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I started the preparations exactly as I suggested. Jeong Chan was with me as she was officially working on the case, she helped me out a lot. She was pretty intellectual, she advised perfect ways to check if Yoon Ah has got traps here. We even checked the underground on her advice but there was nothing.

"You're very eager I see!" I asked Jeong Chan. For reason she seemed very excited for this.

"Yes! I'm finally going to meet my idol!" she said.

"Oh my God! She is your idol?" I mocked her. "Mine too!" I said eagerly.

"Really?" she asked unbelievably.

"To be honest, whatever she did was right. She did seek the law and was pushed away. She had no other choice but to be karma herself. If we catch her today, I'll prosecute her and let her leave the court non-guilty and honorably. She'll be known as a hero to the world, not a killer." I expressed my thoughts.

"Why do you trust her this much?" she asked sympathetically.

"The truth is in front me. In the court, I will state all the facts for the world to know that whatever she did was because of the misery she had to go through not because of her mistakes but because of us, the world, the law and justice."

"What about Mr. Soo Jae?" she asked. "You said he also killed someone innocent and now is on Yoon Ah's 'kill list'. Will you save him?"

I was quiet. "I'll try my best but if she is faster and gets him, I'll not be able to protect him from her."

"Are you that scared of her?" she teased me.

"I'm more scared of the reality. It makes me shiver when I think that I might not be able to a rightful a lawyer, that I might not be able to spread justice to the poor and fulfill my father's dream and let more people like Yoon Ah destroy their lives and use wrong ways to achieve their rightful goals." I said with a heavy heart.

"You will never be an unjust lawyer and you never were Mr. Woo Yeon." Jeong Chan tried to console me. She started with a calming voice. "My parents died a few years ago. My father was also a lawyer and since my childhood, I dreamed of working side by side with him. He always told me that I should be a safe place for the suffering, I should protect them at all cost and provide them with justice no matter how right or wrong they are and that's what you are also doing. Your father must be proud of you so am I." she smiled. Her little words made feel so much better, they gave me confident that whatever I'll be doing is right and I'll never let my father's trust and Jeong Chan's trust in me down.

Today was the day; Monday. 2 days weren't enough for Soo Jae to heal but still he managed to come to the park. We waited for Yoon Ah in the middle of the park. There was a fountain in the middle, the area around was big enough for almost 3 cars to be parked easily, the ground was smooth bricked. I got the entire place evacuated. There were twenty men from the police, securing the area and three of us; Jeong Chan, Soo Jae and I. Soo Jae arrived before the two of us. His police car was right beside the fountain, parked mine right in front of his with a ten meter distance in between. There were only five minutes left before the clock struck four.

"How do you feel Soo Jae?" Getting out of the car and walking towards him, I asked.

"This is my last day, so, I don't know, nervous?" he mocked while leaning in front of his car.

"Hope you get well soon Mr. Soo Jae." Wished Jeong Chan smiling sympathetically at Soo Jae.

"Thank you." Soo Jae replied embarrassed. As Jeong Chan knew that Soo Jae actually killed an innocent girl, he was embarrassed to face her now. "You didn't needed to come Ms. Jeong Chan." He said politely.

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