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Arisu and Hana eventually broke apart. Hana sent a smile over to Arisu who returned one back.

They shared a look until Arisu looked past Hana and noticed something in one of the smaller holes that was caved into the wall.

His eyes widened which left Hana confused until she turned around and noticed the lifeless face staring back at them.

Well, that moment was ruined.

Hana cleared her throat and looked at Arisu again. "We should leave."

"Yeah. Let's go." He agreed.


After changing and leaving the arena, the two of them decided to find a place to stay for the night.

Luckily there was an empty shop nearby that seemed somewhat safe, so they decided to stay there.

"I'm glad we found that place. I've been waiting to bathe ever since we got to this world." Hana said as she sat down on one of the chairs.

"Me too," Arisu said, sitting beside her. "It was a nice way to relax after that stressful game."

"Yeah," Hana sighed, she was exhausted. "There are only two games left. The King of Spades and The Queen of Hearts."

"I can't believe we made it this far." Arisu said, "I still remember when we first arrived here and now we're almost done."

Hana never fully processed how far they were in these games. She still remembers the first game they played when it all started - 'Live or Die'.

"I hope we can go back," Hana replied back. "I hope we can be safe again."

"We will," Arisu looked over at her. "I promise we'll be able to go back. I'll do whatever it takes."

Hana smiled over at Arisu. "We should sleep. Just in case we join a game tomorrow."

"Yeah, " Arisu replied before patting his shoulder. "You can rest your head here."

Hana smiled again as she did what he said. It seemed like Arisu would be her pillow for the night, which she didn't mind at all. "Goodnight, Arisu."

Arisu kissed the top of her head before resting his head on hers. "Goodnight, Hana."


A few hours later, Hana had woken up to the sunlight shining through the glass and heading right to her eyes.

She groaned as she lifted her head, noticing that Arisu was already awake. "Did you sleep at all?"

"A bit," Arisu replied, followed by a big yawn.

"Arisu, you should've woken me up so you could've slept." Hana frowned.

Arisu laughed. "I've pulled all-nighters worse than this. I promise it's okay. But I appreciate your concern."

Hana couldn't help but smile and give Arisu a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll let you sleep next time."

Arisu grinned as he watched Hana walk away and stand near the window. "You know, I think we should try to find supplies today."

"What kind of supplies?" Hana asked.

"Other than food and water, I think we should have a weapon. Just in case we bump into the King of Spades randomly one day." Arisu suggested, standing up as he went to stand beside Hana. "But, anything else is fine too."

"I agree. We need a weapon of some sort.," Hana said. "We should both go look for something."

"Yeah. How about I look for the weapons and you look for the food? I think there's other shops nearby." He suggested.

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