Winter Scarcity

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WARNING: Animal death, hunting in multiple forms, mention of the black market, etc etc. Expect these things to also occur or appear throughout roleplays.

Name: Flykra Eishorn {Name is pronounced as Flee-krah}

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/They

Height: 5'10"

Species: Harpy {Resembles Snowy Owl}

Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual



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Flykra is a simple woman. She often bears a friendly attitude, though this can change due to certain circumstances. She tends to mind her own business, and expects for others to mind their business in return.

Flykra lacks interest in rumors or gossip, but she doesn't mind listening to the occasional story that may be exaggerated at points. She's intrigued by other people's stories, and tends to listen to these stories only when the individual telling the tale was telling it to her or her and a group of friends. Otherwise, she will try to ignore it all.

She is sometimes closed off from others. Sure, it can come across as mean, rude, whatever. But, it is often resulting from Flykra being too focused on herself and what she has to do each day. 

Depending on the occasion, Flykra will freely express her emotions, though when angry, Flykra does attempt to calm herself. Flykra doesn't usually yell. She will raise her voice, but never scream and yell at others.. unless necessary.

Flykra can show sympathy with surprising ease. Additionally, she has proven time and time again that she is there for her friends, family, or others. Flykra seems to give the best cuddles, and manages to comfort others very well. This often gives others the idea that she'd be a lovely mother. Flykra would much rather adopt or take in a child rather than give birth to a child of her own.

Flykra can be vicious when it comes to hunting. She's good at self-defense and fighting, making her a sort of tough opponent.


Flykra likes to eat roasted duck as a meal.

As the occasional sweet dish, Flykra likes to eat maple candy toffee.

Hunting. Flykra's job is highly dependent on her hunting abilities, as hunting for fur and meat is a main part of her work as a traveling merchant.

Snow. Flykra tends to enjoy the snow at times, often favoring it because it's always nice to fly over open snowy plains with the occasional tree or so.

Flying. Flykra values her ability to fly, because if she couldn't fly- she wouldn't be able to hunt as well, which also impacts her work and income.

Mountains. They are always interesting to look at, but it's also very fun to fly over them.

Aerial acrobatics. Flykra is decent at those, and often likes to do it because it's fun to her.


Brutal fights. Often, they seem to start over stupid reasons. However, this won't keep her from partaking in fights. Flykra can and will brawl if necessary.

Bears. She just doesn't like the creatures.

Peas. Yes, Flykra doesn't like peas. She's allowed to be a bit picky about food. However, she won't complain under certain circumstances.

Black markets. It's mostly due to the exotic animals found in the markets, as well as products from exotic animals- like elephant tusks, for example.

Her wings being bound. Never happened before, but she's heard that it's irritating.


Flykra is interested in hunting. In order to hunt, she has developed knowledge regarding specific weapons used for hunting. Flykra specializes in the use of harpoons and bolas. Bolas are easy for small prey on land, whereas harpoons are better off for fishing and hunting larger animals.


Flykra works as a traveling merchant. The things she sells or trades include: Fur, Meat, Spices, Luxury items, etc.


Flykra is capable of flight, and is able to camouflage while flying, though mostly when it is snowing.

Flykra has a good tolerance against the cold. This is thanks to her body being mostly covered by warm and insulating feathers.

Flykra has a surprisingly strong grasp, though it is her talons for feet that have a strong grasp.

Flykra can mimic the calls of a Snowy Owl, thanks to her resemblance to the birds.

In terms of learned abilities, Flykra has learned how to use harpoons and bolas, and is very good at using the weapons- whether that be for hunting, fighting, self-defense, etc.


Flykra lives in a medieval fantasy world. Flykra lives in the same world as Scout Fletcher. This means that you can expect the two characters to interact occasionally. Roleplays with Flykra may include Scout Fletcher, and vice versa with Scout. Like mentioned on Scout's page, they live in a region that gets frequent snow. Keep that in mind.

Scenario One:

Make It Up.

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