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Jasmine's POV
Dad why do you have to treat him like that. I actually like him a lot even though we have known each other for a day I still love him him, he is sweet,charming, and he has a little sister and I love kids!
My dad picked up a glass bottle threw it at me and that is when I knew he was drunk and after he threw it at me Shawn tried stopping him but he punched Shawn right in the mouth while they were fighting all 4 of us girls got to our room and we packed and Shawn ran into jasmines and Emily's room and he told us that my father had a knife and stabbed the door while Katie and Emily tied to pack and switch into our room and that is when Shawn said jump out the window!!! I texted my friend and he is down there and he is pretty strong.
" Hell no! I said
Hell yeah all of you will jump at different times and my friend will catch u all.
Mariah jumped first to call the cops and then me and then Katie and then Emily.
We all jumped and as soon as we all got into the car and drove to the nearest gas station.
Emily's POV
"Hey you guys this is my friend Calum Hood."
----------------------------------------------------Hey I will have a Q and A QUIZ and you need to comment the answer and who ever gets it right then I will give them a little part in my book.
Who is has there own movie that is part of MAGCON???

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