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The sun was setting, making the sky a pink and yellow color - the scene was beautiful yet bittersweet. 

Arisu's hand remained on Hana's wound, some blood was still dripping out of it. "Arisu.."

Hana's hand reached for Arisu's, which he took into his own. "It's okay now." He reassured.

Arisu then moved onto his knees and brought Hana into his arms. Mira noticed her wound and handed Arisu a few napkins. It wasn't enough to fully-stop the wound, but it was something at least. "Use this."

Arisu glanced at her for a moment before taking it into his hands and wrapping it around Hana's wound.

"How magnificent," Mira spoke softly. "That was moving. For her sake, let's finish this game."


And so Arisu and Mira continued the game of croquet. Hana on the other hand, was leaning against one of the pillars in the arena, watching as the two finished the game.

Hana smiled at Arisu every so often as as sign that they were getting closer to finishing the long awaited game.

"Yes!" Mira let out a few cheers every so often when she hit the ball in the right direction, or was almost at the end of the game.

Realization hit Hana - everything was almost over. 

All the games they played would soon be in the past, or at least she hoped because how could anyone forget these deadly games?

Remembering how Karube and Chota died - how brutal is was and how she wouldn't be able to get that image out of her mind. Other people might not see how much it affected her but deep down inside, she thought about it every night.

But she would continue to live on for Karube and Chota because they deserved a long life too, a life filled with happiness and laughs.

"Yes! I won." Mira cheered, a bittersweet smile on her face. "You played three rounds without quitting the game. Congratulations Arisu."

The game has ended.

The voice from the previous games had announced that the game had finished.

"Finally. It's over?" Hana's voice was weak but nonetheless she was relieved.

"Yes," Arisu looked over at her, a slight smile on this face. "We won."

"Thank God." Hana joked, smiling back at Arisu.

Arisu laughed quietly at the reaction from Hana before turning to look at Mira. "So, what's this place anyway?"

"Arisu," Mira started, slowly walking over. "You'll soon find out. Of your two choices, no matter which you choose, you'll know your answer."

Mira continued, "You'll know what kind of person you are. You'll know. Life is like a game. Enjoy it more."

Hana watched as Mira smiled one last time. Although she didn't win the game all together, she one the final game of croquet, which was more than enough for her.

It wasn't long until the beam came down and instantly pierced Mira's skull, her smile disappearing as she fell to the ground.


All the games have been cleared.

Those few words made tears start to form in Hana's eyes. The deadly game was finally over and they wouldn't have to worry anymore. 

The hell they were in was finally gone.

The last blimp holding the Queen of Hearts card eventually set fire and fireworks started to erupt in the sky. The different colors of the fireworks illuminating the sky.

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