ʜɪs ᴘᴀʟᴇ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ - ᴛricksᴛer x ʟeon

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"A/N: The Leon used in this story is RE2,
So Ji-woon x twink Leon, also Korean writing will be included, so translate it if you want but I doubt google will translate it correctly for you."



Ever since the day Ji-woon heard those sounds and saw that beautiful face, the noise Leon makes when he's bleeding. The grunts and groans as he's being carried on his soldiers. His gleaming gorgeous
Face and features. His personality
As well was so mesmerizing

It excited Ji-woon in a way he never knew could be possible, immediately drawing in his attention to Leon. He loved watching him hang on the hook, observing his features, his soft blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, also his pale light tinted skin was so beautiful to him, Ji-woon just couldn't get enough of the police officer, "who could blame him, am I right?."

He loved his creamy white tinted skin, he loved everything about him. But the trickster just couldn't get enough of his exaggerated breathes of pain.

His moans were so captivating, the desire to obtain and own the young man Leon like a pet grew every round they saw each other, it almost broke him even more than he already is.

So finally Ji-woon hassed out a plan, the next time they went against each other the trickster would make sure to single out his pale beauty all for himself alone....

His plan was to kill everyone of his little friends the next time they went against each other, he might chase Leon a little bit as to not expose his plan of action.

But ultimately he and Leon would be left alone he would finally be able to claim his
창백한 아름다움 for himself alone....

* - Present - *

The trickster was awaiting in the distance hiding away in the killer area of the campfire, waiting for his trial to begin as he watched the survivors summoned gather around the campfire.

First he saw three survivors being summoned into the trial, he saw the mist form the survivors, Jill - David - Bill.

"아 뭐야 씨발 데이빗."The trickster stated in his cultural language while groaning of annoyance.

Seeing the three survivors that were in his trial made him groan in annoyance, he was specifically annoyed because he had to carry David. David is extremely heavy, and without the strength boost from the Entity Ji-woon would struggle immensely carrying the heavy broad man.

David's cocky uptight personality didn't help either in his case either. A lot of killers for instance the Nurse hated carrying him for his immense weight and height.

Furthermore Jill has always been so good at surviving, adding to the list of difficulties when it came down to pleasing the Entity.

Making his life even more difficult when it came to being and living in the Entity's realm.

And than Ji-woon saw it, he watched intently as the mist formed Leon, The trickster's eyes widen at the sight before him, he couldn't believe it, he could finally initiate the plan he had formed.

The first part of Ji-woon's plan was to obviously kill the other survivors, secondly he would break Leon, making the young blonde want more, he would simply tease the officer confusing him.

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