ꋬꉔꉔꋬꉣ꓄ꋬꋊꉔꏂ - ꉔ𝔥ꋪis x ꋬlꃳer꓄ "Part 2"

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⚠️Warning:toxic relationship😜,⚠️

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"Word count:2377"

Chris wakes up in between the arms of Wesker his past lover, he tries to get loose of the grip of the blond keeping him hostage but too no avail could he get himself loose.

'Ughh-." Chris sighs of exhaustion of waking up in the morning, he than looks up to see the face of Wesker so close to him. His glasses weren't on so all he could see was the pale lightish yellow beautiful skin he "use" to always love watching as it glimmered in the light.

Chris just sat cuddled with Wesker embracing his intoxicating scent, the cheesy smell of oak and whisky.

Chris had got lost in thought and before he himself knew it the hold keeping him held hostage had loosened leading him able to break free of the arms keeping him locked in an addicting cage.

Chris wiggled himself out of the hold of Wesker, off of the bed he was brought to yesterday, and dusted himself off while stretching after words.

Looking over to see Wesker sleeping peacefully his eyes closed and his gorgeous eye lashes twitching slightly.

"Wesker always was a heavy sleeper due to the fact he used to be a captain that took care of teams left and right", Chris thought.

His eyes flashed towards the door that exited this room he was in, and without a second thought Chris slowly and quietly made his way towards this door.

As he reached the door he paused looking behind him to see the still figure of Wesker still laid on the bed he left feeling a small guilt of just leaving but it was for the best he leave this life behind and maybe quit and find a new job instead of going on these horrible life or death missions.

"Huh-.." Chris sighed again before twisting the door handle and quickly and quietly leaving while closing the door from behind him.

Chris was sure to be quick and quiet because he never did clear out this building, also being weaponless didn't help so choosing the safest option was the best to survive these things hiding away secretly in these hallways.

The brunnete male had finally remembered he had no idea where he was or how to exit the building because of the new area he was brought inside this abandoned building.

But sooner or later he had spotted a hallway he remembered from last night but went pale white as there was a licker just down the hall.

He had than backed himself behind the corner where he stood shocked there would be a licker of all things just down the hall, but than he remembered something, something that could help him get past the disgusting looking creature.

'Lickers are completely blind!'. He thought to himself a slight feeling of relief washed over him.

And his head turned the corner and too his surprise the licker had vanished into thin air, which made him even more hesitant than before.

He sighed quietly to himself before entering the hallway the licker vanished from walking slowly and quietly.

He had an even better idea that could help him be more quiet with walking around these deadly hallways.

'I should take my shoes off and leave my shocks on as to not squeak or creak the floor-' Chris thought before slowly kneeling over untying his shoe laces and taking them off.

'I didn't even take my shoes off last night' he thought to himself yet again about the events of the day before.

And before another second went by he looked up and was face to face with the licker inches away from each other.

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