Black Clover OC 2

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Name: Minerva La Croix

Nicknames: Soul Witch, Keeper of Souls Witch, Minnie, Mira

Age: 18

Birthday: Dec. 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Half Witch, Half Elf

Country: Clover Kingdom



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Height: 5'3

Clothing Style: Lots of black leather clothes with her blue pendant/choker 

Piercings/Tattoos/Distinguishing Features: Her violet eyes, both ear pierced, and has tattoos on lower black

Family: Mother and Father: unknown, Grandmother: Witch Queen

Personality: Independent, Stubborn, Observant, Responsible, Reclusive

Likes: The colour black, her alone time, napping, snow/winter time

Dislikes: Being the centre of attention, large crowds, people who talk down/harm her or her guild mates, talking about her family

Magic Squad: Black Bulls

Class/Rank: Intermediate Magic Knight

Grimoire: Four Leaf Soul Magic Grimoire 

Powers: Basically anyone Minerva is close to or knows really well, she can create a copy of them and their abilities and use them to help her in battle.

If she deems someone has harmful to her or those she cares about, she can bound them with chains.

When needing to locate someone she can track them by their soul essence, but it's much easier for her if she has been around them long enough.

She can also use souls to either heal herself/others, or boost her or others abilities.

She can also communicate with the souls of those who have passed on.

Weaknesses: Despite the amount of power/mana she has, in order to use her powers she needs to maintain focus, and breaking it for even a split second can weaken or even out right stop the spells.  Without her grimoire she powers become a weaker form, than that if she had her grimoire and she is also limited to the souls that are around her in that moment to help her.

Backstory: Minerva grew up away from the humans and witches, besides her mother.  Her father a rare elf who was reincarnated before everything happened, however, he at first also didn't like humans, or really anyone till he met Minerva's mother.  She trained with both of them on using her powers and surviving away from everyone, but one day her grandmother showed up, and from there, she was ripped away from her family.  Her powers only grew with being surrounded by other witches, but so did her resentment for being dragged away from her only family.  The day Vanessa got out, was the day she also escaped with her and joined the Black Bulls.

Love Interest: Your oc

Other: The sword she wields is one she got from a "friend".  The pedant she wears is the last thing she has of her mother's.

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