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October 29th, fourteen twenty.

Luz felt tight in the chest when she awoke, and briefly feared that Ukla had managed a deathly blow, til she glanced up. "P...co..?"


The stallion jolted up, sniffing Luz out, nuzzling her cheek. "Snnrt- Pppfff! Nck-" Paco nickered softly, lying back down, nuzzling her gently, resting his head back on her chest.

Luz sighed quietly, patting his head, "Wh..y a...you..?"

-Why are you..?

"He was worried.." Viney rubbed her eyes, sitting up on the chair behind Paco. "Saw that you fell and broke his stable door getting to you.."

Paco moved closer to the bed, his chest moving it that much farther away. "G..d bo..y.." Luz gently scratched hid side.

-Good boy.

"No good boy. He wouldn't move til you started bleeding out." Viney stood, walking to the vacant side of Luz's bed, sitting. "How are you feeling?"

"R..n ov..r..c.....ge.."

-Run over by carriage..

"Feels like you've been run over by a carriage?" Viney poked the bandage on Luz's side. "That's too bad. Sorry that some idiot thought it was a good idea to reopen a scar."

Paco squealed, shaking his head and snorting. "Bad Paco." Viney hit his nose. "You don't snort that way to me."

He squeaked in suprise, standing up, huffing, "Snnrt- Huff-"

Luz pat his chest, the stallion lowering his head, sniffing Luz out. He whinnied, pressing his nose against her chest firmly, bucking slightly. "C..n't r..de y..t.."

-Can't ride yet..

"Oh? Sure you can! Paco, slowly." Viney slid her hand under Luz's lower back.

The stallion gently lifted Luz's head, assisting in sitting her up. He blew in her face, spinning. "I'll go get the princess, she's been worried."

Luz looked around, eyes widening. "Your hauberk." Viney snapped. "Ukla did manage to hit you before you encased her in ice. You won. And the kings are alright with you walking around."

Paco moved his head around in circles, whinnying softly, growing dizzy. Luz held her hand up, Paco nudging it and lying down, head being gently pat. "P..r...ss.."


"Fine~ I'll return shortly." Viney walked over to the door, opening it and stepping out.

She closed the door behind herself, Paco lying his head on Luz's thigh. He nickered, letting out a loud sigh. Luz cleared her throat, humming softly, "Good b...y P..co.."

-Good boy Paco..

He closed his eyes, sighing again before he relaxed. Luz was okay. Luz is okay. And that's all he could hope for.

Amity came in minutes later, hair a mess, still in her pajamas. "Luz-"

"Mm..M-Morning!" The guard tipped her head forward. "P..co g...ooood b..y."

-Morning! Paco good boy.

He turned to Amity, snorting and shuffling closer to Luz. Amity went around the bed, Boscha soon entering, waving to the knight. "How are you feeling?" Boscha asked.



"That's good. You recovered quickly, we expected you up tommorow."

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