𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼 - Chris x Wesker

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"Requested by: Nova_Angelo"

(A/N: So I did a few google searches and figured out I wrote this stories plot very out of context but just pretend they work for the B.S.S.A not the racoon city police department😭-.")

Summary: Previously Wesker had betrayed Chris and his team a while back. Killing all but him and Jill. After a while Wesker was caught and apprehend, being sentenced to a year in highly secured prison.

After Wesker had completed his time he joined the B.S.S.A again being out back on a team with Jill and Chris.

Chris however was still not over the life's of the men he killed from their past team. But didn't speak against being grouped back up.

One day Chris along with Jill and Wesker were on their daily missions like usual tracking down unusual sightings leads and information. But one thing lead to another and Chris decided to risk his life for his best friend Jill valentine which makes a spiral of things to escalate between him and a certain someone.

An argument breaks out with Chris, which leads to a secret being spilled and gaurded walls around emotions being destroyed too pieces.

How will Chris react to what slips past someones lips by accident?, how will his reaction affect the other person?.

* - Present - *

Chris along with Jill and their re-assigned captain Wesker picked up a "find and retrieve mission," they were searching for a very dangerous and powerful person.

Their identity has never been revealed. But only those trusted close to this specific person knew who they were.

Not much was known about the person they were tracking, one thing for sure was clear, they knew how to keep a low profile and where tremendously good at with holding information if the B.S.S.A couldn't get proper data on them.


While walking through the deserted terrain Chris and Jill were having their usual conversations about random things.

"No way, the pheonix slams Carol!!." Jill suggested ranting about marvel movies and characters.

"No way, Carol is a formidable opponent and would put up a good fight. She definitely doesn't lose as easy as you think,
heck she might not even lose at all!!."

Chris argued back with Jill, while Wesker followed behind them in the middle listening to their long drawn out rant.

"Wanda slams." Wesker said quietly interrupting both of them, making Jill and Chris stop freezing in their tracks, while they both went silent.

Jill and Chris glared at each other side eyeing each other. Before turning around to argue with a yet again silent Wesker.

"Oh what do you know!!, we weren't even talking about her!!, you toxic Wanda stans always throw the scarlet witch in for no reasons!!!." Jill said while Chris's argument intertwined with hers.

"Of course a power hungry person like yourself would use the most powerful character Wanda to instantly slam an argument." Chris said while crossing his arms while Jill had a finger pointed at Wesker, while they both threw statements at a dead silent Wesker.

"Power is strength, and strength is victory."
Wesker said while he had set his right hands thumb and pointer finger on the side of his shades.

"You are such a nerd!." Jill said in response while Chris backed her up.

"Yeah!." Chris said while setting a hand on Jill's shoulder forming a fist in his other.

"Whatever keep walking you two." Wesker said while pushing past the two of them now leading the both of them now.

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