Part 11: The Funeral

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We all stand and pray to Eywa.

I and the Sully family all hold Neteyams body on a large leaf, i was the one who tied his body together in a curled up ball.

I can't control my tears anymore. My biggest fear was loosing him and now that's come true, all because i couldn't save him in time.

We swim down with him and lay him down, eywa takes his body.

I float there and watch.

I wish i got to spend more time with him, he didn't deserve this.

It should've been Spider. 

We swim back and stand on the beach for a while longer whilst Neytiri sings "the songcord" but she only sings Neteyams part.

she sings:

lie si oe neteyamur
nawma sa'naokur mifa oeyä
atanti ngal molunge
mipa tireyti, mipa 'itanti
lawnol a mi te'lan
lawnol a mi te'lan
ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe
toniri tireyä
ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe
srriri tireyä
ma eywa
ma eywa

We all join in on the last two lines "ma eywa"

I stay behind sat at my spot for a couple of hours, i then call my ilu and swim to the tree of souls.

i connect to eywa and i go to see ma Neteyam.

"Ikri! over here!" Neteyam smiles at me

I run to him and hug him tight whilst uncontrollably crying.

"why...why are you crying ma Ikri?" he asks whilst holding me close

"i'm just happy to see you" i cry
"i've lost you again Neteyam, i miss you. I need more time with you why'd you have to leave me so early?" i say

"Ma Ikri.. you haven't lost me, i'm right here aren't i? you will never loose me." he says
"but you can't come home with me you have to stay here and it hurts me so bad that i can't spend every day with you anymore Neteyam" i carry on crying

"you can Ikri, you can come visit me here. I need you to do something for me okay? You need to stay strong, and be happy" he smiles with a tear rolling down his face

"Neteyam i can't, i'm weak without you. I will never be happy without you" I say

"I promise you will, i'll try stay as close to you as i can. whenever you feel a presence near you remember it's me ma Ikri" he says

"i see you Neteyam" i say holding his face
"i see you ma Ikri" he reply's

He puts his forehead on mine, and my time is up.

I come back to reality, i go back to the village and go to the sully hut.

I go to Neytiri  

"You went to see him didn't you?" she says
"yes." i answer
"well what did he say?" she asks
"he told me to stay strong and to be happy" i say tearing up
"well then, that's what you must do Ikri. For Neteyam" she smiles holding my face
"i shall try, for him" i say

i feel another presence in the room but i can't see anyone, then i remember. Neteyam

I go to say goodnight to everyone, then i stop in Lo'aks room.

His eyes are puffy from crying.

"Lo'ak.." i say

I sit down next to him and hold him close.

"It's all my fault Ikri, my father blames me" he cries
"no no listen to me Neteyams death is not your fault! your father is grieving he doesn't mean it, Lo'ak we can go see Neteyam tomorrow. I went to see him tonight and you know what he told me? he told me he needs to me to stay strong and to try and be happy" i say
i carry on "it's difficult to do that without him, he was my other half. But i'm going to try for Neteyam and i'm sure he will want you to do the same"

"He loved you, he still does of course, but he used to talk about you all the time. He would go to the forest everyday searching for you, and he had nightmares about the day you got taken away. You were his everything Ikri" he says looking up at me

"I know, and he was my everything. That's why without him i feel lost. But Lo'ak i'm telling you now, your brother is so proud of you. He used to talk about you all the time too you know? he told me about how you two became close and how he always had to get involved with your stupid decisions" i laugh

We sit for another couple of hours telling eachother about our times with Neteyam.

I stay and wait til Lo'ak is peacefully asleep, I'm going to take over Neteyams 'big brother' roll and i'm going to become the big sister in this family. It's clear that they all need an older sibling and i feel like Neteyam would choose me to do that, I don't think i'll be able to do the job as well as he did but i must try.

I'm going to do it for him.

For Neteyam.

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