Bella's New Boyfriend

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"I may or may not have a new boyfriend." Announced Bella as she entered the dorm room. She closed the doors behind her as the two that were already in there rolled their eyes.

"Who is it this time around?" Zoe asked, stepping out of the bathroom, with her toothbrush on one hand and her tooth paste on the other. It was late, too late for two fifths of their dorm to be missing. Rose and Zoe were already in their pajamas, getting ready to go to bed, and their roommates weren't even in the room yet.

"Oh, you wouldn't know him, he's a Raven." Arabella said with a dismissive gesture of her hand, but nosy as she was, Zoe would not let her get away that easily.

"You know I know a lot of people from Ravenclaw, Bells, just tell us his name." Zoe glanced over at Rose, who was sitting cross legged on her bed, leaning against the wall, mentioning she was the other part of 'us'. "And even if we don't know of him today, we most certainly will have by tomorrow." Zoe nodded confidently.

"C-Caelum Nott..."

"What?!" Zoe snapped after Arabella's small voiced confession. "Out of all the smart ass stuck ups that were put in that bloody house, you just had to be dating the guy who pushed me off of my broom, broke my arm, and still got me detention when I turned him into a featherless Raven for it?!" Zoe was the best transfiguration student that Rose had ever met, and she couldn't begin to understand why she hadn't chosen that subject in their third year if she was going to keep on studying it. Zoe Flint was such a dynamic person, always moving around making things the best way possible, sometimes way too perfectly for her red-haired roommate's taste. She always found the most creative answers for everything, and if somone got in her way, she would crush them. Rose liked that about her a lot, but it was also the thing that most annoyed her. It's not like she wasn't a perfectionist herself, but sometimes she felt like Zoe went too far.

"Thank you so much for, out of any guy in Hogwarts, literally, you could have had anyone you wanted, but you went with my sworn enemy." The Flint girl went back into the bathroom to finish getting ready for  bed. Bella looked at Rose, in search of some support, but all she found was a stern look.

"You know she's right..." Rose started. "You only could have made a worst choice if you'd gone with Gus, and even you aren't stupid enough to do that, even if they are on the off again part of their relationship." Rose didn't usually take sides when her roommates got into a bit of an argument, she didn't want any of the parties to get mad at her, but Bella literally could have chosen anyone she wanted. She was blonde and taller than either Rose and Zoe, she had the best looking body of the dorm, and a new boyfriend every month or so. It had been like that since she had gotten there from America on their third year. She was beautiful, she truly was, her hair was naturally blonde and had big waves from top to bottom at all times. Her accent wasn't too strong to either side, that being because she'd lived in England until she was five years old and her parents' accents did not go away so she never stopped listening to it and getting it from there. On the other hand, she did live seven years surrounded with American people and their accents, and even though she always talks about how much she hated it there, Bella just couldn't help but

talk like they did. But still, boys thought of her as exotic and most of them would go through a lot to have her notice them.

"I know, I know, but it's not like he's going to stick around for a long time, Rose, I'm just going to have a little bit of fun and then I'll dump him the worst way possible. Promise." Rose shrugged at her promise, her eyes darting back to the book on her legs.

"It's not me that that will bring comfort to, you know." And she did, Bella knew Rose wanted her to say that to Zoe, but her pride would never let her do that. Admit that maybe she was wrong. No, not Arabella Zabini.

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