Chapter 16: The end of the nightmare.

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"You have so little time left...I'm sorry for how short this fight is going to be."

"Well, enjoy while you can, because when I defeat you, you won't fight anyone again." He took a step forward.

"I would love to say the same about you, because when I'm done with you the only ones fighting will be the worms to see who will eat your corpse." Exeller was trying to challenge me.
But I was not afraid. Rather, I felt sorry for how bad Exeller was at threatening.

An awkward pause brought silence for a couple of seconds, which Exeller stopped with a ball of energy similar to the previous one.
Before the ball hit me, a force that I knew how to control perfectly teleported me behind the demon, where I formed a beam of energy that Exeller managed to stop and deflect in my direction with his once thrown fist. I dodged my own attack by teleporting up, starting to float and approaching Exeller's side at breakneck speed, which I landed a hard punch on.
Exeller struck back almost immediately, and a free-for-all with our bare fists ensued.
My blood soaked into his gloves and a strange black and reddish liquid soaked into mine.
Liquids splashed everywhere.
One of Exeller's punches knocked me back a bit, causing Exeller to laugh uncontrollably. That was the moment that helped me unload a flurry of hooks and uppercuts on him.
The demon returned the beating I gave him with kicks, more pissed off than ever.
Energy bolts flew between us again, these much faster and more powerful.

"You fight better than I thought, but I've seen better." Exeller commented with a mischievous smile.

"How funny! I was about to say the same about you." With those words, I gave him a strong uppercut that propelled him up.
I teleported as the demon climbed up, meeting it with another blow that sent it back down with astonishing speed.
I teleported back to the ground and watched as Exeller dug with the weight of his body as he fell into a huge hole that could have reached the center of the planet- or wherever we were-.
Exeller came out of the hole, floating.

"Not bad, but Knuckles did a lot more damage. Ready for round two?" He scoffed reluctantly.

"A second round? What for, Exeller?" I asked for.

The demon searched for me with his eyes and found me floating with something that one day was in his possession: the chaos emeralds.

"My power!" he growled.

Without giving him time to react, the power of the Chaos Emeralds and the power of my form merged together creating a bolt of energy so strong that when it was released, the ground rose in huge chunks, the sky turned blinding white, and I had to close my eyes to prevent losing sight.
In the background I could hear Exeller's cries of suffering, but I didn't care in the slightest.
I only wanted to destroy the demon and go back into my dimension.


The beam finally finished giving off light and the force that gave off ceased.
I opened my eyes and looked at myself. I had returned to my original form.
I looked at my surroundings: I was in a completely dark place, so dark that I was not able to distinguish the floor and find walls. I was inside a kind of void.

What had just happened was...Incredible. I did tons of incredible things, but this one was just...I didn't even have words.
Among the silence of that void, I heard someone clapping slowly behind me.
I turned around fastly to find another Exeller, but with darker quills and claws, but with the same bloody eyes.
He was smiling widely, but despite of the evil fangs that made his smile almost white, his smile wasn't creepy, but had points of arrogance.

"This is the best thing I have ever seen from a mortal." The unknown demon said.

"You aren't Exeller, aren't you?"

"Obviously no. I am Exetior." The new demon introduced himself shortly, stretching a hand, perhaps to shake mine with him.
At first with distrust and hesitation, I slowly brought his hand and mine together in a tight grip that almost tore my skin apart.

"Exetior. Weird name. But...why do you have my form?"

"Exeller wasn't the only demon that took over your body. There are lots of dimensions, lots of timelines. All of them has their own Exe. But you could say that I am one of the primordial ones." Exetior explained.

"And what happened with Exeller? Did it die?"

"Despite being one of the weakest, you can't kill a demon, but you returned it to a parallel dimension where he will be locked up. Exeller broke timelines and destroyed numerous dimensions. He broke the taboos of the Exes. You and your friends were the only ones that ever had the courage to face him. That's what I find impressive coming from you mortals."

"Ok...But he owes us something." I replied.

"I know. Exeller would have broke the promise he made, but since he is far away from here, I will reward you. I'll restore what Exeller once caused, and you will be free of our attack."

At that moment, Exetior opened a enormous portal.
I felt attracted to it, but my distrust was way bigger than my curiosity.
I looked at Exetior, and his creepy eyes looked at me.

"Come on; there isn't danger. I will never break a promise. Everything is fine in that portal."

I looked at the portal. If I entered, I would see my friends again. Together once more. Without the threat of the demons.
I looked at Exetior and smiled at him.

"Thanks for this, Exetior. You are kinder than I thought."

"Go now and stop saying that crap."

"Ok, geez..." I muttered reluctantly.

I closed my eyes and entered in the portal.
A strange energy was around me, moving my quills like how the furious wind moves the waves of the sea.
That soon got swapped by the soft stroke of the wind.

I opened slowly my eyes, almost getting blinded by the noon sunlight.
I was back in Marble Garden. Sally was looking at the badniks.
I looked at them, too, and before Sally made any moves, I grabbed her by her arm.

"Sonic? What's wrong?" She asked, her blue eyes looking at me.

"It's that...perhaps it's a bad idea to destroy them."

"Why would it be? When did destroying badniks became a bad idea? And it was your idea." She replied.

"It's just...I have a bad feeling. Let's leave them for Knuckles and disconnect from our Freedom Fighters' duties."

She looked at me like I was crazy, but she finally shrugged and turned off her shield.

"Fine, if you say so...Wanna race to New Mobotropolis? The loser invites the winner to a chili dog!"

"Deal! Prepare the money, 'cause I never lose a race!" I curled up in a ball and left in a quick blur, leaving a blue light around the floating island.

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