The Virgin's Fated - Chapter Eighteen

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"I want to explore the castle interior more. Please, show me every part of the castle!" I said as we approached the front of the castle.

"Yes, my Queen. It is our pleasure!" Eulalia said shyly.

Leonita nodded in agreement as the five of us walked along by the edge of a moat that looked more like a river. I peered into the flowing water and could see the many fish swimming in all directions. I gasped at a large fish that looked similar to a Mekong giant catfish, but its size could not compare to anything I knew from my world. Its bright yellow color with red streaks seemed more appropriate for a tropical fish. But my eyes did not deceive me. This strange fish looked identical to a Mekong giant catfish. In fact, many fish seemed to be otherworldly to me. The deepwater was crystal clear and the many various colors of rocks at the bottom glistened in the rays of the sunlight. The contrasting colors of the aquatic fish sparked the colors of the rainbow as we walked by.

Along the far bank of the moat was a massive wall, magnitudes more enormous than the wall protecting the Virgin's Sanctuary. Gigantic stone bastion fortification protruded out of the wall and equal distances from one another. The Sidran soldiers atop these gigantic defensive emplacements could project their power far into the city. The stone bastion fortification could cover any angle of the wall as enemies approached below. Archers would spell doom for any unfortunate to be on the front lines and in such a close range of their arrow volleys. As we came closer to the castle, I looked in awe at the long, heavy stone drawbridge leading to the keep defending the principal entrance to the castle. It reminded me of the London Bridge, except it looked as if it was twice as long. The towers seemed large and more fortified as well. The keep itself looked more like a medium-sized skyscraper than a keep. There were few windows to speak of. It looked more like a square stone building. Stone bastion fortification protruded from the corners of the keep visible to me. The many royal blue flags of Sidra blew proudly in the wind. Displaying the royal golden seal of Sidra, reminding the many citizens of Sidra, the Virgin Queens have appeared.

After a few moments of taking in the scale of the fortifications, we reached the rising granite steps to the principal entrance to Sidra's Castle. The light gray and blue-gray of the granite steps created a masterly artistic look. I looked up, and gasped at how many steps we would need to climb to reach the entrance. There were no fewer than twenty landings before reaching the top of the stairs. I felt as if we were about to ascend to the top of a pyramid.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked.

"You wanted to see everything, my Queen. Why not start with the view everyone else receives when they first visit the castle," Leonita said with a smile.

"Oh man, I didn't mean going up another flight of stairs. Look how many there are!" I said in a whiny voice.

"I will carry you, my Queen!" Diethard said.

I regarded him for several moments as I considered his offer, but Eulalia interrupted me.

"My Queen. That would not be Queen-like of you... to be carried in such garments... You could inadvertently expose yourself," Eulalia said softly.

"Ahem... my Queen. I had not thought of such possibilities. With your garments as they are... Lady Eulalia is correct in her assessment. I implore your forgiveness for suggesting such an absurd proposition," Diethard said as he bowed to me.

"Come on, don't do that. You were trying to help because I complained. It will be alright. Let's just get this mounting hike over with. Maybe you can carry me some other time when I am not wearing an open invitation dress lol!" I said with a slight smirk. Although, I genuinely desired him to carry me.

"My Queen, a significant portion of your wardrobe is like or identical to what you are wearing currently. Should I inquire about other outfits? Naturally, the Regency will need to approve whatever I requested," Leonita said as I took the lead walking up the steps.

"Figures it would be something like that," I said as I sighed.

With Eulalia and Leontia beside me. My escorts and handmaidens journeyed up the numerous steps, leafing to the entrance of the Sidran Castle. The castle was grander, more illustrious, more fantastical, and more impressive than any castle I have seen in my life. There was nothing like it in all the books, movies, and lore from ancient Earth or my homeworld. Nothing could compare in scale except the mega skyscrapers of my world. And yet those achievements paled in comparisons. A medieval society should not have the capability or knowledge of how to construct such mega structures. For this reason, only their engineering prowess surpasses anything constructed in my world. The sky's the limit when the people of Sidra reach the technological awareness of my world. If medieval Earth had this level of knowledge, humanity would reach the stars centuries before we eventually did. Are royals like me responsible for their sudden advancements?


After what felt like an epic climb of the century, we finally found our way to the Sidran Castle entrance. The top landing was the largest and spanned the length of the castle. An enormous three-story steel double door awaited us. Its presence conveyed an imposing feeling through my body. This door seemed impenetrable. Large golden loops represent the key to open these monstrous doors. The architects of these imposing doors carved the imagery of the Sidren Capital City, the Castle itself, and the many Virgin Queens of Sidra into the doors themselves. Metallic gold embroidery interconnects the different murals. A golden steel-coated frame braced the door in place. Soldiers dressed in golden and silver armor from head to toe stood at their posts along the front of the castle. Royal blue, gold, and silver plumes topped the great helms they wore as they stood like stone statues. The rays of the sun reflected off the elegant armor. The impressive soldiers held enormous pikes with gold and silver tips. These shining soldiers of Sidra gripped their swords in their other hands.

"It feels absolutely like a castle out of a high fantasy," I mumbled. The vast magnitude of the castle left me speechless.

"It is a castle, my Queen. Do you not possess them in your world?" Eulalia questioned as Diethard and Gottwald spoke to the soldiers in front of the doors.

"Well, we have military bases, but they look nothing like this. Not even close. We have other technologies instead of the massive defensive which prevent our military bases from being attacked. Old Earth may have had castles still standing from the Middle Ages when humans left Earth," I replied.

The four men pulled the large steel double doors open. The metal hinges creaked and groaned as they slowly opened inch by inch. A gold light spilled through the small opening as the doors opened. The three of us walked through the entrance magnificently impressive and grand foyer. Six enormous grand staircases lead up to the second floor. Four of them were directly in front of me. The other two were on the right and left sides of the foyer. Beside each of the grand staircases, were more large steel double doors with more upstairs. The second floor had four grand staircases which lead to a third floor with more large steel double doors. As we walked in, Eulalia came close to me.

"My Queen, all the soldiers inside this part of the castle are female. The General at Arms is a female herself, and she hands picked every soldier herself," Eulalia whispered in my ear.

"My goodness. So many women in one place," I said as a burning in my womb ignited.

"It is tradition, my Queen," Eulalia said.

"Well, what about in the Queen's Keep? That is how we met Diethard and Gottwald?" I asked, looking her in the eyes.

"You and the administrators can assign any soldier to the Queen's Keep," I asked as we walked up the center grand staircase.

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