I never told you this but I live in Hollywood. I know some people think I'm a spoiled brat, but I'm not that much of a brat. Anyway back to my story. After lunch, I went to History. That went by quickly. Then I went to Science. We had a quiz to test what we already knew. My mom and dad never really taught me science so I pretty much failed that quiz. After that we did a BIG crossword puzzle. Then I walked to Reading. We read a book called HOLES. I was getting really into it until a kid tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over and I thought I recognized her. "Hi,I'm Haley, I bumped into you in the hallway." Oh! I said. She leaned over and whispered," have you met the plastics?" Yes. There awful! We laughed a little then, went back to reading HOLES. After the day was done, we had a 35 minute activity period. Then school was finally over. I was in choir for activity period. I sing, like a goddess! Our songs were a mixture of Pop and Country. And, drumroll please................ I, May Burch have a solo! For our solos we get to pick our own song! I picked Rolling In The Deep by Adele. We had to sing our solos and I was first. I walked up to the front of the choir room and then our choir teacher started the music. I started singing and at the end of the song, everyone whistled and clapped. I bowed and then went back to my seat. After the bell rang I went to the car-rider pickup line. In the line I saw Luke. I walked over there and he had an umbrella in his hand. Why do you have that? I asked. He answered back and said," the forecast said it was going to rai.. Right in the middle of his sentence the bottom fell out of the sky. It started pouring and Luke said," told you" he got his umbrella out and put it over his head. I stood there soaking wet waiting for my mom to pick me up. Luke looked at me and said oh I'm sorry! He let me under his umbrella and we stood there waiting to be picked up. When my mom got there and pulled up, Luke walked me to my car. I got in and he said," Bye May Burch!" He also added in a whisper," I love you!" I didn't hear him. So I just said, thanks for sharing the umbrella. And then I shut the car door and left. The next morning of school, I got dressed in a white anchor razorback and my blue shorts. The whole first classes went by fast until lunch. After Home Ec., me and Luke walked to lunch. When we sat down, the plastics came over to our table. I groaned and looked at Luke. He looked back at me and then shrugged his shoulders. Hey loser! she said to me. I grinned and looked at Crystal. Yeah, I'm the loser? She looked at me again, you're still in my spot huh? Yes I am! Do you even know who we are? We're pretty much the popular people in this WHOLE school! Yes I know who you are, Luke told me about you! Luke looked at me and I looked at him. Elisha answered back," oh Luke, dating new people?" I looked back at him then back to Elisha. What do you mean dating new people? I mean, that he's dating people OTHER than me. Me and Dreamy use to date. I looked at Luke, why didn't you tell me this? Well May, said Elisha, I'm gonna let you two "work" this out. Then they left. Luke looked his brown eyes into my blue eyes and said," look, I never told you because you don't need to know right now, we're not even dating!" I answered back, what if I wanted to date you? I covered my mouth not aware on how that had slipped out. He blushed and looked back at me again. So May Burch, you wanna date? I turned beet red. Maybe? He held my hand again and said," it's official now, May and me are dating!" I told him to hush and he said it quieter," May and me are officially dating." He said in a whisper. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. I really like you May, I really do. All the football players said,"ooooooooh!" I told them to shut it. We sat there talking and eating until we threw our trash away and the bell rang. Then he hugged me, and then we went our separate ways to our next classes. They all went by fast, I couldn't stop thinking of the thought, May Hamilton, May Hamilton!

Me and Popularity
Teen FictionA girl named May Burch is a fashion blogger. She posts videos of her fashion advice and makeup tips. When her page gets 1 billion views she becomes an Internet sensation. She has been homeschooled and is starting to go to school. When someone writes...