𝕺𝔲𝔯 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖞 - ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 𝔵 𝔚𝔢𝔰𝔨𝔢𝔯

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Warning:Fluff, Spice, Sexual contents,some Sa👀,

(A/N): This story is inspired by
|Nova_Angelo| So credits to them ofc!!

"If you want more Chris x Albert oneshots make sure to check out their
Chrisker oneshots on their page!!"

Side note: I feel like this was written poorly💀so bare with me please 😭💔
Also please correct my errors because I've had this book in the drafts for the longest!, and I've barley rechecked my grammar bc it's been sitting forever!!.


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"Word count:4,109"

Summary: After Wesker betrayed Chris and the rest of his team, Chris had gained a huge amount of hatred towards Wesker and had his heart set out for revenge against the devilish man.

But under that hatred was a hidden secret a secret that he ever so wished perished with the rest of his team as soon as Wesker hurt and betrayed him.

A secret emotion that Chris was seeking to rid from him by killing Wesker and avenging his team and all the other poor

Soul's that suffered at the hand of the horrible disgusting heathen.

As soon as he heard rumors that Wesker survived the volcano that him and Sheva supposedly killed him in he secretly set out on his own journey to find and end the madness Wesker always caused.

It wasn't hard to believe Wesker was alive because he somehow always used to survive things before but as the ever changing path to find and prove he was right and the feeling in his gut was true.

That he was infact still alive began to close with no evidence he started feeling stupid for even thinking that monster was alive when he saw and killed him.

He began to just give up before finally checking one last lead he picked up and if he didn't find him in this abandoned facility he would just go back to living his life without hesitation finally feeling at peace that his secret is buried and burned into ashes.

Finally laid to rest in the past, instead of
still existing in the present days and the
days to come. Here and now in the future.

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Chris wakes up from his hide out in a secret area not far where he had heard
Wesker's current location was from a lead, he's picked up so many dead ends
and miss leading paths that he hopes this will be the last facility so he can finally find Wesker and kill him.

Chris rubs his eyes brushing away any trace of tiredness away as much as he can before he has to clean himself up and search the facility his lead pointed him towards.

"I hate mornings especially Mondays." Chris states as he slowly twists and turns to get more rest.

Chris let's out a long sigh from his plump smooth pink lips as he begins to get up from his little tent.

He than yawns as he searches through his army backpack for his tooth brush and tooth paste.

"Hrruuuuggg-" Than again he rubs his left eye once more before he finally finds his tooth paste and brush from his backpack.

"I hate the taste of tooth paste." Chris grunts out before finding a water bottle to rinse his tooth brush before brushing his mouth clean in total taking about 15-20 minutes before he finishes off cleaning his teeth and the inside of his mouth he gurgle's water at the back of his mouth before he swiftly spits it out

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