Ch.3|| Fun ||

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You smiled as you watched Bob cook. Your friend had dragged you along for breakfast at Boys & Grills. "So Bob what are your thoughts on (y/n)~" Your friend stuck their tongue out and you watched as Bob had a faint blush on his face. "Well I just think she's really nice and pretty." Your friend was about to say something else when Bob placed both your plates onto the table. You thanked him and your friend glared. "I'll let you avoid the question this time but next time ya ain't gonna get that lucky cowboy." Bob rolled his eyes at them and laughed. You had already begin to dig in and noticed Bob looking at you before heading back into the kitchen.

"Why don't we go out for drinks tonight?" Your friend took a sip from their soda and waited on your response. "Well I'm up to it if Bob is." Your friend raised a brow and smirked. "Oh really? Why's that?" You giggled and shocked your head. "He's very nice plus I haven't been without the two of you since I moved here." They nodded and texted him the plans and he agreed. "Let's go home then and get ready so by the time he gets off we only have to wait on him."

You had gotten ready and waited outside for your friend and Bob. You checked your friend to see they were going to be a bit late due to traffic and you giggled. You looked up to see Bob walking over to you. You waved him over and he took a seat next to you on the porch. You showed him the message and he giggled. "So much for the whole waiting on me huh darlin'?" You both laughed. You looked at him and rested your head on your hand. "That has always been them though am I right." Bob grinned and nodded.

Eventually your friend had showed up and picked you both up to head to the bar. Of course you felt a bit nervous but you felt strangely secured around Bob and your friend. Your friend talked about how shit faced they were going to get and you looked at Bob. "So then who's going to drive us back?" Bob leaned back in the seat. "I am darlin', I can't drink much anyways cause I still have work tomorrow." You smiled and nodded and he flashed you a grin.

Once you guys had arrived your friend was quick to pick a table out and you both followed along. Your friend ordered anything that was the strongest and Bob ordered a shot of whiskey. He also ordered a big batch of wings for all three of you to share. You placed your order and the waitress left. Your friend smirked and winked at you. You giggled and winked back. It was only a few minutes before the alcohol had arrived and your friend raised her glass. "To new beginnings, and the closing of the past." Both you and Bob raised your glasses and then all three of you took a drink.


Your friend was laughing hard while Bob was munching. You felt dizzy from the alcohol and your friend went to the dance floor. Bob nudged you and you turned to him. "Hm?" "You alright gal?" "Mhm" he giggled and pushed a glass towards you. "It's just water you need it." You took a few gulps of it and rested your head onto the table. You felt sick and Bob rubbed your back. He motioned your friend over and they took notice to you. "Oh dear yeah let's get ready to leave. So sorry (y/n)" you gave them a thumbs up and they laughed. Bob wrapped a arm around your waist and you leaned on him. You felt so unstable but he was helping you from collapsing. He placed you into the passenger seat and your friend went into the back. Bob took his sweater off and placed it over you as a blanket. He got into the drivers seat and began to drive the three of you home.

You and Bob bid your friend farewell. "Don't worry about my car I'll just bike to your house tomorrow or whenever Bob." He agreed and drove off with you. You began to drift off to sleep.

Bob gently nudged you awake and smiled. "We are back home gal." You still felt weak so he lifted you up and carried you to your house. He helped unlock the door and brought you inside to your room. He placed you onto the bed and grabbed a bucket and a glass of water along with pain meds. "For tomorrow." You nodded and he placed a cold rag onto your head. "Try to get some sleep sweetheart alright?" You nodded feeling his southern accent lull you almost into a sleep like state. He was about to leave when you grabbed his hand. You don't know why but you felt teary eyed and you looked at him. "Can you stay please.." he nodded and you slid onto one side of the bed. He laid next to you and you could feel the heat radiating off of him. "Make sure to lay on your side just incase you vomit in your sleep." You nodded and told him goodnight. "Good night darling sweet dreams." You don't know if it was his warmth or scent but the comfort of just him being there made you fall into a deep sleep.

Bob's pov:

I watched as her chest began to rise and fall slowly. Poor girl wasn't feeling all to well. I smiled at her and played with a few strands of her hair. I yawned and rested my head onto the pillow I check the time on my phone and mentally told myself I need to rest for work. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

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