Ch.5|| Calm Before a Storm||

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You hummed as you stirred the pot of soup. Bob and your friend had gotten stuck at your house due to the raging storm outside. You felt a presence behind you and turned to see Bob looking over your shoulder. "Smelling good gal~" you smiled and giggled. "I'm not even done yet though! There's still herbs I have to add." He smirked and winked at you,"I meant you smell good gal~" you blushed and he laughed at your reaction. He gently pinched your cheek and sat on the couch with your friend. Your heart was pumping strangely fast at what had just happened..

You gave both of them a bowl and told them to help themselves to any drinks in the fridge. Your friend took a coke and Bob took a beer. You sat down with your drink and bow on a separate chair. Your friend tasted the soup first and made an mm sound. "Wow this is really good!" Bob tried it next and his eyes widened a little. "Wow yeah it's very flavorful." You smiled and looked down at your bowl. "It's just a basic soup." Your friend tilted a brow at you and smirked. "Do you secretly cook or something?" You shook your head no and your friend pressured on. "The only reason I know how to cook is because he pressured me to back then." You had lost your appetite and placed your bowl onto the counter. You got up and walked upstairs to go blow off some of the pressure.

Bob's pov:

I could tell she was upset from the moment they started to ask about it. "Geez why the attitude am I right?" I looked at them and frowned. "You know she's still going through something. She's sensitive right now and as her friends we should understand this for her." "Well it's about time she moves on! Literally he isn't in her life anymore! Things have changed." "You say that but let's not forget who showed up last week pal. Her struggles aren't over. If you can't see that then that's on you." I got up and placed my bowl onto the table and walked upstairs to look for (y/n)."

Your pov:

You were sitting on your bed staring out the window when you heard someone walk in. You turned and saw Bob standing in the doorway. "Hey gal.. need a pal?" You smiled a little and nodded. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. He then sat next to you on the bed and looked at you. "You have every right in the world to feel the way you still feel. No one can tell you otherwise." You looked at him and leaned your head onto his shoulder. "No matter what I do it still feels like he is there.. his torment and the pain he caused me.. I just.." you began to break down and Bob leaned his head onto yours. "You're going to feel that way for a little while sweetheart. It's nothing that's physical anymore, it's all mental scars." Your lips quivered as you spoke,"do you think I'm a crybaby.. a w weak girl." He sat up and placed a finger under your chin. He gently turned your head towards him and wiped your eyes clean from your tears. "I think you are a brave woman who's withstand something traumatic. Don't listen to what others have to say on the matter." You still felt a little upset and Bob noticed. He pushed you down and lifted your shirt up. He began to blow raspberries on your stomach and you giggled. He traveled up until you were both face to face. You both felt allured towards eachother and you both slowly moved in closer until both your lips pressed together. The feeling you felt was so right. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. That's when you heard a door slam and forgot that your friend was there. You bashfully looked at Bob and kissed his cheek and then got up. Bob smiled at you and walked back downstairs.

You and Bob both ate seeing you had left your soup earlier. Your phone was being spammed from your friend with them upset at you. To be quite honest you really couldn't have cared less at that moment. You felt like you were on cloud nine with what had happened between you and Bob. After you both had finished you both cuddled up onto the couch. The warmth of him made you feel safe and comfortable.


You woke up to feeling cold and a note on the table. You picked it up and smiled once you read it.

Hello my gal~ I apologize for having to leave you but I was called in to lock the door of boys and grills seeing the person who was supposed to lock it lost their key. If you wake up before I'm back don't worry. I'll be back in a jiff sugar.

You placed it back onto the table when you felt lightheaded. You passed out.

You had two little boys both pulling your hands to a place. You tilted your head and looked down to see one in a skeleton costume and the other in a pumpkin. You looked and saw the famous boys and grills diner however it looked... Different. "Come play hide and seek with us with the big red fat man!" "Yes let's play!" They pulled you into the building and you smelled the stench of metal. Your mind quickly registered it as blood. The boys pulled you behind some boxes with them. "Shhhhhhhhh! Don't make any noise (y/n)! Or the red man will find us!" After he said that you heard it. The southern accent that you so vaguely recognize. "1". Your eyes widened and you began to shake. "2" you looked around you and you felt so cold. It ate at your bones. "3" you felt your heart staring to hurt and beat faster. "4" you looked at the boys and they were smiling and giggling at eachother. "5" you looked around and noticed the various racks of meats hanging. "6" his voice was getting closer. "7" and closer. "8" and closer... "9" you were starting to question if this was really your reality. "10!" You saw a glint of silver infront of you as he slashed through the boxes." The last thing you saw was a silhouette of a devil...

You gasped as you heard your door open. Bob stepped inside and stretched, taking his shoes off in the process. "I'm back darlin'. Did cha miss me?" You nodded and smiled. Just a dream.  You both agreed on sleeping and headed up into your room. You both cuddled and you felt him go to sleep. You found it hard with your heart still racing. With the sound of his gentle breathing and warmth you finally closed your eyes and tried your best to sleep.

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