Chapter 26: Him...

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1372 words

Oh... I understand now...

Its Him...

He... wants His final battle...

Also rq comment poll, how much of you actually read these intro parts of me either talking or ranting.

We look around more, theres still just darkness... no not even that theres just nothing.

This isn't an au, or a void, straight up a different dimension...

???: "Ah, you've finally come... bout time to."

I whirl ar-

D!Error: "YOU!!!"

A!Gaster: "Miss me?"


A!Gaster: "Ay ay ay! Chill chill chill! I just want a cha-


A!Gaster: "Look, just because I tricked you into a deal... and stole you from your au-

D!Error: "And destroyed it and forced me to destroy and threatened my friends and torcher me and lets not forget you killed my family from my au INCLUDING MY DAUGHTER!!!"

A!Gaster: "Uh... details?"

Error?: "Um, real me. Who is this?"

D!Error: "That d3V1l inÇ@rn3T is AlphaTales gaster... the %#+*¿ that started this."

Error?: "That was a straight up slur."

D!Error: "And it aint enough, it doesn't describe my hate for hi- hate isn't even the right word, no existing word exists currently and probably the next 2,000 years that can describe such the negative feeling I have for it."

A!Gaster: "He / Hi-

D!Error: "SHUT IT!!!"

The one guy Error hates more then Ink

A!Gaster: "Oh cmon selfish murderer."

D!Error: "Says f###ing you! Also you started this!"

A!Gaster: "More then you think..."

D!Error: "Yeah, I'm betting not one entity from our multiverse actually came from our multiverse that isn't Classic..."

A!Gaster: "Oh no thats not what I meant."

D!Error: "You split our multiverse in half."

A!Gaster: "No I did no-... Well actually... Ok yeah I did that but thats not what I'm talking about I'm talk-

D!Error: "Oh stars the balance is fake."

A!Gaster: "Wha- No- shut the funk up an- hey! Don't censor me and not yourself!"

I stuck my middle finger at him whilst glaring.

A!Gaster: "K, how bout I just say it since I give up being nice about it.

I'm the one who lied about immortal gods."

Theres 4 types of immortal gods non if which I care about.

D!Error: "Ok and?"

A!Gaster: "Oh you don't get what I'm saying, uh..."

D!Error: "Speak up a-hole."

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