Chapter 16: ReaperTale | Gaster...

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You think x-gaster can fight in the anti void well? Because OverWrite only changes a timeline and the anti void is a destroyed timeline. I think he would be heavily weakened because of it.

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Slowly everything is vanishing, the stability of gods is not remotely as strong anymore and everything is slowly fading because of it. This universe is about to fall...

The final remaining god essence I can sense is not far ahead of me... But I can already tell theres something wrong with it.

When I arrived it was just a void like area, I sensed him a couple feet in front of me, not that I could see anything. :|

I decide to play the game and walk forward, I stop against my will as a rune with some sort of bear trap appeared in front of me.

A trap rune...

G: "So its my turn huh? Finally after so many other gods..."

Ęrror: "It is what it is..."

G: "9 gods later, its finally my turn. My go at stopping you."

Ęrror: "Have fun, Its every god against you."

G: "I am the god of Magic and Runes. Its 11 to 10."

Ęrror: "Then I guess I'll just have to start trying then huh?"

G: "You've been exceeding your limits every battle, your magic and soul are exhausted from the abuse... Your at your weakest against the strongest.."


Thanks for taking so long.

A golden light shines from me, it crumbled then broke the rune whilst rejuvenating me...

G: "What!"

Ęrror: "Your right, thanks for stalling though, I'm now back to full."

G: "How did you break the trap rune! You don't... have-

Ęrror: "Spell magic? Sorry, Dream and Nightmare gave me enough..."

I summon Papyrus's 2 bones, fuse then with Reapers scythe, and Imbue powerful Lost Faith from chara into them. Forming 2 small sickles of great power.

He summons several runes around him, each strengthening him in some sort of way, before summoning a large weapon, one end was a scythe, the other was a halberd.

I can almost feel it... no... I CAN feel it... Freedom, at centuries last... And my final obstacle is in front of me. . .

I am...


With hope!




D E T E R M I N A T I O N . . .

And soon...


I start the battle leaning down and digging both my weapons into the ground before swiping up, forming a powerful fire made of lost faith and destruction, surrounding Gaster, he followed them with his eyes before looking back...

At where I was...

I dash at him from behind the fire behind him, and swing down both weapons performing an X slash, his shield rune blocked it but barely, I keep up, slice after slice, swiftly barraging him. The moment his eye changed I jumped back avoiding a ray of magic he launched. Then I summon several of R!Undynes spears and launch them at him with lightning speed whilst teleporting behind him making a swift barraged slash.

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