith, something my entire family was proud of. As a result of the Earl's choice, Cila understood the importance of our mission and the confidence he had bestowed on us. To carry out the will of the Earl meant we would always have his protection. Still, the pressure she was experiencing simmered deep within me as well. The vague details of our mission gave me a weariness I found troubling.

"Deliver the contents of the carriage to the location stated in the letter Damascus gave you."

'Our Leader, Damascus, is a proper name for our Leader. A moniker many would not take lightly.' As I looked at him, I could only conclude the name was fitting for such an imposing individual, to be sure. It was the first time I had heard it, yet I felt I knew its meaning. Tonight, he and Hannibal were to act as our escorts. Comparing the two, Hannibal's hair was shorter than the Leader's, yet the grandeur of his body could not be mistaken. 

His long black hair gave him a signature look that went with the deep blood-red eyes of him and his kin. The gods chiseled every aspect and detail of his towering physique as a work of art, symbolizing the pinnacle of human achievement. As an apex predator, he had a wide, square jaw and a pointy nose like a bear. His prominent cheekbones and angled black eyebrows gave him a perpetual look of anger. Sun-tanned skin suggested a lifetime of sunbathing. I was inclined that the two men shared a similar relationship based on their features alone.

Although he was tall, Damascus carried a magnificent obsidian stone sword. In comparison to the blade, it was dwarfed. While Hannibal welded a great ax made of solid obsidian stone. Both weapons were reinforced with obsidian iron and steel. Their weapons of choice were forged from two nigh impossible metals to which only a few master blacksmiths in all of Sidra could claim the proper knowledge. A lost art, exclusive and loyal only to the Earl. Our imposing escorts wore a simple loincloth and leather boots made from the hide of some legendary monster they hunted and killed. Besides their long black hair, they had various necklaces made from items I knew nothing about.

These were the warriors tasked with our protection. I held no doubt it had something to do with our relationship arrangement. So many of my sisters spoke of their experiences in bed. Their stories left me wondering how I would fare when the time came. The few guards that came with us were from the Crescent Moon. Nothing more than a cult, in my humble opinion. Still, their size seemed to have grown exponentially over the many years. I don't have the faintest idea why The Earl tolerates them.

I would have to endure these few days. The distance from our location was a trip, and the first carriages would have to be sufficient. It would take us close to the Kingdom of Faust to a relatively small Kingdom called Idles. The journey would take weeks, if not months, depending on the terrain and weather. There was nothing special there, and their Kingdom possessed no real strategic value. 

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