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"Are you ever going to take us somewhere, Hagrid?" Rose had stayed behind after they had all been dismissed from the Care of Magical Creatures class, and was then helping Hagrid move some things on his yard. "On a field trip, I mean." She leaned against a wooden fence that went around nothing at all but a more grass. She didn't have the nerve to ask that to any other professor, but with Hagrid it was different.

"Who d'ya think added three extra days to your Russia voyage?" He asked with a smile on his face, looking up from his carving to look at her. His eyes traced the woods behind her, but the girl didn't even notice it, she was looking at what he had been working on. Rose had never seen him work so hard and for so long - she had seen him working on it every day for at least three weeks - on something that wasn't supposed to hatch, but she could never figure out what it was, and whenever she asked, he had, very much not subtly, changed the subject. "Anyway, I got to go to the castle, to do... this thing. I'll see you around." And before Rose could even offer to go with him, Hagrid was gone, climbing up the hill.

She would have gone after him, but the piece of wood had just been left there as if to tempt her, and Rose had never been too good at saying no to herself. With one last glance at Hagrid, who was still going towards the castle, she took one small step towards her friend's work space. And then another tentative one. She repeated the process until her hand was close enough to pick it up. It was shapeless. A wave of disappointment washed over her. Rose thought she was going to finally solve the mystery, but it was basically just a wood cylinder the size of her finger. The Slytherin turned it over on her hand. She could have sworn she'd seen more detail on it only a couple of days before.

"You shouldn't touch what's not yours, Rosie..." The voice came from much closer than Rose would ever think someone could sneak up on her without her noticing. It didn't scare her per say, she'd gotten used to being snuck up on. But she did not appreciate being watched.

"Malfoy." She acknowledged him without turning back to look at him. "It's not like I'm going to steal it. I'm just taking a look." She could feel rather than hear him walking closer to her. He was always so quiet and she often wondered how he did it. The boy stopped right next to her, looking in front, never down at her.

"If Hagrid wanted you to take a look, he'd tell you what it is, don't you think?" She could hear the smirk hat was surely plastered on his lips echoing in his voice. When was he not smirking?

"It's not even close to done, though. I have no idea what it is." Rose put it back on it's place and moved to where she'd left her bag on the floor, but it wasn't there anymore. She looked around. Maybe she'd moved it and didn't realize? Hagrid could've put it somewhere else, too. He eyes fell on Scorpius, standing with her satchel on his hand. She rolled her eyes. "Give me it, Malfoy. It's not funny. Give me." Despite her words, it was funny to him. Or maybe it wasn't funny, but he couldn't not smile around her.

"Come get it, Weasley." He defied, cocking his head. She hadn't moved one inch and she doubted even three seconds had passed before he spoke again. "Don't even think about it. Magic is cheating, Rosie, and we both know you like things to be done legitimately." Okay, he might know her well, but that was just too well. Of course she'd thought about magic. But it was one thought in the middle of many, such as how long his hair was and how good that suited him. He knew her all too well for her liking. But she wouldn't give up. Not that easily. Rose knew she'd never get it by force, he was much taller and stronger than her, but maybe her mouth was still bigger than his.

"We're going to be late. And you know we won't get away with it with Professor Vector." Okay, she had a tactic now. Distract him enough to snatch it from under his arm. "And I know you don't care but I will be so crossed with you if I end up in detention once more. Especially it if is because of you." She'd walked closer to him. Not close enough. But she couldn't focus on the task in front of her when he was gazing so intently at her. Without wanting to, her eyes met his, and her cheeks met the color of her hair. How could he always make her flush with only one look? "Plus, we need to be good with the Professors if we want more field trips. Maybe we can get them Christmas presents?" She offered, trying to get him to say something. She was close enough now that she could touch him if she reached out. One last try. She thought when he didn't respond, biting her lip. "Please give me the bag, Malfoy." Rose reached out to try to grab it, but, as always, he moved too fast.

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