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(this chapter takes place in episode 6 - in that episode Niragi almost does something horrible to Usagi which I have chosen not to write BUT the only thing I am writing in from that part is when Usagi bites Niragi's tongue piercing out - I didn't want to write *that* scene because of how horrible it is, the only thing you'll read is how he grabs her and tries to bring her to the room, but she is never brought in and that scene never happens - hope this makes sense!)


Hana woke up once the sun hit her eyelids. She opened them and instantly blocked her eyes with her arm.

A groan escaped her as she sat up in bed. There was no one in the room besides her - Kuina must've left before she got up.

Hana walked over to the washroom and took a glance in the mirror. Her hair was a little bit messy, so she tried her best to fix it with her hands.

She looked tired - her eyebags were starting to get noticeable, and there was still tried up blood on parts of her body.

A sigh left her mouth as she decided to leave the room all together and try to find Arisu, or at least someone she recognized.


Hana sat at one of the tablestl that was in a shaded area - her arm rested on the table while her head rested on her hand.

It seemed like it was a bit early but people were still drinking and swimming.

"Hey." Hana looked ahead when she heard Arisu's voice.

He sat down across from her. Arisu seemed like he was hungover and tired - his hair was messy, and he just looked.. out of it?

"Hey. You look like you had fun last night." Hana chuckled.

Arisu rubbed his eyes before resting his head and arms on the table. "Hatter made me drink- so I did. I drank too much."

"Did he introduce you to any girls?" Hana teased, a smile growing on her face.

"Wha- no!" Arisu suddenly raised his head up for a moment but set it back down when he noticed Hana's smirk.

Hana laughed again and reached over to gently hold his arm. "Just teasing you, Arisu."

Arisu noticed the gentle touch from Hana - he didn't mind it - so he didn't say anything.

"What did you do last night?" Arisu asked.

"Uh, I got a drink from the bar and then went to sleep. Kuina let me stay in her room. Said this place is filled with a bunch of creeps."

"I believe her." Arisu added. "Especially that Niragi guy - I don't like the way he grabbed you."

Hana's eyes softened when she looked Arisu (despite his head being down). "I'll stay away for him. Well, I'll try."

Arisu finally raised his head again, his arm still making contact with Hana's hand.


The two walked around once more since the area was really large in general.

People talked to them and spoke about rumors. "I heard the games are only in Tokyo."

"Maybe the person who controls the games is someone we know, wouldn't that be shocking?"

"What do you think happened?"

Arisu and Hana both stared at the last (drunk) girl who asked them a question.

"I.. have no idea. I guess we'll find out one day, right?" Hana answered before turning around and leaving with Arisu.

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