Chapter 12: The plan.

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We entered in the city, leaving Knuckles and Espio behind.
At first, I was scared of leaving them alone against whatever Knuckles was feeling, specially if Knuckles was injured and Exeller had an obsession with defeating Espio...Even if they both made an amazing team, despite of the difficulties, I still was insecure.
Vector was quick to pick up my mood. He asked me several times why I was so serious, but just flew foward, leaving him some steps behind.
It hurt a lot to ignore him, but now I understood Espio.
If I didn't want to give explanations, he had to respect that.

I followed the rest wherever we went.
The girls seemed to notice that I wasn't in the mood, but they didn't ask.
Instead, Cream kept whispering something to Amy, and Sally looked at me a few times out of the corner of her eyes.
We arrived at an underground base, probably one of the Freedom Fighters HeadQuarters.

"Ok, as we walked, I have planned something." Sally started. "If we want to defeat Exeller, we can't be together. I had thought about plans that don't involve spliting up, but it's unevitable, and I am out of options. This is what we are going to do:
Sonic, with your speed you will put the Chaos Emeralds in the laser generators. Robotnik will go with you. He will be the responsible of managing the generators."

"Do I really have to go with...this?" Robotnik complained.

"This has a name, Egghead!" Sonic yelled.

"Robotnik, there isn't any other thing we can do. Could you just leave your problems aside?" Tails asked.

"Shut up! Let Sally continue." I exclaimed.

"Thanks, Charmy. Now, Vector will take care of the defense of the city, with Espio, Knuckles and I. Knuckles and I will protect the front, and Espio and you will protect the interior of the city. Understood?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Vector made a militar salute.

"Tails, you will stay with Cream at the control area, and you will let me know in what direction are the monsters coming from."

"Alright!" Tails agreed. Cream also nodded.

"Charmy and Amy, your task is very important: You will have to warn the inhabitants and direct them to the collective bunkers until this is over, in addition to warning the troops to come to the front of the city. Got it?"

"Got it!" Amy and I said in unison.

"I will call you on some occasions, so keep an eye on your communicators. Any doubts?"

No one complained. After all, it was the perfect plan.

"Perfect! Everybody in their positions, we can do this!" Sally concluyed.

Amy grabbed me by my arm, and we sped uptown.
The streets were strangely quiet and empty.
We ran through the streets, the squares and markets, but no one was found.
We called door by door, but all the houses were open and completely untidy. Nobody was there, either.

"I'm scared..."

"Come on, don't be a scaredy! Let's look for the troops."

We went straight to the militar barracks.
Amy grabbed the doorknob and yanked it.
With no results, she pushed the door inside. It was stuck.

"I doubt anybody is here." I stated.

"All prevention is very little!" Amy took her hammer and hit the door with it, denting the door enough to break it.

We entered inside the building. As expected, nobody was inside.

"This is empty...It's so weird!"

Amy went quiet.

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