Ch 6 (hidden love)

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Kinn.... A handsome and tall man, even taller then Pete, whom Pete just bumped into

Amm... Sir kinn, pete said in a astonished face, maybe cause he haven't thought of bumping into the man in front of him named as Kinn, whom it seems that they may familiar with each other as if it's not their first meeting....

I'm sorry sorry, I didn't knew it was you, I'm sorry, please excuse me, I've an emergency...

Pete said to the older and tried to excuse himself but...

Kinn held the youngers hand....

Can I talk to you for a second pete, please just for few seconds.... Asked Kinn

When kinn saw Pete's appearance, those puffed lips, mess hair, messed up shirt he's wearing.... Kinn was shocked seeing Pete in that look...

Irritation clearly showed up in Kinn's face...

Curiosity wad killing the older, so he asked

Are you seeing someone, Pete?

No sir, said Pete...

Then what's with this, asked kinn....

Amm.. This is some misunderstanding and actually  I'm not feeling well said pete...

I'm sorry sir, but can't we talk about it next time, I would like to go home said pete looking here and there but not to kinn...

(  If I stay any longer here, he might follow me out pete thought himself....  )

Pete excused his arm from Kinn's grip which he was holding and proceed on his way but

He was stopped by kinn..

The story I told you about, have you thought about it Pete, Kinn asked...

Pete stopped and looked back at Kinn...

What sir? Asked Pete...

I think I have waited for so long.. Said kinn

What are... Before Pete could complete his sentence...

I told you, I told you Pete, that I was in love with you
..................................................... (Pete's and Kinn's conversation)

THUD- - -  Pete fell down

3 hrs later ~

Pete, Pete... I remember someone called me and my vision went blurry and... And...

Huff.. I got up and where I'm?....

And then there's Porsche appeared with a tray full of food...

Hey Pete you woke up, oh man, do you I was very worried about you, complained Porsche

Pete only sighed...

What time is it? Asked Pete, straightening up his position in bed with the help of pillow..

Pete it's my house you passed out in the office and we called the doctor to check you up, and it's 8PM you should stay here, for tonight..

Pete smiled and thanked him for helping him..

Tension was shown clearly on Porsche's face

Amm.. Pete if you don't mind, can I ask you something, Porsche asked passing the food tray towards pete.

Sure go on.. Pete said with a smile seeing the food on the tray that he's gonna jump on...

Amm Pete are you seeing someone, I mean do you have any boyfriend? Asked Porsche still hesitating...

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