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So I have a theory I want to use in order for this book to make sense. It deals with why Bob may be a cannibal. I understand you may not agree or anything but this theory fits my idea of this book well. Here is my thoughts.

So the scene in spooky month with Bob and Streber it was funny how Bob mentioned the disease "Mad Cow". I know he is known for stating facts and such but this kinda struck me differently especially how he drooled while talking about it. Something I'd like to point out too is the symptoms of mad cow. It may just be me but Bob's speech tends to slur at times. Another thing is how he was portrayed as a sweet guy (pictures and such) but now he's a crazed blood thirsty killer. Now people can't actually get "mad cow" however you can get a variant of it due to eating diseased meat. Now another thing to point out is how it destroys ones mind (and spinal cord) Like I said how come Bob looked like a sweet person once and all of a sudden change.

So yes this is just my silly theory. I think it would fit my story well. I can't wait for more Bob lore in spooky month haha

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