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"Hi! What is it that you found, Miss Ji Soo?" I asked the female forensic analyst.

"Hey!" She took out some medical reports. "I found the company from where the murder weapon was made in."

"That's good!" I said. "So what's the problem?" I asked because I thought everything was normal, but I didn't knew something abnormal was coming up.

"Is it not possible to find where it came from?" Soo Jae asked.

"No, the pen is not unusual, it was brought from a convenience store around the library where the murder took place." She explained. "The problem is; I ran a blood test of the blood that was on the pen and I found another person's blood on it." Miss Ji Soo gave us the reports along with the person's name.

"The person's blood that we found, it's tested that it wasn't donated to the victim, rather it was separable from the victim's blood." She stated.

"You mean the murderer hurt himself while attempting the murder?" I asked confused.

"Maybe or maybe not. It's not possible to hurt yourself with a pen by accident because of its small tip." She explained.

"You mean the culprit hurt himself on purpose?" I asked again.

"I don't know! You guys are the investigators." She smiled and left.

Soo Jae and I went to the police station to verify that suspicious person's identity.

"Soo Jae? What is the name of the person whose blood is found?" I asked him while we were getting in the car.

"Let me check, wait." He was shaken.

"What? Did you see a ghost?" I scoffed.

"No. It's just weird?"

"What is?" I asked.

"Lee...Yoon...Ah?" Repeated Soo Jae slowly.

"Lee Yoon Ah?" I stopped. "A woman's blood is found?" I asked curiously.

"What if we missed her during the investigation because we thought the murderer is a man?!" Soo Jae was angry and disappointed. He shook his head and sighed.

We reached the police station.

"Name?" asked the officer.

"Lee Yoon Ah." Stated Soo Jae.

"Let's see!" Soo Jae read her profile and was in complete disbelief.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Her parents died 5 years ago and she died 3 years ago." Soo Jae stood blankly.

"What?" I reacted loudly. "You mean a dead person's blood is found on the murder weapon of a murder that took place yesterday?! This is crazy!" I was stunned. "She's alive?"

"Let's go to her neighborhood and ask the people what happened. And also, I'll ask the officers to look for this girl on both the case's CCTV footages." Soo Jae confirmed.

According to Lee Yoon Ah's profile, she was 18 when her parents died and 20 when she died. If she's alive she'll be around 23 or 24. Her parents' cause was gas leakage at the house while she was at school and her cause of death was a car accident.

"Soo Jae!" I stopped before leaving the station.

"What?" Soo Jae asked.

"Let's check how she died first." I suggested.

"By a car accident." He replied. "We know already."

"No, the details I meant. Like who was the driver? Was it a natural accident or an attempted one?" For a reason I felt like it wasn't a natural accident, I had a feeling in my gut.

"We are not here to reopen her case." He said annoyed.

"C'mon! We need to know about her first before asking other people." I explained.

"You're right!" he realized and we asked for her case files.

Strangely, there was no report filed related to that accident. When the police went to the hospital, Lee Yoon Ah was already dead. As she had no relatives, no one was willing to take a dead person's case to the police to waste their time money and energy. This case was simply forgotten by the police and the people. The police didn't even bother to investigate who did this.

"Can you show us the CCTV footage of the accident?" I asked the other officers.

According to the footage; Lee Yoon Ah was justaround her neighborhood. The place was quiet, more like abandoned, there were no people, only a few cars were passing by. It was a thin street, just for small car to pass through. When Yoon Ah was about to cross the street, a car came with very high speed and hit her. The driver didn't even bother to come back and check what happened, or help her, he just left without even feeling guilty. Yoon Ah was left injured in the middle of the road. No one passed the street for another 30 minutes and lied there crying for help. She was bleeding, the area around her all got red with blood. After 30 minutes, an old man found her and called the ambulance.

We only found 2 things from the footage; the car's number plate and the old man who helped her.

It was nighttime and we went back home to get some rest. 

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