Ch 2 (My white rabbit)

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Don't pretend that you don't know why I'm doing this to you, don't pretend that we don't know each other "...... He said....


S-Sir, what are you talking about...

Why are you still calling me Sir, close people's aren't using formalities....

What should i call you then.. mmh. S-S...Sir

Call me Vegas... Don't add up sir... It just make a distance between us...

But sir, I'm. Working under you and you're my boss, the CEO of this company, and with all formalities... Even if you denying me calling you sir, but the what other people's other employees will say at our back, I'm sorry sir....

Fuck.... Well ok.... Call me sir when there will be any other 3rd person or anyone..... And you would have to call me by my name as you used to call me back at our days... You remember... Those beautiful days.... Just when it's you and me only.... In OUR personal space.. You have to call me Vegas....
Get it?

Y-Yes sir....     (Sigh)    I mean ve-vega..s....

Well then what shall I call you pete..., (he said with a smirk on his face)

Just call me as you want....

Well that's no fun..... I'll call you, what I used to....
My white rabbit (he said with a whispering)

What?? (Pete asked with a dumb face)

You look like the White rabbit I lost while trying to go home a while ago...

He said with a devil eyes and proceeds towards pete... Who was nothing but stepping backwards, almost touching the walls..... Meanwhile Vegas leaned towards pete, putting his almost body pressure on the younger.... Which made pete loose his Concentration and ended up falling to the sidewise.... Vegas chuckled... And helped pete getting up.... While helping him, obviously he had touched Pete's body and felt the younger's weak body.....

Pete, why you have lost your weight, are you not eating properly.... Pete you should maintain your health.. Why are you always stressing up yourself.....( He scolded Pete like a mother and son's relationship)......

Pete was a bit shaking... Not because of vegas but for the situation he's right now....

Vegas's face was so damn close to Pete... His firey eyes, he's well build giant body and that well exposed puffed chest.... It was enough to make the other felt shy and embarrassed...... As compare to the older one, the younger's appreance as so small....

Why are you afraid of me.... You seems very uncomfortable with me... Why pete?

Well it's no joke that you look like the rabbit I missed.....

You can't imagine my pain after the Rabbit went missing that year...

Rabbit!!! Pete said...

Why don't you catch him again? Pete said....

Yes, it had be nice to get him back, isn't it?
Vegas said......

Sir, you can tell me the appearance of the white rabbit, I'll make up a quick search for it

No Pete, don't you think it's pointless to catch a rabbit that left me coz, he didn't like me?

Mmm.... Was it a pet? Pete asked.....

In ang case, yeah since it's already left, I need substitute for him....

Pete, I need a strong rabbit who wouldn't run away.....
Do you get what I'm saying....

Ahmm... Yes si......


                             To be continue....

Hello guys..... How are y'all.... I hope y'all are healthy and happy..... Well plz don't forget to vote.... And plz... If you find any mistakes above....or wanna share your opinion based on the above then don't hesitate to leave comments.. Thank you 🌺🌸

Uploaded on - 05 Jan 2023 

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